So far so good. Test E

NEW UPDATE, currently on test E by geneza now.. 500mg ew split into two shots tues morn and fri morn. it's insane how i can feel and tell the quality difference between geneza and that atlas crap. bench is up big time, over all sense of gangsterness is also way up lol. extreme pumps in the gym, muscles are growing faster and am able to get more out the workout, skin is tightening. very pleased with geneza, also noticing body fat % is dropping O_o. started at 188 now sitting at 201 solid. still have alot more geneza to go through (this is a 20 week cycle first 10w was 400mg atlas next ten weeks is 500mg geneza)

Glad to hear! I'm picking up some GP test shortly for an upcoming cycle. I hear nothing but great things about it.