Snake's First Cycle

Snake I just realized you moved your start date to Jan 2. Looks like we'll be starting our first cycles around the same time. I'll be running 12 weeks of 600 mg test e, also with a 4 week dbol kicker, and then DES/LR3 the middle 4 weeks and during PCT. It will be cool to compare logs - like the onset of strength increases, etc.

I will be starting about a week after you - Jan 8.
Snake I just realized you moved your start date to Jan 2. Looks like we'll be starting our first cycles around the same time. I'll be running 12 weeks of 600 mg test e, also with a 4 week dbol kicker, and then DES/LR3 the middle 4 weeks and during PCT. It will be cool to compare logs - like the onset of strength increases, etc.

I will be starting about a week after you - Jan 8.

yeah it looks like the only real difference is the dosage and that i wont be running the lr3 until pct. Should be a good winter for both of us.
yeah it looks like the only real difference is the dosage and that i wont be running the lr3 until pct. Should be a good winter for both of us.

Here's hoping for a good winter!

I'm still not sure when I'll dose the LR3 - maybe wait until PCT also...have some coming from Osta, from the signature promo...don't know how much they'll send, but I'm guessing 1 mg.
Lr3 works very well in post cycle therapy (pct) but it's also great addition to the cycle. I like to run it on cycle and in post cycle therapy (pct).

When you come off and start to post cycle therapy (pct), you can start to feel flat, and lose all the pump you had. Igf can help with that and you continue to feel like you are making progress, plus it's helping to shuttle nutrients.
Lr3 works very well in post cycle therapy (pct) but it's also great addition to the cycle. I like to run it on cycle and in post cycle therapy (pct).

When you come off and start to post cycle therapy (pct), you can start to feel flat, and lose all the pump you had. Igf can help with that and you continue to feel like you are making progress, plus it's helping to shuttle nutrients.

user, we need to give you a sticky write up in the peptide forum on IGF.
I figured Id drop in with an update.

As I stated a few days ago Ive decided to wait until January 2nd to start. I had my brothers wedding over the weekend and wanted to toss a few back without worry about my liver. I figure ill do the same for new years as my last hoorah...Im not a big drinker by any means but Im cutting it completely out for this cycle and likely most of 2012.

Im still running the IGF at 50mcgs bilaterally and still getting good pumps. I cant attribute it to any weight or strength gains but it makes me feel a little more pumped up after my workouts and gives me a slight motivational boost. could just be in my head.

my weight is floating in-between 230-235 and has been as high as 237 since kicking up my calories and dropping cardio. its not as clean as Id like but it happens. itd be great if this cycle gets me to a half way clean 245-250...i think if i get much bigger than that I will have put on more fat than desired.
Ive decided starting today to up the DES up to 100mcg. I just want to finish off what I have mixed by xmas...ill be back home with the fam for a few days and dont really want to be hauling around a vial and slin pins with me...they are already pretty suspicous of what I do so I dont need to give them hard evidence. i should have about 10 days worth left so it will work out perfect. Im hitting back and bis tonight and will inject into my bis, im hoping for some intense pumps.
I used the DES at 100mcg tonight and it took about 10 pull ups to get a full pump...the rest of the night made my entire arms uncomfortably tight...I liked it.
Pinned 100mcg in my calves this morning...its a bit of a sensitive spot that I probably wont do again. I got good pumps from it though.

I actually had to look through my log book to see the last time I had done legs and it was almost a month ago :( However, I was actually lifting more than i was a month ago which is rare for me to do with so much time off. I was able to squat 405 a couple times today after doing my 5x5 workout. Havent even tried doing that much in a long time. It's not near what I used to do but hopefully my cycle will get me back around 500.
Yeah it's kind of weird pinning calves...but I love the pump I get in them! Good job on the legs...why so long off?
I was out of town for thanksgiving and didnt get legs in before I left. Then I went to boston for a week. Then I had my bro's wedding, so I had to travel out of town again for a few days. All of that is another reason why I put my cycle off for a few weeks, its a busy time of year.

Im not terribly worried about my legs lacking behind, they grow faster than the rest of my body...its kind of annoying. It makes buying jeans a real pain in the ass. I can rarely find jeans that fit good around my thighs and still fit in the waist.
Dude I'm having the same problem lately - I'm basically growing out of all my damn clothes, and jeans are especially a pain. Jeans that were normal fitting now feel like skinny jeans around my quads (and I feel like I'm waddling when I wear them lol). Kind of sucks - didn't factor in the cost of new clothes when I was planning everything out haha.

