small potatoes


New member
Hi guys, I realise this is quite a common problem but haven't found any helpful information anywhere so here i am. Almost 3 years ago i (foolishly) did a 20 week cycle of dianabol (blue hearts) taking about 3-5 a day, with absolutely no knowledge or research with what i was dealing with, so obviously no pct! I've had small balls since, but recently had my test checked and its absolutely fine. So im wondering if someone could help me as they're still small and my libido isn't great. Im 25 years old and was thinking maybe i need nolva or clomid. Any help appreciated, thanks people :)
3 years and you're not recovered from a 20 week cycle? Sorry bro but this might just be in your head. post cycle therapy (pct) speeds up recovery, but you'll still get better without it.
Trust me its not in my head they're like Brazil nuts... Maybe that's tmi. So would clomid help and how much should i have and for how long? Thanks for the help :)
you might want to look in the direction of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to help them guys get back to normal, it's what you use for this problem when your on cycle but not sure how much it will work 3 years later!
Thanks again for the replys. Is there anyway the doctor could help me out? I mean I've already tried and he really didn't seem to bothered as my test levels were fine. So hcg how much will i need and for how long? Im about 180lbs. Also are there any alternatives? Thanks again guys its really is appreciated :)
Blast with 1000iu ed for 10 days
The do a clomid post cycle therapy (pct) as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can cause some shut down
I would recommend going to the doc and tell him your problem. Your body is not a car you can play backyard mechanic with.