SP's on/off-season log

Weight 234

Ok...more than a blip, PM weigh-in on an unusual scale (went to the non-chain gym with chains lol) but still...seems like a semi-real weight :) Same workout as Saturday, with chains this time instead of reverse bands.

WedPM - legs - low/moderate reps
warmup - LISS on treadmill

prone 1.25 hamstring curl - two warmup and four working sets

chain squat - about six warmup sets of six reps each, then four triples...increasing from one to four chains a side (two to eight total) per set
superset seated calf raise - moderate weight, moderate reps just to stretch out the lower back

steep incline leg press - pyramid weight up, four or five sets of eight with three second descents

bulgarian split squat - three sets, fifteen reps per leg, just holding a 25lb DB...killer

chain SLDL - one warmup and three working sets, from two to six chains (adding two per working set) and eight reps
superset some more calf raises - this time adding static hold for three seconds on each rep, three or four sets
Weight 234

Thu - arms - moderate/high reps
warmup - indoor track

rope tricep pushdown - warmup then four working sets
superset seated DB curl - four reps one arm, then four reps the other, repeat for a total of eight per arm, per set...warmup then four working sets

supported hanging leg raise - four sets

cable tricep extension (one-arm) - ten reps then five partials per set, four working sets
superset EZ bar curl - four straight sets

close grip pushup - did one set then subbed in CGBP since I didn't have chains to weight the pushups with, four sets
forearm BB curl - snatch grip curls, high/pump reps, five working sets I believe

standing calf raise - four sets, did a few variations with static holds after ten reps, then repeating, or static holds on each rep...four working sets

cooldown - indoor track, walked a lap between each set of calf raises
Weight 236

I had to double/triple check but this is my usual gym/scale and it was 235.8 or something more than once so...there... :)

Fri - chest/delts - low/moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

flat DB press - two warmup and four working sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

incline BB press - no lockout and stopping an inch above the chest, pyramid up and four or five working sets

chain-flat BB press - ended up just doing this regular, didn't feel like setting bands up (it does take me a few minutes to simulate chains somewhat properly) so I did four straight sets and ended with a drop/strip set
superset decline leg raise - four sets

stretch pushups - put hands and feet on cardio step things so you get a deeper stretch at the bottom, got two sets then people started coming into the room for some kind of class so I missed the third

rear delt lateral DB raise - four straight sets
superset shoulder dislocations with orange band

regular side lateral DB raise - four straight sets

cage press - subbed in OHP because the power rack was in use...for deadlifting lol. Anyways, four sets then got out of there...
Thata boy Snow, keep that weight climbing!

Hell yeah bro. Up up up!

Weight 236

Sat - back - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

bodyweight pullup - various grips, two sets of wide grip pronated, two sets of chins, and two sets of narrow/neutral grip - all to failure

deadstop DB row - four straight sets, used straps and went pretty heavy

DB pullover - constant lat tension (ROM stops before you even get to your forehead) and twelve reps per set, three working sets

DB shrug - four sets, straps on these too with the big boy DBs...three second pause/contraction on each rep
superset rope crunch - four sets, moderate weight with 15-20 reps per set, I always focus on the contraction and bringing the ribcage to hip bones with these

banded hyperextension - three sets, insane lower back pump from these...walked it off then hit the grocery store (not the best idea when you're hungry!)
Weight 233

Went to a party last night and felt kind of sick there, and quite sick this morning so I ended up sleeping past noon and hadn't eaten a thing by the time I got to the gym...normally I'm not completely fasted but this was >15hrs fasted so that's how I'm explaining the fluctuation to myself, for now at least

Sun - arms - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

cross-body DB curl - two warmup and four working sets
superset triangle tricep pushdown - two warmup and four working sets

I hurt my elbow somehow on the first tricep pushdown working set. Something like a tendon, or ligament (?) is out of place because mid-rep I felt a twinge and then suddenly couldn't straighten the joint beyond 10 degrees without quite a bit of pain. Oddly, once in awhile (since then) if I reach back, almost as if to begin a side tricep pose, I get to straighten the elbow without pain and hold it that way for a few minutes until I inevitably lose focus, bend the elbow and I'm back in the same situation...

I was able to continue the workout, pain-free as long as I didn't fully extend the elbow...

seated DB curl - palms facing up, four reps per side then switch, then repeat for a total of eight reps per side, per set for four sets
superset CGBP - four working sets, end with strip/dropset

EZ bar curl - cheat reps with three second descent, four sets
superset one-arm cable tricep extension - ten full reps plus five partials from the stretch position per set, four working sets

hanging leg raise - four sets

concentration curl - three burnout sets arnold style over the DB rack
rope tricep pushdown - three sets, end with dropset

Edit: couple of pics from yesterday morning at 236lbs, first thing when I woke up/fasted & cold obviously: 2015/feb 7 mid-bulk - Album on Imgur
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Weight 235

Back up...good :) we went to the fiance's parents' for dinner, ate a tonne & hung out with her brother and sister in law for a bit there too and went late night grocery shopping. Fuckers had no extra lean or even lean ground beef left so I went with a bunch of chicken boobies...good protein but still...

