some pics from 3 weeks out


Community Veteran
Took my progress pics this morning, still running heavy test so I can see water in certain places like my back for sure, changing the test to prop, then dropping it in a week. Definitely have to work on posing, some of these poses are way off
Chest and arms are thick as hell! Only places I see you could come up is calves and maybe spinal erector. Otherwise excellant as always. Your abs are dead on even if you are carrying water.
thanks bro, calves suck ass despite training them brutally hard 2x a week for years....I cant seem to win with them...
your arms got brought up big time--awsome--

do youdo your own diet or you still w\the female nutritionist?
mister69 said:
your arms got brought up big time--awsome--

do youdo your own diet or you still w\the female nutritionist?

I am using a variation of her diet, same calories and macro breakdown, or close to it, but I have changed a lot of the foods for ones I like better
thanks guys
ingram, still working on the posing, in fact, I really havent started practicing, no time with work and family and all, so the next few weeks I should be able to get it down better, thanks for the suggestion...I hate trying to balance in that pose
Looking great. I remember you stayed fairly lean off season, what was your starting weight? how long was your prep?
outlawtas2 said:
Looking great. I remember you stayed fairly lean off season, what was your starting weight? how long was your prep?

I hovered around 212lbs all summer, starting eating a little more before the prep so I would have food to take away, so started around 215lbs or so. I started dieting at 8 weeks out, so have been at it for 5 weeks now, check this out, this pic is the exact weight as I was when I started 5 weeks ago, I am happy with how fast I can drop fat...

this was me at 215lbs
outlawtas2 said:
Thats nothing short of impressive for 5 weeks. What's your cardio routine?

not half as much as last time....last time she had me doing 45 minutes 2x daily, 4-5 days a week...this time, at least 30 minutes 5-6 days a week, with my work schedule I cant always get more, when I can, I'll do 30m 2x a day
Looking bang on Need. Just curious, how do u structure your off season training....are you a high vol type of guy or do u stick with heavy n hard, something like a powerlifting routine eg WSB
Looking good kid, I like the hams they're coming in nicely, just think 3 weeks from now Big Mac's all day yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Fack I hate this sport...LOL!
JuicEvrything said:
Looking good kid, I like the hams they're coming in nicely, just think 3 weeks from now Big Mac's all day yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Fack I hate this sport...LOL!

no shit, just think, this is the 3rd time I was stupid enough to do this....
at least you can say you didnt know any better...
rest of me is shredded now, my back is doing a human sponge impression...good think I have done this before and know its just water...otherwise I would be crying
where are you going to eat first when this is all over?
needsize said:
no shit, just think, this is the 3rd time I was stupid enough to do this....
at least you can say you didnt know any better...
rest of me is shredded now, my back is doing a human sponge impression...good think I have done this before and know its just water...otherwise I would be crying
where are you going to eat first when this is all over?

I think it will be a combo of some sort, I haven't had a burger or fries for about 4 months and can't go wrong with ice cream, my goal is to stay under 200, Joe thinks after this if I don't be careful I could hit 220 lbs not my goal as of yet. I just went and picked out the banana hammocks (wow that was extremely gay) so everything is all set for me to run around in my gitch and sober to boot, my if the guys at college could see me then LOL! Well I'm sure I'll see you around.

Take care,
JuicEvrything said:
I think it will be a combo of some sort, I haven't had a burger or fries for about 4 months and can't go wrong with ice cream, my goal is to stay under 200, Joe thinks after this if I don't be careful I could hit 220 lbs not my goal as of yet. I just went and picked out the banana hammocks (wow that was extremely gay) so everything is all set for me to run around in my gitch and sober to boot, my if the guys at college could see me then LOL! Well I'm sure I'll see you around.

Take care,

controlling your eating after the show will be the hardest thing you ever do...I gained 45lbs the week after my first it down to 25lbs after the second one.
just wait till you are about the step on stage in the grape smugglers, you get self conscious about it till you remember everything that has to be flexed at once up there, then you are too busy to so much easier with a few drinks first though
Phenominal work bro! Your core is insane... great job on your obliques!! You're hard work/dedication shows! Best of luck.