Short cycles of test prop and Tren ace


New member
Hello everyone.
I couldn't find a good detailed article on short cycles even for beginners that discuss them in detail. Since I've read they cause less severe effect of HPTA and surely I want to be safe as possible so I came for education. I know they don't give huge results like the 12,14 or even 16 week but I think for someone who doesn't want to get freaky huge they should be just fine, slowly but surely gains. I've read also that if you are bellow you genetic limit you could hold on to most of the gains you made on cycle if you kept nutrition, calories and training on point.

So what do you think of short cycles of test prop and tren ace with good PCT for someone who is still a bit bellow genetic limit. Did anyone try it? What was the keepable gains made? What would you recommend?
Thank you everyone.
yup.. how short? will you be running hcg? how much time in between cycles?
You will still have to pct and allow time for HPTA recovey. What's the difference between 6, 8 or10 weeks?

I have always felt that if you will run a cycle make it worth it. I personally would not run less than 8 weeks followed by 4 week pct and another 8 weeks off at least.

Nutrition is going to be just as important as your cycle both during and after your cycle.

If you don't want to get freaky you could do that without AAS. I did it for 15 years before I used PED's.

Good luck either way brother.