Anyways...I absolutely annihilated legs today. So much so that when I was putting my sock on after showering I fucking tore the inside leg seam on my 34/34 jeans midway down the thigh...christ

Mon - legs - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - two warmup and four working sets, pyramiding the weight up on each working set while decreasing reps to compensate

SLDL - these were a bit tricky due to my still-fucked-up elbow but made it work, four heavy sets...explosive from mid-calf rather than the multi-25lb plate, extra-stretchy ones I've been doing

narrow-stance leg press - couple warmup then four working sets, again pyramiding weight while dropping reps each set
superset leg extension partials - from the bottom to halfway up, four working sets of fifteen reps

wide-stance, toes-out leg press - four working sets, rest/pause (on the stops at the bottom) then exploding out of the hole (LOL...that sounds funny)
superset leg extension partials - from midway to lockout, squeezing at the top for fifteen reps again / four sets

kettlebell walking lunges - fairly standard, three sets of 10 per leg...experimenting with weights too and trying not to injure/hurt my elbow anymore

Cardio - postWO
30min LISS - indoor track (walking & talking with a friend)
Weight 235

Elbow still hurting...fuck my elbow. I should probably have taken a rest day, all things considered - hindsight is 20/20 and my judgement isn't great at 5:00am apparently.

I repeated the chest workout from the end of last week since I knew what to expect.

Tue - chest - low/moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

internal/external shoulder rotation - one set of each per arm
flat DB press - two or three warmup and three or four working sets, not quite to lockout

Ended up feeling a twinge just as I was sitting up after a set and dropped a DB on my foot, christ that hurt...luckily it bounced first before it landed but still, 125lbs from only 6" or so going sideways stings.

incline BB press - five sets of six, pyramiding weight up on each set
superset hanging leg raise - four sets (was hoping this would stretch out the elbow, but just kind of hurt unfortunately)

flat BB press - four or five working sets, light weight just two plates a side repping it out
superset stretch pushup - just two sets, chest was pretty burnt despite the sore elbow slowing things down

rear delt lateral DB raise - four straight sets

side lateral DB raise - four straight sets
superset cable fly - two or three sets, trying to get a bit more of a pump in my chest without hurting my elbow

cage BB press - pins at chin height, explosive concentric with a flex at the top, five sets of six to eight reps
superset standing calf raise - two sets of ten reps with three second static hold at the top per rep
Weight 234

Had to take yesterday off due to being pretty sick, doctor ended up prescribing antibiotics (throat and ?? infection) and suspects the malady (infection of whatever kind) was causing my headaches for the last week. He used the proper/larger sized cuff, and took my BP 125/80 which is quite a bit higher than usual for me (110/55) but not high enough to be causing headaches either.

If I could postpone I would but they probably won't wait a couple days just for me to recover so I'll be patient zero at the Tragically hip tonight :)

Thu - back - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

bodyweight pullup - various grips, two each of pronated, suppinated and narrow/neutral grip to failure
superset regular ab crunch - four sets

meadows row - four sets per arm, working on stretching out the injured elbow...wasn't bugging me much on these

heavy DB deadstop row - also four sets per arm, started to have a bit of elbow trouble on set three, had to rotate it around and take a few minute walk before I could grip the DB
superset pose in mirror...:)

DB pullover - three sets of twelve, DB always stops before the forehead to maintain constant lat tension

Yates row - couple of these, elbow was causing problems though
superset heavy deads - elbow was not up to the task, ended up pulling 405 a few times, nowhere close to my usual sets of ten though

banded hyperextension - just two sets, was coughing and nose running all over the place, didn't want to infect people so hit the shower then walmart for valentines' items

side note...I never buy food at walmart, and am definitely not going to start. Their meat looked old and overpriced, at that. screw that store.

sickpatrol out
How did I miss this?! Definitely subbed brother!

Glad to have you on board :)

Weight 231

Blah, saw this coming...I hate being sick. Oh well, back on insulin after a month layoff Monday so should rebound fairly strong. Lets go immune system!

