Solvents such as Ba with Test Prop


Competing Bodybuilder
I've just went through my 5th syno conversion into test prop. I"ve got my crystals/powder already extracted and virtually all estrogen possible has been removed. I've had all my supplies for weeks trying to plan it out where it all came in at the right time. Everything came in quickly, except my Benzyl Alcohol. I'm still waiting on the stuff, with everything else prepared so I can just add my BA to my oil, add my desired weight of propionate, heat and be ready to go. I'm really sick of waiting on it, so my question is- After researching extensively throughout the net, I've searched for substitutes for the BA so I can prepare a small amt. for injection until my BA arrives. I've read that ethanol and glycerine would serve basically the same purpose as the BA, by preserving and serving as a solvent. There are a few other chemicals i found to do the same, but they have to be ordered just like the BA. I know about BB which I can't buy locally either. Used as a 5-10% concentration, would glycerine/glycerol or ethanol really serve this purpose. I just want to be 100% sure it will, won't hurt or kill me, and serve it's purpose. I know it can burn extremely in high doses but I don't think 1 part of either of these compared to 9 parts oil will be a big burn. Any feedback or discussion on this subject appreciated, as it's not hardly discussed anywhere.
Yeah I see where you're coming from. I waited again today and it didn't come in, and I"ve tried being patient as possible. Aggrivated. I"m gonna go ahead and try using 5 to 10% ethyl alcohol as my solvent for just one dose I will make up later. If anything I'm just expecting a little burn. I will post how it goes.
I tried several different ratios with the ethyl alcohol / ethanol. It either seperates from the oil completely when heated, or seems to turn the oil into a gel like substance. Another week later and I'm still waiting on my BA. Getting really pissed about it. I know it was labor day a couple of weeks ago, but 3 weeks waiting on anything shipped within the U.S. is ridiculous. I'm still trying different things, without mixing my powder in just to see how it reacts. Nothing has seemed to work so far. Unbelievable you can't purchase anything to use as a solvent for oil without ordering it and waiting weeks upon weeks.
Can anyone recommend any companies that carry BA and BB that is guaranteed to ship quickly. I've checked into **************.net and theyre located in florida, ship UPS only and from florida to my region is supposed to be only 2 days in delivery time, but it all depends on when they ship. Anyone know of anyone who can get it there quickly to the TN region of the country??
1) I really hope you don't end up trying to use anything besides BA, which is not a solvent BTW but is used to keep the solution from growing bacteria. You HAVE to use BB too, because prop is not going to stay in solution otherwise (unless you're using EO). I'm a bit concerned to be honest - the way you're talking I feel as if you might not be completely informed as to how to properly prepare this stuff, and what could happen if you don't prepare this properly.

2) research supply is definitely the best place to get what you need. If you order it tonight (sunday) it will be on your doorstep by Wednesday at the latest.
1) I really hope you don't end up trying to use anything besides BA, which is not a solvent BTW but is used to keep the solution from growing bacteria. You HAVE to use BB too, because prop is not going to stay in solution otherwise (unless you're using EO). I'm a bit concerned to be honest - the way you're talking I feel as if you might not be completely informed as to how to properly prepare this stuff, and what could happen if you don't prepare this properly.

2) research supply is definitely the best place to get what you need. If you order it tonight (sunday) it will be on your doorstep by Wednesday at the latest.

This is good advise from Disco hornet. No disrespect bro but it doesn't sound like you have your chemistry understanding of all this down. You definately have to have BB and in Prop I wouldn't use it in any ratio less than 18%. The gear will actually hold w/out BA but you run a very high risk of bacteria growth. If I'm understanding correctly that you aren't using BB then you are getting those results because of this. Your heating needs to be down as well as the steps in which you mix your solvents cosolvents and oils.

