should one of the best pro wrestlers have to take steroids to be the best?


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So I have been asking myself do I have to take steroids to be one of the best pro wrestlers or to be one of the best wwe wrestlers like for example John Cena I have been really asking myself that for the past few days and I can't really find the answer could I really become one of the best pro wrestlers for the wwe naturally not taking any pro hormones no steroids no human growth hormone no anything just food, vitamins, and fish oil no protein shakes could it be possible?
With amazing insane genetics it is a possibility. But I think just keeping up with the life style they live you would damn near need steroids. Im sure steroids like Decca are a must have for some of these guys to preserve their joints to a degree or simply just take away some of the pain They have in their joints from wrestling all the time. Some of those guys are so big already that you would need steroids just to have enough weight and strength to be able to lift them up or not get hurt. When I really think about it I don't think it could be done without steroids especially considering the marketability of these wrestlers are largely based on how big and strong they are.
Your a 100 percent right mad scientist thank you for helping me clear this up because I have been planning to take steroids starting in September it will be my first time and I am a pro wrestler and I think it's true they are just part of being a pro wrestler cuz I have 6 months of wrestling experience and I got to say it was hard to even workout while wrestling because of how sore I always felt like I was in a car wreck
Just be careful with your useage tho. You still gotta start off slow, first cycle test only with plenty of research under your belt. Dont go loading up on huge doses of test deca and dbols for your first cycle under the impression its necessary for your career. Things like deca may well be necessary eventually just dont hurt yourself or burn out too early on ;)
Thank you Prince yeah my first cycle is going to just be a 24 week blast of test e 500mg per week then test e for 4 weeks then add something into my second cycle after that
Thats a fairly lengthy cycle for a first run... But then again i cant talk, my first was exactly 24weeks too lol. Personally im of the opinion first cycle should be light as possible (500mg @ 12 weeks) just so you can judge recovery. Some people have a REAL rough time through recovery (emotional, depression, fatigue etc.) , and remember the longer time spent on and the higher the dosage will make recovery longer/harder.

That being said my recovery was a total breeze on my first. But you never know how you might go.
I'm going to admit it but I'm 35 years old and still watch wrestling, my wife just loves Is it impossible to be a pro wrestler without gear, I would say no, think about Daniel Bryan he defiantly doesn't look anything like John Cena or the Rock and he's the top WWE pro wrestler right now. It's probably a lot harder road to get there but if you a athletic and word hard anything is possible.
Yeah I'm just going to stay on all year round on test but cycle the other types of steroids so that I stay somewhat healthy but just stay on test all year round to maintain strength and size for wrestling
Yeah I'm just going to stay on all year round on test but cycle the other types of steroids so that I stay somewhat healthy but just stay on test all year round to maintain strength and size for wrestling

Oh jesus. Thats what i was talking about not jumping in too deep too early lol. Obviously your call and alot of dudes do blast and cruise especially for career needs... But remember if you do that its most likely gonna be a decision for life. Once you start blast and cruise theres a VERY good chance you'll have to inject at least twice a week for the rest of your life right up until you die.

And if your gonna do that I'd seriously suggest switching to prescriptionn TRT after a year or teo when you have no hope lf recovery anyway, and let a doctor monitor you from then on. Its not just test levels your affecting by being shutdown. Cruising by yourself can become unbealthy... Unless your gettin regular bloodwork and know what your doing, or at the very least posting it up here n let the boys take a look at it.
I think it depends on timing - the likes of daniel bryan, cm punk and other more "standard" wrestlers got pushed after the chris benoit fiasco.
Same thing happened in 1993 when Vince got caught up in the AAS scandal, so he got rid of the likes of hogan/ultimate warrior and pushed wrestlers like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Once the dust is settled, Vince always goes back to the muscular superhero look (Cena).

To be "the man" in wwe you really need 4 skills: physique, mic skills, in ring skills AND a good character.
I don't think a good physique alone will do it - look at mason ryan (Nxt), the guy could be an IFBB pro but he has no charisma and will probably be released soon.
You have amazing wrestlers who don't have great physiques (Bryan), you have extremely charasmatic wrestlers (Flair) and you have those who are givenfantastic characters (Undertaker & Kane).

I do agree with MS on the "lifestyle" of wrestlers though; even if you don't need AAS to make it, you will need something to help you fight through the pain of being on the road taking bumps 300+ days a year (painkillers, etc).
Steroids won't help you cut a promo. Look at the rock. He wasn't the biggest guy but he was the best on the mic and easily the most successful wrestler of all time.
Steroids won't help you cut a promo. Look at the rock. He wasn't the biggest guy but he was the best on the mic and easily the most successful wrestler of all time.

The guys who made the most money for Vince were Austin & Hogan, so technically the rock isn't the most successful wrestler of all time (the most successful outside of the ring - yes).

Also, he was 6'5 270, not exactly small bro :)
I used to love wresting...then the REAL mma fights became mainstream television.
Just can't go back to rehearsed style male soap opera.
You definitely don't by any means..."need" steroids for this profession.
The guys who made the most money for Vince were Austin & Hogan, so technically the rock isn't the most successful wrestler of all time (the most successful outside of the ring - yes).

Also, he was 6'5 270, not exactly small bro :)

Steve Austin? I knew he was popular, but didn't think he was the "john cena" of yesterday.
Steve Austin? I knew he was popular, but didn't think he was the "john cena" of yesterday.

Steve austin sold more tickets, merchandise, best viewing numbers etc then any superstar in wwe history - not to mention he was the main face of the most successful period in wwe (attitude era).

Lol dude I'm a fan of all of those guys (including cena) but the fact is austin made the most money ever for wwe, followed by hogan.

So if we are judging the greatest wrestler by how much money he made the company (which we should since its basically a soap opera) - Its Austin then Hogan.