So How Much Can You Bench Press?

I read this earlier and shook my head. Why would anybody do a rep of 49? It probably has more negative effects then positive.


Youve obviously never played sports. Im sure he was simply being tested to see how many times he could press 225. For example, they use the 225 test at the NFL combines to evaluate potential players. I doubt he makes a habit of doing 49 rep sets.

yea I'dd have to dissagree with it being the #1 chest exercise. i'm no expert on the physics of the human body, but watch any of the modern pro body builers dvd's and almost none of them do flat barbell bench press. personally I'dd prefer a DB over a BB any day.
Remember i'm talkin in a strictly bodybuilding sense, it may be the best chest exercise for ovarall strength and sports, but not for body building.

BB bench is commonly referred to as a vanity exercise. One so you can simply brag about your numbers.

I agree with you, DB's are far superior from a Bodybuilding standpoint.
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Im 20 6ft 190 pounds i can bench 310! only done a cycle of just Deca would never do that again. im on my 2nd cycle now!
22, 190Lb. 1 rep max 380Lb no shirt. Why do so many people ask how much others can bench. Bench is only a small part of strenth anyway.
I would be more impressed with how much somebody can Squat.

For me, the Chest and Arms are what I refer to as "show me" muscles. They are the most visible while clothed and what people will look at the most. For people who don't understand weight lifting or have too big of egos, they want to know what you can Bench; like that is the end all be all exercise. While I like the bench and have been proud when I was younger in my late 20's, early 30's; at 40 I am just happy to be able to continue lifting. What goes up has to come down ... so enjoy your time in the sun while it lasts.
yea I'dd have to dissagree with it being the #1 chest exercise. i'm no expert on the physics of the human body, but watch any of the modern pro body builers dvd's and almost none of them do flat barbell bench press. personally I'dd prefer a DB over a BB any day.
Remember i'm talkin in a strictly bodybuilding sense, it may be the best chest exercise for ovarall strength and sports, but not for body building.

Missed this; I sit on the fence. For body building I would use dumbbells as can get a better range of motion and are using more stabilizer muscles. However the flat bench hits the chest the most for any exercise so for general lifting or for performance I may go this way.
I'd like to see if anyone can bench 155 for multiple times....not just one you losers.

Benching over 200 is no big deal for a couple reps idiots.

I bet half of you can't bench 155 for over 30reps. I CAN.

i dont want to insult you i much rep you do with 155

20 or 30rep i dont call that strong i called that resistance. we measure strenght with a 1mr (maximum weight for 1 rep) 2 or 3 rep is good whit some calculation

after 10 rep is not strenght is resistance
wath a say on the other post is pointless. because some one whit better english than me had explain earlier ok keep working out and good work
335x3 at 195lbs you should b able to at the least, do your own body weight befor you touch steroids. really man give it time and train like a beast! these guys are busting balls cause u are saying off the wall shit. get educated and most of all you have to know what your doing in the gym so u dont hurt yourself. make a goal. what are your stats? maybe we can help u set a reasonable goal to get to without steroids. then u would have a great base to start with. i benched 255 before i took any steroids and i weighed about 170 with no fat on 5'8"
Agreed, don't look to steroids until you have hit an unsurpassable plateau. While I know everybody is different with how they look, how they develop and how much they can lift, at 5'8.5" and 204 lbs at the age of 33 (over 7 years ago) I was lifting 2 x 332 lbs cleanly and would have continued to make gains if I hadn't joined in martial arts and continued just with lifting.

Finding the right lifts, the intensity you work at, what you do during your workout, what you EAT, how much rest you get, how much water you intake and so many other factors will play an important role in your development.
I bench on my 1rm a mere 210lbs

I am 180lb; 32 yrs; just started again after a 10 month involuntary downtime due to several nasty juice ever.

If you want a good laugh I can post what I squat and deadlift: squad 1rm=160lb (!!) and deadlift is 1rm=230lb (!!). My knee was busted (again 6th time that my kneecap moved up my quads); I had three dislocated vertibrae; and a wrist bone that was dislocated.

The only thing that worries me is that I want to keep training in a safe and healthy fashion...I am not concerned with the weights...I am only concerned with growth, recovery and above all the feeling I get when I am training.

I understand that if I want to grow more or better I should not use a barbell but dumbbells in come?
haven't yo been to a gym, and seen people pressing two or even 3 plates?(45's on each side)MULTIPLE TIMES? 155 is a good start for someone who weighs around 170, but absolutely nothing to be proud of

Lol, when I was 119lbs in highschool I lifted more than that....... I was skinny as hell.

My best was 300 (1rep)@ 160#'s
Not good enough though. but I hit my original goal