Spartan labs/GB cycle

I'm interested on running some gw but I'm not sure if I should run it with my tren test cycle or run it after my pct.

Ostarine: 30mg/day
GW501516: 5mg/day
Primo: 800mg/week
test: 400mg/week
Mast Prop: 300mg/week

So I added mast prop to my cycle, I have used this a lot and I like to add it to my cycles to reduce SHBG, and hopefully have reduced estro due to an increase in free test. I also usually see a little added aggression and increase in libido but not a whole lot in terms of muscle mass.

Trained Legs tonighteven though it's national chest day lol)

Warm up: walk on treadmill for 15 minutes to get blood flowing

Squats: 4 sets 8,8,6,6

Leg press: 2 sets 10,6

Rear extensions: 3 sets 10,10,8

Standing calv raises: 5 sets 10-15 reps

Sitting raises: 2 sets, drop sets

Not much to log. Strength and endurance feel great. Weight was at 229.5 this morning so moving in the right direction. Abs are showing and feeling tight all over, still very vascular in shoulders and chest. Not having any sides at all.

Diet is at 4k cals, I haven't really counted protien last few days but it's up there. I really don't like to use the word diet because I'm not dieting and not following anything specific, just sticking to the cals. I typically have a shake pwo, and possibly before bed if I need more protien. Shake consist of:

2 scoops, 1 cup oats(blended to powder), 2 tbs pb, 2 tbs evoo, 1 banana, milk, ice

If I have one before bed it's just casien in milk.

Somedays I add 5-10g bcaa, 5-10 glutamine, 5-10g creatine,

Strength and endurance are good. Trying to arrange schedule to get back with my old training partner who will really push me and comes up with some good exercises to add in so hopefully tomorrow we will get started.

I pinned the primo subQ today. It's been causing a little soreness for two days post IM inject lately. I was actually a little nervous trying this because I wasn't sure how painful it would be. I did .5ml subQ and .5ml IM with mast. Surprisingly it was just a little sore for a couple hours if I touched the area but now the pain is basically gone so I may continue with test and primo subQ, but I still will do half of each IM.

I also added ostarine from Osta-gain back in but at 30mg instead of 25 a day. I'm excited to see if it continues to work, and see if it's better with time.

Bigherm I'm not 100% sure on the best time for you to use the GW. I just don't have enough experience with it yet but I did start it when I was running tren ace. It may be a good idea to help with lipids while on, or to straighten them out in post cycle therapy (pct) but I personally don't like to add anything to post cycle therapy (pct) that could make you lose weight or BF, which GW was shown at 5 mg to increase metabolism and help reduce BF in obese males. I don't gain BF easily and I would want to lose weight at that time, but for guys who add some BF during cycle then it may be good at this time. I have to say I haven't had the cleanest diet and BF is still low so it may be a result of the GW.
Great log User. Always learning from your posts. I will follow this thread to see how the primo and mast go for you. I may want to try one of the two the next go around.
FFC, thanks man. Primo seems to be pretty nice so far but it's expensive. Luckily I'm getting it free, but Spartan labs is probably one of the better prices ive found. Many UGL's primo is questioned and thought to be just test, deca, or EQ. So far I know it's neither of those and an easy way for me to tell is hematocrit and hemoglobin. My go up instantly on those. I've actually been able to get it back into low normal range this cycle.

Ive also noticed I'm holding muscle mass very well, not looking flat, and vascular, not to mention I just feel good overall. I'm excited to see what the next several weeks will bring and the mast will give a little bump to overall look, but I'll keep the mast low.


50mg Spartan Mast Prop (.5ml)
200mg Spartan Primo E (1ml)
Ostarine: 30mg
GW501516: 5mg

Trained chest and tri's tonight.


Incline DB: 3 sets: 10,10,8
Flat BB: 4 sets: 12,10 8,6
DB Flys: 3 sets 10,10,10
Dips 3 sets body weight + 1plate : 10,8,8


Super set: reverse dip machine(not sure of name)
And rope pull downs.

