Some inuries and looking for thoughts on different exercises to prevent them- again.


New member
Hey fellas, just had ANOTHER abdominal hernia surgery done last Tuesday, 2nd 1 in less than a year. 1st one was just inside belly button area, this one was about an inch above belle button area. Now both are repaired with mesh patches from within, and the dishearting part is I developed both, or I started to notice them both when I got into higher weights of deads/squats. On top of that, both knees have had multiple scopes having "burrs" ground down and 5 yrs ago I lost the ACL in my right knee...doc says as loose as my knees are I'm guaranteed 2 new knees within 8-10yrs, and both already kill me/ache super bad, especially a day or two after doing heavier deads/squats. Wrapping "helped" stabilize them and prolonged the oncoming pain, but it always showed it's face.

That being said, 3 weeks into my TRT stuff and now I'm going to listen to doc and wait 2 more weeks before getting back to gym and even then I'm going to start light again to prevent a 3rd intestinal blow out through my abdominal wall...cuz this shit sucks, start to see gains again, then POOF, out of commission for awhile.

That said, I know nothing replaces squats/deads for what they do for ya, but until I get to a place I feel comfortable to start back at them with light weight and baby my way back up, is there anything else that will "help". I don't want to be that guy with big upper body and chicken legs, but I don't want to get a VIP card to the OR every year either...Doc already turned me down on the get 2 surgery's and 3rd ones free I asked about, azzhole...but anyways. What about leg presses, extensions, curls..are these viable replacements for the time being? I've read it takes 3 months before scar tissue is as strong as it will ever be, so it's going to be at least 3 months before I even think about starting squats/deads again at even super light weights to try not to allow this to happen I need something for at least 3 months.

I''m not trying to replace these movements, not being a pussy, but also not trying to be hemped up every year and fucking up my program...this sucks because I was honestly starting to finally see size/strength gains these past few months, surpassed my initial goals and working on new I'm going to be well back towards square one again so I don't jack myself up...again.