Shoulder (Blankart) Sugery... TRT.. Gear for recovery


New member
I need to have a Blankart repair on my right shoulder...

Was wondering if anyone had this surgery and how it went... Also did they use any gear to help recovery... And I'm on TRT, should I get off prior to surgery
i would stay on trt but keep my dosages moderate...

gh would def help recovery.. followed by a diet that supports recovery
As was said above, gh is your best bet. Also maybe some peptides. a GH stack like cjc and mk677 possibly. Also there is a log around here somewhere about tb500 and a shoulder injury and how it helped. Might wanna look into that one as well.
Gear really will not help you to heal though.
TRT mean s ur treating a condition ie --low testosterone.

Would stop ur insulin, ur blood pressure meds for a surgery ? Of course not.
AAS do not heal any injury period. Deca, NPP ease worn joints by assisting the joint s stay more lubed and retain fliud in meniscus and cartiledge.

HGH can assist but it s quite an investment to be truelly beneficial I m o. 4 plus iu s a day f o r e v e least 6 -9 month s.

U need to attend physical therapy post op.
Learn what you can and punch out and do it yourself. It s painfully boring elementary exercise in "healing 101"; but I ve had 2 knee s done, lumbar, shoulder.
I ve rolled out in 1/3 of time recommended as and all the hotties at my 9Jeff) my bone doc s physical rehab center ( he owns it, like a drug dealer owning a drug rehab center) are either married or beefalo s.

He know s I know x 5 what they know and am as patient as a crack head waiting on that dub...

Do not rush it in the gym .
Do not be a pussy.
It s un becoming.
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