Small guys at the gym (rant)

I don't care if someone is small, everyone has to start somewhere. What pisses me off is the skinny tools that think they are big and wear their skin tight Under Armor strutting around the gym. I think it was Arnold that said " the guys just starting to get muscle are the ones that want to show it off."
^^ Tis true. They(we) are happy to see ourselves actually growing. Its a pretty amazing feeling to go from skinny to all of a sudden starting to put on mass. I went from 135lbs to 160 in a matter of a few months. Its hard not to walk around staring at myself in the mirror.
^^ Tis true. They(we) are happy to see ourselves actually growing. Its a pretty amazing feeling to go from skinny to all of a sudden starting to put on mass. I went from 135lbs to 160 in a matter of a few months. Its hard not to walk around staring at myself in the mirror.

Its even more fun to wear loose clothes, and make people wonder.
I don't care if someone is small, everyone has to start somewhere. What pisses me off is the skinny tools that think they are big and wear their skin tight Under Armor strutting around the gym. I think it was Arnold that said " the guys just starting to get muscle are the ones that want to show it off."

Ain't that quote the truth. Being a former small guy myself, I cant stand the guys that think they're hot shit because they workout everyday. Some of these guys are the same size they were when I started working out a few years ago but they walk around like they own the gym. I get dirty looks from these guys all the time because I went from 5' 5" 140lbs and 16-18% BF to 170lbs and 11-13%BF in about 6 months. I haven't juiced yet but can't wait to see the look on their faces once I'm on my first cycle!!
Not gonna lie a little guilty of this one. When I first started to work out being 6 foot tall and 130 lbs and this woman who had obviously worked out for a long time was curling 30s and I was curling 25s. My ego just kicked in and I went to 35 pound dumbbells. Did that make my workout better? no. Did she care at all? no. Did I know my form was completely off when doing it? yes but my ego said otherwise. Not my proudest moment.
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Try being a girl and you can lift more then some of the guys... How do you think I feel when skinny guys look at me ... Fucking tools!

Or guys period, or fat bitches and twig bitches...

Not gonna lie a little guilty of this one. When I first started to work out being 6 foot tall and 130 lbs and this woman who had obviously worked out for a long time was curling 30s and I was curling 25s. My ego just kicked in and I went to 35 pound dumbbells. Did that make my workout better? no. Did she care at all? no. Did I know my form was completely off when doing it? yes but my ego said otherwise. Not my proudest moment.
What I hate are the guys that walk around wearing shirts 2x smaller than they should be to make it look like they are busting out of their clothes and then walk with the arms way out to their sides and can't walk past a mirror without checking themselves out. I'm bigger than most of the guys in my gym and I don't have 1/2 the confidence some of these small skinny dudes have.
funny story about this...

I've always been a grunter/noise maker when I lift, ofcourse, it's not on purpose it just psyches me up and gets me going. Back when i started and barely OHP 65 or deadlifted 155 people always came by and told me to be quiet and learn how to properly lift. Everytime at the gym I just got obnoxious looks from people. Now that I've gotten bigger than the average joe (upper 500 DL with lower 200s OHP) people never seem to say anything. I've had people come by and ask me how I've gotten where I am, and these would be the same people giving me death stares. And all of a sudden I got steroid accusations as well, which I don't use... yet
My pet peeve is a douche bag who has straps on all work out and goes retard heavy on everything, uses poorest form possible, does at least 20 sets per body part and never gets hurt. Ex. On hammer strength preacher curl he does 135 for sets of 3. I have never seen him do reps over 6 on anything and after watching him for almost 3 months he hasn't grown at all. It's wrong but I hope he gets hurt before some noob comes in trying to emulate him and hurts themselves badly.
i get a lot of looks. there's a few people that know iv'e taken stuff, but that doesn't bother me. regardless, the people who don't know me, i hear whispers from time to time of "look at that guy", "you believe this?". regardless, how many stares i get, especially, a week ago when i was getting my set ready of shrugging 490lbs , YES, 490LB!!! x 10 CLEAN. its so funny, because each side can hold a maximum of 5 plates. there's also a little bottom bar where you can add some more, so i throw on 4 10's , 2 on each side to equal 490. i get ready , get focused, and i could have sworn that i heard someone say "fail or akward gym moments" or some stupid shit like that. well, once i went down and i actually picked that muthafucking weight up, all you heard was crickets. a lot of poeple pretty much stfu when they see me what i can do.