Should Creatine Be Cycled?


New member
I bought some creatine (Creapure? to be exact)

I was wondering if I should just run it with my cycle of Test? And come off of it when I'm done? I don't know if taking it for too long is harmful or will affect my own creatine production?

Anyone who can give me insight into creatine (a relatively new thing to me).
I'm on the other side of the spectrum when it comes to creatine. I do believe that it should be cycled and that the body should have a fiar amount of off time from it.

I like to save the creatine for PCT! makes for a nice little boost when things are coming down!
I'm on the other side of the spectrum when it comes to creatine. I do believe that it should be cycled and that the body should have a fiar amount of off time from it.

I like to save the creatine for PCT! makes for a nice little boost when things are coming down!

Is this just to save it as a 'secret weapon' of sorts? Or is there a biological reason you cycle it too pops?
I bought some creatine (Creapure? to be exact)

I was wondering if I should just run it with my cycle of Test? And come off of it when I'm done? I don't know if taking it for too long is harmful or will affect my own creatine production?

Anyone who can give me insight into creatine (a relatively new thing to me).

Yeah bro no need to cycle. Just drink plenty of water. Add some Bcaa's if you don't already and it will help with recovery.
There is really no biological need to cycle, unless you just want to strategically reserve creatine for PCT for a little extra boost.

It just acts as a phosphate donor in the phosphagen pathway, which is used to supply ATP for immediate energy demands, before glycogenolysis has a chance to break down glycogen to glucose for use in glycoloysis.
4 weeks on, 4 weeks off... just what I do. Has a lot to do with your body's natural production of it and organ function.
I don't cycle it. I take kre-alkalyn 750mg pre and post workout. Less bloat and dehydration than creatine monohdrate.
I normally used pure creatine mono, but was told about APS Creatine nitrate. I was very shocked. I took it for a month and incrase my flat bench by 35lbs and didn't have the bloat effect mono gives me.
I cycle it when I use it. 3 weeks on, 1 week off. Why not, sort of refreshes the system. I dont use it when I am cutting tho. I dont bother using it when I am on a cycle
Isn't 'Kre-Alkalyn' just creatine monohydrate that is pH balanced for minimized gastrointestinal issues?

Nope, it is pH balanced so it will not degrade or convert over to creatinine since the body including the stomach has an acid environment meaning less waste product and more efficient absorption along with less of a dose. I was skeptical at first being that i have used basic monohydrate for the past year or so but within 2 days i have noticed a slight decrease in "bloat" and my muscles are more full. Strength is also up, one bottle lasts me 2 months i'm happy with it. Most people don't realize that when you take 5 grams of basic monohydrate it may not all get to your muscles anyways, it's a flip of a coin and that's your closest bet how much your actually absorbing.
Ok, so I didn't know anything about 'Kre-Alkalyn' but I did find some information similar to what you are saying. The information states that creatinine is a byproduct of creatine phosphate (Phosphocreatine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Also, found that creatine (supplement that we use), is absorbed by the body within 1-2 hours of ingestion (Creatine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).
It is further suggested that creatine 5-20g/day is safe and free from negative side effects, so it would not be necessary to cycle it According to the information in the link

I just ordered some more creatine the other day, so I for one will continue to use it.
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