4 sets starting on dip machine, then straight to ropes, increasing weight each set
Dip: reps 15,12,10,10 (1plate each side, 2 plates, 3, 3+ 25's)
Ropes: reps 15,15,12,8 (50,70,90,full stack)

Seated tricep machine(back of upper arms rest flat with arms at 90degrees, push down parallel). Again not sure on name of machine but effective

3 set: 12,10,8

Skull Crushers:

4 sets: 10,8,6,6

One arm underhand cable pull downs:

2 Set: reps to failure

Very good day but changed up some exercises and went with a mix of volume and heavy low rep. Used machines that I typically would stay away from. I prefer heavy low rep but not all the time, adding some days of higher volume and heavy but only heavy enough to keep some higher reps is a nice break while still getting a solid workout but also not putting the strain on joints/tendons/CNS.

Added a pre workout shake today: 1cup oats, 2 scoops whey, 1tbs pb, 1 tbs evoo, milk, ice, banana.
During I added 10g bcaa fruit flavor in 3/4 gatorade and 1/4 water.

Everything is running smoothly. Not noticing the really good feeling joints like I was previously but not bad at all, lol just feel normal. I actually had a sore shoulder today a couple hours post inject from the primo, which I usually never have, but nothing that's too bad. I also have a little more soreness from my subQ primo inject yesterday, test subQ inject went great, I can't even tell where I pinned.

Primo 800mg week
Cyp 400mg week
Mast prop 300 week
30mg Ostarine a day
5mg GW501516 a day

To finish off the week, I hit back and bi's on thursday and delts on Thursday.


Pull ups: body weight 3 sets 10 reps
Dead lifts: 4 sets: 8,8,6,4
Tbar rows: 3 sets: 10,10,8
Hyper extensions : 3 sets x 10
Seated rows: 3 sets x 8


BB Curls: 4 sets 10,10,8,8
DB CURLS: alternating between regular and hammer
3 sets: 8/8 reps down the rack.
8 reps curls/ 8 hammer moving up by 5lbs each time.
Preacher curl: 3 sets : 10 reps then drop weight by 1/2 to failure



Standing OHP:
5 sets, two warm ups

Bb shrugs:
3 sets: 10reps

Arnold press:
3 sets x 10 reps

Side/front laterals:
3 set 10 reps front then 10 reps sides

Rear delts in pec deck:
3 sets: 15,12,10

Finish with 2 x 30 seconds heavy rope.

Very good week. I feel strong and things are moving along as expected. The products and SARMS are both very good quality. Diet is about 4000 cals still and not very clean. I think I could stay on this combination for a long time. I'm eventually going to add npp but really enjoying this for now.
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30mg Ostarine-day
5mg GW501516-day
cyp 400mg-week
Primo 800mg-week
Mast Prop 300mg-week

Trained Legs:

Warm up: walk on treadmill for 15 minutes to get blood flowing

Front Squats: 4 sets 10,8,8,6

Leg press: 3 sets 10,10,8

Rear extensions: 3 sets 10,10,10

Standing calv raises: 5 sets 10-15 reps

Sitting raises: 2 sets, failure


Trained Chest/Tri's:


Flat BB: 5 sets: 10,10 8,8,4
Incline BB: 3 sets: 10,8,8
DB Flys: 3 sets 10,10,10
Dips 3 sets body weight + 1plate : 10,10,10


Rope pull downs: 4 sets: 15,12,10,8
Close grip bench: 3 sets 10,8,8
Skull Crushers: 4 sets: 10,8,6,6
One arm underhand cable pull downs:2 Set: reps to failure

Ostarine and GW are both working very well along with AAS. Strength is definitely up, endurance is good, and looking like a beast in the gym. Ostarine is better the longer you run it so far. If you decide to run this, get two bottles and run 60-72 days. Results keep coming.

This has been one of my favorite cycles. Spartan products are simply very good. I haven't ran test this low consistently for years. The primo is really starting to show what it can do, and now that I added the mast I'm hoping for an amplified effect. I'm not gaining massive amounts of weight, basically staying around the same weight but just continue to look bigger. Muscles are just thick and dense looking. I should have ran this closer to summer but I don't worry to much about that kind of stuff.

Still around 4000 cals, BF is low, and looking very full but tight, but weight is still around 229. I wanted to get down to 225 with the same muscle mass and BF but still adding weight. I guess I can't complain about that.