Sat - chest/delts "pump day" - moderate/high reps
warmup - indoor track

HSPL machine press - warmup then five working sets, pyramiding weight up & dropping reps, 15 - 13 - 11 - 9 - 6.75ish on the last
superset rope crunch - these bugged my elbow so I only did a couple sets

DB hex press - three straight sets of twelve

bodyweight pec minor dips - three sets to failure
superset band over-and-backs (shoulder dislocations) - three sets of ten

rear delt lateral DB raise - four sets
superset spidercrawls - jesus these aren't fun but the pump is pretty insane, four sets also

lying DB press - lay on your front, on a bench, and simulate a DB press motion...not easy, trust me - I used 5lb DBs for twelve reps per set and it was pretty killer
superset band facepulls - four sets also

seated DB press - two sets, heavy..just because
and cooldown on the track in between and afterwards, felt good to move around after sleeping in until 2pm..!
Weight 232

Feeling a bit better, heading out for valentine's sushi shortly so that should help :D Improvised a leg workout since the fiance wanted to join for a bit and didn't want her messing around with banded squats etc.

Sat - legs - moderate/high reps
cardio/warmup - indoor track, quite awhile >30mins

highbar ATG squat - pyramid weight up, about four or five preliminary sets then three heavy, high-rep (12+) sets followed by a few heavier triples to show off a bit ;)

prone 1.25 hamstring curl - ten full reps and five partials per set, four working sets

horizontal leg press sled - narrow stance, four working sets
superset leg extension partials - bottom to midway up, also four sets

SLDL - three sets, pyramid weight up and decreasing reps
superset standing calf raise - each set was ten reps, then ten second static hold, three times...for two sets then a final straight set

bit of a cooldown then out of there, shower and waiting for her to get ready then it's sushitime :D
Weight 234

Feeling better & weight's coming back, and I almost always feel better after a workout, even a light one so I'm just thankful I can hit the gym despite the malady & elbow issue.

Sun - arms - moderate/high reps
warmup - indoor track, slightly longer than usual to work up a bit of a sweat and clear the sinuses a little

rope pushdown - three warmup and four working sets, twenty reps per set...elbow seemed to like the ample warmup and high rep/pump scheme
superset BB (cambered) curl - again, three warmup and four working sets, heavier though only eight to ten reps per set

tricep pushdown/dip machine thing - two warmup/pyramid weight sets to figure it out then four heavy working sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets...hardest thing about these at this weight is holding on for 20+ reps, christ

crossbody hammer DB curl - pyramid weight, eight reps a set & four (or five?) working sets

overhead tricep extension - facing away from the cables, bent at the waist and straightening your arms...not sure how else to describe it - ten full and five partial reps per set
superset incline DB curl - laying on an incline bench, smash two DBs together and curl the weight...only used about 60% the weight I normally would curl and got a huge pump

standing calf raise - eight straight, heavy sets...on the last two added some partials after the straight reps. Had to improvise a bit to get the machine decently heavy enough... http://i.imgur.com/MLXd2WL.jpg
Weight 232

Mon - back - moderate reps (except deads)
warmup - indoor track / short LISS

various bodyweight pullups - two each of pronated/wide, narrow/suppinated(chins) and neutral/narrow to failure

deadlift - pyramid/warmup sets then some heavy triples, four working sets approximately

one-arm DB dead-stop row - four working sets
superset crossbody DB curl - two or three working sets

DB shrug - four sets
superset narrow grip pulldown "stretchers" - four working sets

supported/hanging leg raise - four sets
superset hyperextension - three straight sets
Weight 234

Happy fake-monday to everyone who had a long weekend ;)

Tue - legs - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

seated leg curl - two warmup and four working sets, end with a dropset and then partials...hamstring destruction

highbar ATG squat - several high-rep warmups then pyramid weight up in six rep sets until I lost a rep (five) on about the fifth working set
superset blow my nose and catch my breath

seated quad extension - explosive, ten rep sets with pretty heavy weight - a warmup/test set and four working sets

leg press - one reverse dropset where I started with ten plates, doing four reps at a time and had someone add two more until I didn't think I'd get all four reps...topped out at eighteen then just a straight six or eight rep set with all the plates

SLDL - lower back was cramping a bit, only got three out of the desired four working sets, used 25lb plates to get a deeper stretch and only extended 3/4 of the way up on each rep
Oof, deads and squats the same day. Intense!

Is that the order you do them in? If so, I'm curious if you work the hamstrings before squats to loosen them up, or is it just how you've come to do things?
I'm following a program at the moment actually, mountaindog "program 9" (just the ninth of a dozen or more) twelve week program from John Meadows

So as far as the exercise order - that's not exactly how I would lay it out, I almost always lean towards warmup then > compounds first > isolation mid/last but he mixes things up a bit and so far so good

Really enjoying it overall, although it's a 5 day per week program so I end up doubling some workouts up (and improvising whole workouts about 10-15% of the time due to extenuating circumstances) and as you can see above the order of days is a little fucked...normally he has it set up like this:

1: legs
2: chest/delts 1
3: back
4: chest/delts 2 (pump day)
5: arms
6/7: rest
234... nice bro... can't be referring to you as one of those "physique" guys for much longer ;)

keep lifting, keep eating, keep living