Snake's First Cycle

Solid Snake

Getting Big the Ology Way
I would first like to thank all the members who have contributed to the board in general, and to all of those who have answered all the questions I have asked in my years of research on AAS.

With that said, I wanted to start a log of my first run with AAS. Now I wont be starting until mid-December but I intend to start IGF-DES next week and wanted to include that as part of my log.

Cycle is as planned:

Week 1-4: Dbol 40mg
Week 1-12: Test C 400mg
Week 1-14: Arimidex .25-.5 eod or as needed
Week 15-18: Clomid 50mg/Nolva 40/40/20/20.
Considering adding aromasin to post cycle therapy (pct) as well.
HCG - 500 iu/day for a 10 day blast starting the day after last injection

Other supplements include BCAAs, creatine, glutamine, multi, and fish oils

As I mentioned I am starting IGF-DES next week and that will overlap into my first week of the cycle. Assuming that goes well I intend to use it again in weeks 6-10 and possibly a DES/LR3 combo starting in week 16.

Stats and Bio
6'3'', 230-235lbs, 26 years old. BF is probably in the 12% range now that I stopped almost all cardio 2 months ago. At my heaviest I've been 250 but probably 15% or more bodyfat. Due to lack of diet I had a hard time keeping that weight and always tend to fall back around 225-235. Ill try to post some pics and measurements later on. The only ones I know off the top of my head are my arms which are 17.5 inches and my waist is 33.5 inches.

Ive been weight training seriously for a little over 5 years. Ive been involved in athletics and weight training since junior high. I played football and basketball in high school and even played basketball for a small college for a couple of years. That's when I started taking lifting more serious which ultimately destroyed my shot and the end of my basketball career.

Ive done numerous prohormone cycles in the past so Im not new to the idea of cycling and post cycling and the risks involved. I know what the onset of gyno feels like and Im fully prepared to fight it if need be. I havent had any problems with gyno issues since my very first cycle in which I new absolutely nothing about what I was doing. Ever since then I have always been more than ready with AIs and SERMs.

My trainig mostly consist of heavy compound lifts. Nothing fancy about what I usually do. Ive been on a 5x5 routine for the last few weeks and have been making good gains. I was cutting most of the summer and lost a lot of strength so Im finally getting back to where I was prior to the cut. Anyway, I plan on sticking with this 5x5 at least until I finish the dbol. After that i might look into a different routine.


I dont really have a desired number of pounds I want to gain. Ill be happy with whatever I get. I know it depends on my diet so Im the master of my own destiny. I suppose Im leaning towards a lean bulk. I dont want a ton of fat to try to cut off but i know some is going to come. My ultimate long term goal is to be 250 at 8-10% bf.

Im hoping to add some good strength from this cycle. I consider myself pretty strong in most lifts but Im not a powerlifter by any means. PR in bench is 405 and at my best I was squatting around 500. My squat has tanked over the last year because I thought it would be cool to run a half marathon last spring. While it was a good experience, I stopped squatting entirely for about 3 months and ever since I started doing it again I get a terrible pain in my upper leg, even squatting down without weight. So doing squat has been very inconsistent the last few months but Im starting to get back into it. Ive never been a heavy deadlifter. I know ive done over 400 but I dont recall a PR. I dont do it consistantly enough to make great gains in it.

I log every workout in a notebook and plan to put that all into this log.


Protein will be high and mostly comes from chicken, turkey, eggs, and a few shakes here and there if I cant get to real food. Fats come from PB, almonds, and I cook in evoo. Carbs come from oats, brown rice, ezekiel bread and waxy maize for the most part. I havent figured up all my cals yet and Im trying to incorporate more carbs since coming off my cut which on most days was around 150 grams of carbs. Ive kind of lost a craving for carbs so eating a lot of them is a struggle sometimes.

Ill try to put in a daily intake later on.

So I think I covered everything I wanted to touch on. Im open to all advice and criticism.

Thanks again everyone.
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Very nice Solid Snake!