Still zero side effects, and no Aromatase inhibitor (AI), so this is a nice change. I have noticed my skin has a little more oil since adding the mast but libido is already out of control. I also want to eat like crazy right now but I typically don't restrict cals at all and like to be closer to 4500-5000.
User sounding good brother,im really impressed with the lower doses you are running and getting great results with them,and the mixture of compunds that you have
So this cycle is going great, the products are excellent, and I have been satisfied with the results to this point.

But I have f'd up my back and haven't trained since my last post. I've had a herniated disc for 8-10 years. Therapy helped a lot and I have been able to work thru it. Over the past few weeks, it's been getting worse. The last 5-6 days have been extremely bad.

So I have been doing everything I can to get some type of relief and will be seeing a doc and trying therapy again, already tried deep tissue message a couple times, anti inflamitories, ice, etc. Constant pain, numb fingers, and pain from neck/back area into shoulder and arm.

I'm really not willing to take a bunch of time off and give up so I'll attempt to hit the gym tonight or tomorrow and train light.

I'm still taking all the same compounds and will continue. I'm now considering getting back on gh or gh peptides, TB-500, and igf. Something will hopefully help and if any of the injury is new I'm thinking the TB-500 should help, igf would be injected in my back near the injury/pain.

I will update after I attempt to lift.
injuries suck man, hope it gets better. i just had to take 6 weeks off back in October/november for a fucked up shoulder.
Sorry to hear about your injury man. I've been experiencing some lower back pain for a few weeks now so I've decided to take a couple weeks off from squats and deads. Hope you recover fast from it. Great log, I am learning a lot from you.
So this cycle is going great, the products are excellent, and I have been satisfied with the results to this point.

But I have f'd up my back and haven't trained since my last post. I've had a herniated disc for 8-10 years. Therapy helped a lot and I have been able to work thru it. Over the past few weeks, it's been getting worse. The last 5-6 days have been extremely bad.

So I have been doing everything I can to get some type of relief and will be seeing a doc and trying therapy again, already tried deep tissue message a couple times, anti inflamitories, ice, etc. Constant pain, numb fingers, and pain from neck/back area into shoulder and arm.

I'm really not willing to take a bunch of time off and give up so I'll attempt to hit the gym tonight or tomorrow and train light.

I'm still taking all the same compounds and will continue. I'm now considering getting back on gh or gh peptides, TB-500, and igf. Something will hopefully help and if any of the injury is new I'm thinking the TB-500 should help, igf would be injected in my back near the injury/pain.

I will update after I attempt to lift.

oh man,injuries suck big time,esp your back,i just hope you can get some relief without alot of crap to go through,wishing you well my brother

Ok I said F it and went to the gym today. Took things pretty light. Going to see a chiropractor tomorrow who claims to specialize in back injuries. This is an old injury but was under control for a long time. I'm hoping if I can get some pressure off a nerve that the numbness will go away and a lot of the pain hopefully. If not I may go with surgery, apparently removing a disc in the neck/upper area/C6 is outpatient and will not effect mobility.

Anyway I got a good sized gift today. Lots of primo.

So current doses:

Primo: 800 week
Cyp: 400 week
Mast Prop: 300 week
Ostarine: 30mg day
GW: 5mg

Almost done with the OSTA and GW. they have been a good addition. I also have a good supply of npp so it will be added soon but I'm loving this cycle and feel great besides the back.

Primo is officially some good shit, expensive, and gains are not your typical size gains. Instead, I'm looking pretty cut. Even better is muscle looking full and tight. It took a long time to really notice much of anything, but well worth the wait.

Mast prop is one of my favorite compounds. Not that it provides any real gains but I'm sure it is adding to the effects of primo. All I know is I feel great and strength/endurance has been very good.


Flat BB: 5 sets, 2 warm ups and 3 working - all sets of 10
Incline BB: 3 sets 10 reps.
Peck deck: 3 sets 12 reps.


Pushdowns: 3 sets 10-12 reps
Close grip bench: 3 sets 8-10 reps

That was it for the night and kept it light. Hopefully I'll feel ok tomorrow and see how things go. I'm not ready for time off so I hope I can work around this but i will take some time if I have to. I think seeing all the contents of my new package got me motivated.
i like your training routine. Nothing fancy about it and it works. I think people try to get too complex with their routines.
How did the visit to the chiro go? Injuries are unfortunate... Been dealing with them for a few years now! Hope you can push past it, so where are you on weight? Still digging this!