Some rmblings about test levels, testing, gyno surgery etc...


Let's say I want to get gyno surgery. They probably won't do it without discontinuance of steroids, right? Now, if I'm not taking TEST but rather tren & eq, I will show low test levels, no? Would that also prompt them to give me hrt?

Just throwing ideas around...
negative ghost rider... they may not check your levels, u just say u got it from child hood and its become more apparent to you now ... arent into Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) age range just yet old man.
And is gyno surgery permanent? Meaning if i get all the fibrous tissue removed then start juicing with test agian, will the gyno return?
gorilla_boy said:
And is gyno surgery permanent? Meaning if i get all the fibrous tissue removed then start juicing with test agian, will the gyno return?

I think it's only permanent if they remove your gland.
i hate to be the bearer of bad news and disagree with a mod...but stone cold you are incorrect.... first of all they cannot remove the entire gland, due to the fact the friction between the nipple and the muscle would create scar tissue and the nipple would look imploded... so they can remove plenty but not ALL tissue...this still allows for gyno to return given an aromatizing agent such as test... just watch your body...use an anti-aromatase and use 20mg ed of nolva during your cycle and if someone tells you it inhibits gains.. i will punch them in the stomach.
Hey prob bro, you see I also qualified my comment with "I think"

But I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere, I'm off to research this one.
you are looking at research guinea pig Ive had gyno surgery 1x already and i got gyno again.....this was with the maximum removal allowed. ;)
Natty how much $ ?

What type of Dr. did the surgery?

Lipo or Knife?

Insurance coverage?
the cost was 3500 if i recall correctly

plastic surgeon

both, Gland removal and chest sculpture.

yes 80%
natty said:
.... first of all they cannot remove the entire gland, due to the fact the friction between the nipple and the muscle would create scar tissue and the nipple would look imploded...

I have a friend that had this done and does have slightly imploded nipples (he's not a BB), still says it the best thing he's had done. Don't know if they removed the entire gland, or too much of it, or if it was just excess fat removal there vs the surrounding area though...
Well I haven't found what I was after, but I did find an article that said "zinc" supplementation might be useful in preventing gyno.
Thanks Natty. I called a Cosmetic surgeon the other day. $5200 for lipo only and no coverage. In fact they don't even submit a bill to the insurance co.

So I killed him....
i fucked myself right in the

my doc knows i juice, i cant say its from childhood...even if i sitch docs the bastard wil still have that on file....

ive looked around Canada gorilla boy...and where i am.i can get lipo and chest sculpture for about 3 grand CANADIAN.....

i feel like a 14 year old school girl hitting puberty soemitmes.....if i cant get rid of these puppies .....ill be getting it done right before ill let you know...wherare you located...i might have some info for you

Zeus said:

ive looked around Canada gorilla boy...and where i am.i can get lipo and chest sculpture for about 3 grand CANADIAN.....


Actually that's not a bad price at all, depending on how good the surgeon is of course. You definetely don't want some quack playing around with you chest with a scapel.
StoneColdNTO said:
Actually that's not a bad price at all, depending on how good the surgeon is of course. You definetely don't want some quack playing around with you chest with a scapel.

yeah ive done my reaserch where this is concerned...he does about 40 surgeries a year on male breast he knows what hes doing....buit i wan tto go see some before after pics he has to see his work anyways...i want my chest to look 100% affter this so im gonna get informed tillm the day of surgery

natty said:
zinc inhibits aromatase :)

also might help to boost cologen production which is directly related to the skins it could potentially give you hand in slowing down stretch marks

Zeus said:
my doc knows i juice, i cant say its from childhood...even if i sitch docs the bastard wil still have that on file....

some people in the US have had luck because they say the gyno is painful, they can't sleep on their stomach anymore, problems sleeping, etc. don't know if their doc's knew they juiced or not though...
AustinTX said:
some people in the US have had luck because they say the gyno is painful, they can't sleep on their stomach anymore, problems sleeping, etc. don't know if their doc's knew they juiced or not though...

yes ive heard of that as goin to try it...he doesnt have record of me juicing for 2 years now...i mean actually on i MIGHT have a chance...but VERY SMALL one....

im trying to find a crooked doc like i had before....but it aint working out to

ok, so put band-aids over your nips before your next appointment, say the friction with your shirt just hurts too much (kinda like joggers tits).
Scream like crazy when they get pulled off. :)