some recent pics, plz critique


New member
Been a little over 2 months since i ended my first 500mg/week 12 week test cycle. Was happy with results but realized diet was pretty awful and carried a bit more fat than i wanted. So, i've spent the last month working on my diet, counting calories, and cleaning it up. At my peak, i was about 184 at the end of cycle...ive dropped down to about 165. Obviously some muscle loss, but i think ive shed a bit of fat too.

Anyways, was hoping for some critique from you guys about what you think my bf percentage was, and what you might think it is now? Also, i have alot to work on, but plz let me know what you think the biggest areas i need work in are.

Me at the end of last cycle....
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Much better conditioning! You have really good structure, just need to pack some muscle on. Great taper to your waist from your big is your waist like 29" ??

Much better conditioning! You have really good structure, just need to pack some muscle on. Great taper to your waist from your big is your waist like 29" ??

thanks yea, i knew i'd lose some mass, especially since i was coming off cycle and cutting at the same time. It's also tough because before my first cycle my total test was 355, so my natural t isnt so great. also, I ussually wear 30/30 jeans.
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Nice man...a couple all out bulkers and you'll be looking awesome...definitely have the structure.

yea overall goal is to hit 200 lbs on a bulking cycle, and cut down to under 176 with a bf around 6-7 percent for middleweight class in the npc when i feel im ready for alot of work to do lol

cut out all unhealthy food, kept calorie count to under 3k on training days, and under 2k on non training days. Also increased cardio to 15 minutes after every workout.
ty...any estimates of bf percentage? I'm guessing 14-15% bf in first pics....maybe 12% in newer pics?