Sick on cycle -- how to salvage?

Mr. dB

Angry Old Curmudgeon
Sick on cycle -- how to salvage?
On the first day of week eight of my second cycle, I came down with some kind of stomach flu or virus of some sort. I woke up Wednesday morning feeling kind of rough, somehow managed to choke down my breakfast, and stumbled off to the gym for back day. I was able to do four sets of bent-over BB rows and four sets of cable pull-downs before I had to bail out, starting to feel dizzy and feverish and sweaty.

I wasn't able to eat anything else on Wednesday. Thursday I woke up feeling even worse, my bedding soaked in sweat. I managed to eat a banana. There was no way I could go to the gym for my shoulder day. At work I managed to eat a bowl of cheese dip, and I drank some non-diet Coca Cola just to get SOME calories, even if they were just empty sugar calories. When I got home I drank a protein shake and went to bed. I woke up at 3:00 AM and puked up the protein shake and cheese dip.

Friday -- today -- I woke up in a pool of sweat again, but don't feel as dizzy and feverish. I ate three strips of bacon. Friday arm workout is, of course, postponed.

Prior to getting sick, I had gained fifteen solid pounds on this cycle -- up from 240 to 255, and after a plateau of a few weeks I was starting to close the gap to 260. This morning I weigh 245. Until I can get back to the gym, I won't know how much real damage has been done.

So, how do I salvage this cycle? My present plans are to extend the cycle to make up for the down time. When I've recovered from this virus and can get back to the gym, I'm tempted to add a couple of weeks of d-bol to try to re-gain my losses, is this a good idea?

Oh, here's my original cycle plan:

625 mg/QVenan250/week weeks 1-13
450 mg/QVdeca300/week weeks 1-13
50 mg/Ref-B tabs/day weeks 1-5
50mg/Perutech Winstrol (winny) caps/day weeks 11-15
50mg/proviron/day weeks 1-10

My first injection was Feb 12.

I can extend the schedule for a few weeks, I have no shortage of gear. If I extend the schedule of injectibles from 13 to 15 weeks, then I'll postpone the Winstrol (winny) for an additional two weeks too.

Any ideas or suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks!

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I assume that you are still taking your shots, just not hitting the gym.

My advice would be to obviously get back to the gym as soon as you can and then just see how things progress from there. You should have a week in there before you are scheduled to start the Winstrol (winny), use that time to make up your mind if you want to extend the whole cycle.
StoneColdNTO said:
I assume that you are still taking your shots, just not hitting the gym.

Yeah, although my last injection was Wednesday morning, the first day I felt sick. I was not planning to discontinue the injections, in the hope that elevated test. levels will minimize the catabolism.

My advice would be to obviously get back to the gym as soon as you can and then just see how things progress from there. You should have a week in there before you are scheduled to start the Winstrol (winny), use that time to make up your mind if you want to extend the whole cycle.

That sounds like good advice. Thanks.

I managed to eat some lunch today, but it doesn't feel like it's digesting properly -- five hours later it still feels like it could come up.

Nah, it knocked me out of commission for a few days but I shot through it. I was mainly using long-acting esters at the time anyway so not much was wasted so to speak.
Sorry, bro. That's suckin'.
I agree w/ continuing the test, etc, until you can get back in the gym. You know that a lot of that weight loss is dehydration. This can just be a little bump in the road if you kick this virus(?) quickly. Rest, rest, rest.
Juice Authority said:
Nah, it knocked me out of commission for a few days but I shot through it. I was mainly using long-acting esters at the time anyway so not much was wasted so to speak.

Did your gains from the cycle get back on track too?

buffdoc said:
Sorry, bro. That's suckin'.
I agree w/ continuing the test, etc, until you can get back in the gym. You know that a lot of that weight loss is dehydration. This can just be a little bump in the road if you kick this virus(?) quickly. Rest, rest, rest.

Any thoughts on my idea about jump-starting my recovery with a couple of weeks of d-bol?

Rest is the best way to recover. Keep in mind that Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) do cause negitive effects on the immune system. Thats not to say that you cant recover while staying on. I would stay away from the gym untill you feel 100% better. I know this will be hard to do, and you will feel like you have lost all of your gains but if you want to get better this is the best idea. Its hard for your body to fight off a virus and repair damaged muscle at the same time.
Mr. dB said:
Any thoughts on my idea about jump-starting my recovery with a couple of weeks of d-bol?


Like buffdoc said you get dehydrated when you're sick so the Test offset that. You're best solution is rest for now.
Juice Authority said:
Like buffdoc said you get dehydrated when you're sick so the Test offset that. You're best solution is rest for now.

Yes I understand that. I won't be heading back to the gym until I KNOW I'm ready. I've been getting plenty of rest.

My question about the d-bol wasn't about recovery from the virus, but for after I'm well, to sort of re-energize my cycle.

I'm feeling better today (Friday), at least I got in one whole meal and kept it down. I think the fever broke this aftenoon, 'cause I was sweating like a pig, and now I don't feel dizzy and weak anymore. And most importantly, I'm starving -- I think I'll be able to eat a full breakfast tomorrow morning. So it looks like I'm over the hump anyway.
