slin, test, tren, adrol


New member
I need some advice with my cycle.

25yrs old
Bodyfat: around 14% (i'm ok with anything lower than 16 right now)

This is my 7th cycle, have already used all the compounds here

My plan is something like that:
Weeks 1-18: 750mg test enth
Weeks 1-5: 100mg abomb :flamingma
Weeks 1-6: 12IU of slin post workout + 5IU at lunch
Weeks 5-10: 400mg tren enth

I'ill be using APIDRA, a fast acting slin (onset 15min, peak 30min, duration 3h). my post workout shake taken immediately after the slin shot will consist of:
50g dextrose, 100g maltodextrin, 60g whey, 8g creatine
30min later: 30g dextrose, 70g maltodextrin, 50g whey
1h30min later: a full meal (500g lean red meet and rice).
My plan is to consume around 4000kcal, with 300g of protein.

I have already done a low test high tren cycle in the past. This is my firts high test low tren. Do you have any inputs on the correct time to start with the tren? Any thoughts on my slin protocol (the shakes) ?
I’m thinking about entering blast and cruise mode for 2 years as my cycles and PCTs are getting too long. What exactly are the disadvantages of this, besides a stronger HPG axis inhibition?
No disrespect but..

Are you competing for cash ?

I ask as I m an old man now and so wish I had NOT done what i did when your age...for some plastic stuff I threw away 10 yr s ago....

Slin ? No clue..w tren and a bomb

You sound like a big ole boy as is...

I wish you luck...and good health.
slin can ruin you!hopefully you are a pro!you know what you are doing.
newbie here...

let more advanced members chime in.
tren enanthate for only 5 wks? that's makes no sense at all bro, it take 4 weeks to kick in... and I don't even know where to start when it comes to the slin etc...

as for diet... if u are 250lbs u gotta be putting in a shit load more than 300grams of protein if u are thinking of improving your physique. I'm 5'10, nearly 250 myself and have to eat 350-400gr of protein just to maintain what I have ;)
I’m not a pro nor plan on competing. I don`t think i`m risking my health that much. I do blood tests twice per year, all normal when not cycling. I never had any strong side effects, never felt any closer to sleeping with the slin or anything. I believe, when used properly, slin have almost zero sides, used improperly, yes it can kill you.
I`m thinking about using the tren for 6 weeks, although I`ve used for 4 and seen the effects of it. It`s just that tren is very expensive with my source, hence the cheapness.
And please, China_Wall, if you have any smart thing to say about the slin on my cycle, do it.