You're lucky to have legs that just grow like that! I don't know why pinning in the calf muscle is so weird - maybe all of the nerves running through that area? I'm sure there's also a lot of innervation of the muscle, since it gets used so much.
Im already planning on getting a couple new pairs of jeans here shortly...the ones i have are already tighter since i stopped running and they will look like tights once i start my cycle.

i hate shopping for clothes...nothing ever fits like i want it to other than t shirts and sweats. Usually dress shirts are the biggest pain, even the "fitted" ones dont fit. i usually have to take them and get the sides taken in. if it fits good around my shoulders, chest, and arms its usually way to baggy around the waist or is too long. fortuntely i have a job where i can wear t shirts and hoodies.
quick update. Not much new with the IGF at 100mcg. still good pumps and fullness. I dont know if I can credit any strength gains to it but I was finally able to push 315 on incline again and 365 on bench. These are around the weights I typically get stuck at naturally (prohormones pushed me to 345 and 405 respectively) so I think my cycle will be well timed to give me a boost from a fairly high point. Id hate to spend half of my cycle just getting back to this point, so Im glad I decided to kick up the calories and bulk a little prior to starting.
Day 2

I took 10mg of dbol before my back workout this morning. Again, nothing really to report other than Im unusually tired. I struggled getting out of bed. My workout was good but after that I just felt like i needed more sleep. I struggled staying awake yesterday too. I dont know if that's the dbol or just coincidence.

Im going to start putting in my workouts in this log so I can refer back to starting strength.

Yesterday was chest:

DB Bench
100'sx8, 110x8, 125x7 - 125 is the heaviest db's my gym has.

BB Incline
225x5, 245x5, 255x5, 265x5, 275x5

Body Weight(BW) x20 x 2 sets

Pec deck
170x8, 180x8, 190x8, 200x6

I wanted to get some bb bench in too but the gym was so packed with all of the new years go getters that I couldnt get on a flat bench before I needed to head out.

Today was back

Barbell row
205x5, 215x5, 225x5, 235x5, 245x5

Chin ups
Body weight(BW) x 8 x 3 sets

Smith machine shrug
245x10, 265x10, 285x10

Close grip low row
240x8, 260x8 - 260 is the heaviest this machine goes.

Lat Pull
200x8, 220x8

DB Shrug
100x10, 110x10
day 3

so last night/today my gyno paranoia set in. It seems odd to me that it would set in after only 3 days. Ive actually only been taking 30mg of dbol after I recounted what I had available and Ive been doing .5mg of RUI liquidex eod.

Anyway, the reason im slightly worried is because my left nipple is a little sore and it feels a little swollen under the nipple. I cant grab a little ball or anything but something that runs under the nipple is sensitive to the touch...not the actually nipple itself. The usual symptoms arent there though. In the past the nipple it self gets really sensitive and burns a little bit and they get a really soft look to them. this I dont feel at all unless i push against my nipple and they look normal. it feels like pushing on a bruise as far as what the pain is like...not bad but it's definitely there. I had something similar to this happen when I was on a tren/hdrol prohormone cycle a few years back. That came after 5 weeks though, not 2 days. It cleared up quickly in post cycle.

so this morning i took 20mg of nolva along with .5mg of prescription adex i have. I havent hopped off the dbol just yet as I want to see what the nolva and real adex do. I figure if it hasnt cleared up by Friday or appears to get worse Ill drop the dbol.

other than that I feel a little tired all the time except in the gym
Day 4

Today was a pretty good day...Im starting to notice some bloat. The pain under my nipple is still there but it doesnt appear any worse. Again, none of the other gyno symptoms are there so Im not sure what the deal is.

Yesterday was leg day:

315x5, 335x5, 345x5, 355x5, 365x5

105x8x3 sets

190x10, 200x10, 210x10

Seated calf raises
225x15, 235x15, 260x15

Today was shoulders

DB Press
85x5, 90x5, 95x5, 100x5, 105x4

Arnold Press
65x8, 70x8

Smith Shrug
265x10, 285x10, 295x10

Side raise
30x10, 35x10, 40x10

Front Raise
45x10, 50x10, 55x10

Reverse Raise
30x12, 35x10, 40x10

Second injection is tonight. I think im going to go for the delt tonight.