Stacking multiple steroids


New member
From what I have read in this forum it appears that most women never stack different anabolics. I guess there really is no need to stack if you are getting good results from a single drug, but I still wonder whether there would be an advantage from doing things a little differently. Considering its safety and proven efficacy in many women, I consider anavar (@ 10-20mg ED) the default choice in designing a cycle for a woman. But how do you think the following stack would compare to 20mg anavar ED:

10mg anavar ED (AM)
10mg Winstrol (winny) ED (PM)
50mg test enanthate WK


Winny seems to work a little better for strength than anavar, but with 20mg ED many women get unwanted sides. On the other hand, 10mg ED is a little too low for women who have already done several cycles. The 10mg anavar is basically used to bump up the total dose to a level suitable for someone who is not a beginner anymore without increasing the risk of Winstrol (winny) related sides.

The test is basically a generous replacement dose. I don't have any abstracts on hand to prove why that is necessary but I am assuming that the Winstrol (winny) and anavar are just as suppressive of natural test levels in women as they are in men, and I wonder whether gains, fatloss, or just overall wellbeing couldn't be improved by keeping test levels in the high normal range (or even somewhat above) during a cycle.

What do you think?
I think the longer acting test esters are a BIG gamble for females. I think prop would be a better choice. I have known females that have stacked var & Winstrol (winny) with either Deca or Primo with great results. But these girls were not newbies either. I have also seen stacks that included GH.
In my opinion, a female should use a particular Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) ALONE first to see how they react before it is included in a stack. I have seen more seasoned girls use a complex combo during pre-contest.
AngerOut said:
I think the longer acting test esters are a BIG gamble for females. I think prop would be a better choice. I have known females that have stacked var & Winstrol (winny) with either Deca or Primo with great results. But these girls were not newbies either. I have also seen stacks that included GH.
In my opinion, a female should use a particular Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) ALONE first to see how they react before it is included in a stack. I have seen more seasoned girls use a complex combo during pre-contest.

Once again Anger, good advice. I couldn't agree more! :)
I agree with you on trying prop first. The particular woman I had in mind when I was writing this has already tried prop 25mg E3D without any sides. I figured that once it has been established that the test does not cause any problems, it is better to switch to a longer ester to get more stable levels. You could probably get fairly stable levels by using prop EOD, but the person I am thinking of really hates injections.
xtinct said:
I agree with you on trying prop first. The particular woman I had in mind when I was writing this has already tried prop 25mg E3D without any sides. I figured that once it has been established that the test does not cause any problems, it is better to switch to a longer ester to get more stable levels. You could probably get fairly stable levels by using prop EOD, but the person I am thinking of really hates injections.

NOPE.. just cause she faired well on prop does not mean she should switch to the other tests!! Women should always use a fast acting ester like prop!! especially if she wants to stay a woman :) j/k
but the thing with women that is quite different from men is the fact that just because she did well on a prop cycle one time, the next time she may not do well.. it all really depends on the state of her hormones when cycling..
ie: if her estrogen is low (possibly suppressed from another cycle) and she starts the prop again, she may experience all the bad sides of test!! see what i mean...

I personally agree with stacking!! All my cycles have been stacks! Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) work synergistically better than on their own IMO...


that is a decent cycle... remember the enan will also make her hold more water and WILL affect her menstrual cycle as well as her temperment... there are more possiblities of virilization with enan over prop and once those sides do start, it may be too late for her to stop them... hence another draw back of a longer acting test...

If constant levels is your concern, then she can lower the prop dosages and do more frequent shots.. her shots can be EOD or even at a low enough dosage, ED.. Her levels can be regulated by frequency rather than esters in this situation...
ya dig?? :)

Hope that helps sweetie!!!

on a side note.. why not throw in some phynl prop (fast acting deca) she will get the added strength you mentioned and it will also help combat joint pain often associated with winny...

the anavar will not suppress natural test in women.. honey.. anavar even though it is more on the anabolic end of the spectrum, it is still an androgen. If it suppresses anything, it would suppress estrogen bu ever so slightly.. the harder androgens suppress estrogen much more as basically you are putting relative forms of test into the female system...

Think i got all your q's....
luv super
Super Girl,
How are you running your cycles? I am getting ready to come off my Deca and lose all self respect for the Then start with Prop, primo or deca, Winstrol (winny). I have done stacks in the past but nothing very aggressive. I am 5'7" 165lbs about 15%bf right now. I am finishing my deca cycle and running clen for 4 weeks. Any thoughts on a dosage plan. I am getting all these guys input, I am not a guy. I don't think they are intentionally misleading me I just really think they believe we can handle the same shit. Can you hook a girl up.
thank you and happy holidays :startrek: