some help please


New member
i have two questions.
let me start out by saying i just got off a 12 week test /deca cycle.and i just finished my last day of clomid.
stats 27 years old 196 pounds.still growing(lol)
anyway my questions are this. long before my dick works again ?it is like a limp noodle.has not been hard in at least 3 weeks.
2. how long should i wait to get on my next cycle .Iwant to get back on as soon as possible to do a little more bulking before my summer cut cycle.please help me with these questions.thanx

p.s . if anybody has any real good bulk cycles i should try please post and let me know .this cycle i am looking to put on a ton of wait.
time on = time off

You had a limp dick while on test? Very strange. Most people are hard as a rock from test. Deca causes limpness but the test should have countered it. Try getting some cialis.
well does that include post cycle therapy (pct) cycle some people include post cycle therapy (pct) in their time on so turns up being more