SP's on/off-season log

Weight 206

PM, non-fasted weight again. Feeling the GH pins&needles so got enthusiastic and did 12iu slin with no intraworkout carbs...no problem until halfway through cardio. Drive home was shitty...going to lay off the slin until after the show when I start bulking again.

Sat - back - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
Heavy deadlift - four sets
Superset machine row - two sets
Yates row - three pause sets, finished with dropset
Superset decline weighted sit-up - four sets with 45lb plate on chest
Medium grip bodyweight pullup - three sets
Superset lat pulldown - three dropsets
Seated cable row - two sets

PM Cardio 1:
60min LISS - incline treadmill

PM Cardio 2:
45min LISS - incline treadmill
Two GH questions:
1. I'm planning to drop GH one week out from the show (everything I can to avoid water retention) - any thoughts/input?
2. How to dose 5-6iu generic per day? Currently doing all upon waking; but I've seen people split it either 50/50 morning /afternoon or 70/30...
Weight 206

PM weight/workout

Sun - delts - 10-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
External/internal rotation - three sets of each
Superset hanging leg raise - four sets
Seated DB press - three dropsets, extra drop on last set
Lateral DB raise - three dropsets plus extra drop
Smith shrug - behind the back and in front - three sets of each, dropset on last set
Superset rear delt cable pull apart - three dropsets
Front BB raise - two sets

PM Cardio 1:
50min LISS - incline treadmill

PM Cardio 2:
50min LISS - incline treadmill

Went a bit over (20p/20c/5f) approx on macros...had a birthday dinner to attend. Love celebrations except during contest prep!
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Too tired to gym this morning (may have gone overboard on prami last night...tried 0.5mg instead of usual 0.2) but I will head there this afternoon.

I did take a few updated shots, keep in mind I still have to drop test, drol, GH etc to lose some water... sept29 - Imgur
Weight 208

Late evening weight, drank close to eight litres of water and while I'm not eating that much food it's still a day's worth almost.

Mon - arms - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
EZ bar curls - three sets with cheat reps, finished with dropset
superset CGBP - three dropsets
lying leg raise - four sets
hammer DB curls - three dropsets
rope pushdowns - two sets

60min LISS - incline treadmill
Weight 202

Well actually 201.5 when I got off the treadmill, but I'll assume I sweated out at least 1lb of water.

Tue - legs pt.1 - 12-15 reps
10min cardio warmup
seated quad extension - three sets, dropset on third set
front squat - three sets
seated calf raise - four sets
SLDL - three sets

AM Cardio:
60min LISS - incline treadmill

legs pt. 2
hack squat - three sets, end with dropset
prone hamstring curl - two dropsets
calves were cramping hard...decided to hit the treadmill

PM Cardio:
45min LISS - incline treadmill
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Weight 201

Not fasted either...shiiiiit. Ok anyways...

Wed - chest pt.1 - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
internal/external rotation - three sets
hanging leg raise - four sets
incline DB press - three dropsets, extra drop on third set
decline BB press - three sets with pause and a few extra reps added each set

Ran short on time but I am meeting someone this afternoon to teach me "posing" for physique at a different gym, so I will finish chest and get my second cardio session done then

AM Cardio:
45min LISS - incline treadmill

PM workout - chest pt.2 - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
flat DB press - three dropsets
cable flyes - four dropsets
bodyweight chest dips - three sets to failure
seated tricep extensions - two burnout sets

PM Cardio:
55min LISS - incline treadmill

Posing introduction/practice was great actually...at least now I know what I need to do, it's just a question of practicing it
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Weight 201

Not fasted again, feeling tight though. Got some nice compliments at posing training/practice yesterday so feeling pretty good actually.