I have absolutely nothing to add to this except that I look forward to your progress! And you know generally I'm a long winded old bastard :p
Very nice Solid Snake!

I have absolutely nothing to add to this except that I look forward to your progress! And you know generally I'm a long winded old bastard :p

thanks Zeek. I hope I enjoy the IGF as much as you currently are.
I grabbed some pics from this summer just to give everyone an a little softer now due to the lack of cardio and increase in carbs. As you will be able to tell my traps definitely lack behind...i plan to hit them very hard during this cycle.
first cycle should be test only, but i do gotta say cycle looks solid, and looks like u really took your time and did good research. good luck bro.
Looks Clean and see you took the time to put in work to me, throw a few lbs of lean beef in that diet if your looking to gain mass
Is the amount of test a bit low? I'm just asking because from what I have seen Peeps usually go between 500-600mg of test.
It's lower than most you see but the test is dosed at 200mg/ml so it's just an easy dose to use. I'm hoping that this goes well and I can run 600mg/week on my next cycle.
So Ive used the DES the last two days. I did 40mcg the first day and 50mcg today. I didnt really notice insane pumps during my workout but I have noticed that my arms still feel pretty pumped 1.5 hours afterwards. My shoulders felt the same way yesterday.

I plan on running it at 50mcg bilaterally (25mcg each side) for this first run and will likely bump it up my next time around. I dont really seem to notice much of a burn from the AA so I doubt I will ever backload it with bac water.
So Ive used the DES the last two days. I did 40mcg the first day and 50mcg today. I didnt really notice insane pumps during my workout but I have noticed that my arms still feel pretty pumped 1.5 hours afterwards. My shoulders felt the same way yesterday.

I plan on running it at 50mcg bilaterally (25mcg each side) for this first run and will likely bump it up my next time around. I dont really seem to notice much of a burn from the AA so I doubt I will ever backload it with bac water.

Keep us updated on this brother. I plan on using this in the near future. Good luck with your cycle!
very nice bro,, let me know how you like the dbol i never used an oral before thinking about it next cycle.
I missed this mornings workout because my dog got really sick last night and I had to take him to the vet before work...I'm sure this trip will cost me over $500. Anyway, I'm planning on chest tomorrow and pinning 50mcg of the des. I usually get a good pump in my chest so im excited for this workout. In other news I'm trying to get back into cardio...nothing too intense, 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week. I got some new under armour tights so I can run outside...the treadmill drives me crazy. I'm adding the cardio in an effort to keep the weight a little cleaner and leaner. I also enjoy running outside, gives me time to clear my head.
I don't have a big issue with the AA burn either snake. It's there but no big deal. I ran out of DES and already missing it. As you know I was running 100mcg bi lat.

I've had strep throat for the last week and while my workouts and meals have been infrequent I've lost no weight.
Hope the dog's okay brother - looking forward to watching this cycle.

thanks man. I talked with the vet this morning and she thinks it was his Addison's disease acting up. Gave him some doggy steroids and hes back to normal, $450 later...could have been worse. I thought he had swallowed a bone and that they were going to have to cut him open.
I don't have a big issue with the AA burn either snake. It's there but no big deal. I ran out of DES and already missing it. As you know I was running 100mcg bi lat.

I've had strep throat for the last week and while my workouts and meals have been infrequent I've lost no weight.

I really want to up the dose but I think Im just going to stick to this dose for my first time through. I picked up some more DES during GWP's 25% off sale so I'll have enough to go up to 100mcg the next time I run it. I think in my PCT Im going to run 50mcg of DES pre and 50mcg of Lr3 an hour post. As far as the burn I notice its a little worse when I pin sub q. It's bearable but stings slightly more than the IM.

I just found out i have to go to boston next week for work so ill have to hop off for a few days. Im not going to risk preloading pins and packing them in my bag. Ill just hop back on for the remainder of the vial and take a 4 week break.

I hate having to travel when cycling something. I usually try to work around it but this just got sprung on me. The hotel has a half-ass gym but its better than nothing.