PM me when you get your 50 posts bro.
I'm a chemistry major, just completed my 3rd year and about finished. I experiment with alot of different things. There's always a "completely by the book" method and there's always different methods for everything to arrive at the exact same destination. I'm not stupid enough to dump 8,10, 20 g of powder, or even 1g for that matter, in with something I don't completely know about. If a solvent mixes with the oil and makes the oil less dense, you can get a pretty good idea whether the substance has a chance or not. Ethyl alcohol, ethanol is used in several different medicinal applications in the same manner. No, it didn't work and neither would it even solubilize with the oil, and I finally received my BA, then my BB and my filters the next day. Nothing was wasted but time, so it's no big deal. I appreciate your concern though.
I make sure i thoroughlly research anything I do, though. Although I can say it seems like, I've personally learned so many tips from actually doing the conversion myself that I never learned from reading and reading and researching. I've probably learned half from research and half from personal experience, but the things I'm speaking of you cant really tell someone how to do beforehand and them have a great deal of success with it. Experience, in my book, will always be the best teacher there is. Not to disregard research though, it is very important itself.
1) I really hope you don't end up trying to use anything besides BA, which is not a solvent BTW but is used to keep the solution from growing bacteria. You HAVE to use BB too, because prop is not going to stay in solution otherwise (unless you're using EO). I'm a bit concerned to be honest - the way you're talking I feel as if you might not be completely informed as to how to properly prepare this stuff, and what could happen if you don't prepare this properly.

2) research supply is definitely the best place to get what you need. If you order it tonight (sunday) it will be on your doorstep by Wednesday at the latest.

Research SUpply is pretty quick on their shipments though?? That's who I've been looking at for the next time I order any supplies. I've got a buddy who uses FFarm and they do ship super quickly (Order Sat and get on Mon. Evening!). But I kinda feel like the company name itself kinda implies what you're doing somewhat, to the people you really don't want finding out. THey are fairly expensive as well, I thought. Compared to research supply, everything seemed to have been marked up 250%. I just wanted to make sure they were quick with their processing time though. Their page says sometimes they can't get the order out of the factory for 4 to 5 days and that kind've worried me.
Research SUpply is pretty quick on their shipments though?? That's who I've been looking at for the next time I order any supplies. I've got a buddy who uses FFarm and they do ship super quickly (Order Sat and get on Mon. Evening!). But I kinda feel like the company name itself kinda implies what you're doing somewhat, to the people you really don't want finding out. THey are fairly expensive as well, I thought. Compared to research supply, everything seemed to have been marked up 250%. I just wanted to make sure they were quick with their processing time though. Their page says sometimes they can't get the order out of the factory for 4 to 5 days and that kind've worried me.

Where did you receive your degree from bro? I received mine from LMU where Chemistry was my minor. I completed OC I and II along with Chem I and II as well as BioChem I and II with outstanding fashion. I'm not a major but understanding Chemistry is of major importance to my degree and field. Organic Chem. taught me alot that pertains to this discussion and for the sake of over extended reply to this thread you might want to get your Organic Chem book back out and go over the chapter dealing with solutes and insolubles and the properties therein.
Know that Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) contains water, this presence of water attached to the molecule inables it to be completely soluble with an oil of this nature. This is a strong bond with the simple structure of ethanol, however Benzyl alcohols water affinity is weak and suceptible to attack. The benzene ring structure attached to the alcohol causes the water binding to be much less than with the simpler stronger water binding of ethanol, therefore when you add minimal heat to benzyl alcohol the water detaches from the molecule allowing solubility with the oil and a mixture occurs. But the ability to make ethanol anhydrous is very difficult and would destroy your hormones molecular structure to accomplish it. Once your mixture would be complete (say if you combined under a vacuum source) the water binding affinity for the ethanol is still too strong and will rip the hormone away from it's attachment with the hormone and oil causing an emultion that would in the end be called INSOLUBLE. Benzyl Alcohol does not attract that strong of a bond for the water back therefore it will stay in solution.