Thu - back - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
deadlift - three sets, medium weight - 365x10 each set
superset machine row - two sets heavy
yates row - three sets with pause reps, ended with dropset
superset decline weighted situp - three sets
one arm DB row - two sets

Stupid time crunch again...going to do pull ups and possibly some different angle rows tonight

AM Cardio:
50min LISS - incline treadmill

PM Cardio:
45min LISS - incline treadmill
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I have a rough plan for "peak week" but before I lay that out and gather feedback, I would really like to hear others' general thoughts / methods for the final 5-7 days pre-contest...
any test that you are taking needs to stop a week to 10 days out... a few friends of mine have use letro in the last few weeks to get estro down, this helps harden the last stubborn areas (usually sides of chest or glutes in most). I haven't tried this, but will be doing it next year when I'm ready to take that step.

run things like tren, var, winny, proviron, mast etc right up til contest day... dnp stops 4 days out (when u carb up the day before your physique will pop due to stopping the dnp and carb depletion)

not sure what you're doing for water depletion, there's a few theories out on this...

for carbs... 3 days prior eliminate almost completely, then night before or morning of the comp get them into u... bamm, you're ready
Weight 204

Stupid early meeting...also developed a supercold/sore throat/headache so I did some fasted cardio this morning. IF I'm feeling more human this afternoon/evening I will hit delts; but I at this point it may be my first rest day in close to a month (?)

Edit: PM weight. Includes 6+ litres of coffee, tea and water. Lots of water. Hit the gym in the evening...dinner, then a bit of a nap then weights + evening cardio.

AM Cardio:
50min LISS - incline treadmill

Fri - delts - 10-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
external/internal rotation - one warmup set
hanging leg raise - four sets
seated DB press - three sets, dropsets just for the last set
lateral DB raise - three dropsets, extra drop on last set
superset lying leg raise - four sets
front BB raise - three sets
superset rear delt cable pull apart - three dropsets

PM Cardio:
60min LISS - incline treadmill

Damn...shaving your legs + body is NOT easy...I'm probably 90-100 minutes into the endeavour and only 80% done; need a new mach 3 to finish so I don't hack myself up any more.
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Thanks guys. Wish this cold wasn't kicking my ass, I'm motivated as always but my forehead feels 3x bigger than usual...going to drop cardio down to 1x/d starting now anyways so it'll be gym + cardio later in the day again, at least for today.
Weight 206

Late evening weight, again after litres of water / coffee and unfortunately a decent amount of pumpkin-fair food from the "international pumpkin fair" we attended today. Guestimated as best as I could and stuck to macros (last >200 carb day)

Still feeling pretty sick but hoping this is the tail end / last serious day of it

Sat - arms - 8-12 reps
EZ bar curl - three sets with cheat reps, finished with dropset
superset rope tricep pushdown - three dropsets
smith machine shrug - two sets
triangle pushdown - three sets
superset hammer crunch machine - two sets
...gym was closing, had to head home...

@condo fitness centre, continued:
hammer DB curls - three dropsets (not ideal weights but made it work)
supported/hanging leg raise - two sets

PM Cardio:
50min LISS - incline treadmill
Weight 204

Still sick but not as bad as the last two days; AM weight, not fasted and several cups of coffee + litre of water in me already.

Sun - fullbody pt.1 - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
seated quad extension - three pause sets
standing calf raise - three sets / higher reps...twenty or so with slow negatives
hang clean & press - three sets
flat DB flyes - three dropsets
decline weighted situp - three sets w/ 45lb plate
seated cable row - two sets
prone hamstring curl - two sets

Super painful blister on one of my toes lol...decided to wait until later for cardio hoping it's not as bad, if not I'll suffer on a recumbent bike or something this evening.

55min LISS - incline treadmill
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Got a little carried away watching The Expendables 3...last day of cardio until the show though! Low carbin' it for the next three days...

Wish I'd saved a week of vacation =\ Lol!
Weight 208

PM weight with liters of water and quite a bit of protein in my gut

Mon - fullbody pt.2
10min cardio warmup
Yates row - three pause sets, end with dropset
SLDL - three sets
Superset hanging leg raise - four sets
Incline DB press - three dropsets
Cable lateral - three sets
Superset cable pull-apart - two sets
15min cardio cooldown

Quite sick still, didn't make it to the gym before work, ended up taking the afternoon off...napped then hit the gym. Drinking lots of water and not eating many carbs...
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