Started My Cycle Today!!!

Im such a pig faaack

Today is a rest day for me and I had to go help a friend out who was broken down about 45 mins away from my house. I figured I wouldn't be too long so no need to pack any meals.
Turns out I spent almost 5 hours at the side of the highway and back a fourth to a local shop in the area.
I had no meals with me, very limited water and I was damned if I was gonna go that long with out eating. I had to hit up pretty much the only restaurant that was around, MC Donald's!!! I was gonna try and keep it clean, but things didn't work out so well. I ordered a Double Big Mac Meal with a Diet soda. Then I figured, if i'm gonna get wet, might as well go swimming so I ate another one. I ate 2 double Big Mac 1 order of fries and finished off my buddies fries too. Thats close to 1500 cals of dirty fucking filth.

I don't know what is wrong with me. First time in almost 6 weeks I fell off my diet. Anyways, as soon as I got home I was so pissed I did 45 mins of cardio, then punished my self for the rest of today with plain rice and chicken and only water to wash it down....

So im in week 4 of my injection. My days got a little bit messed up and over the weeks. My plan to inject Sun & Wed has shifted to Tue & Sat. Either way I pinned on Tue in the right Glute. The next day I woke up and was in a lot of pain, a lot more the usual. Thursday was even worse, infact the injection spot was really hard. Today has been even worse!!! A few hours ago I heating the spot for 10 mins then massaging it for 10 mins. I repeated this a half dozen times or so while watching a movie. I figured maybe I did not inject far enough and the oils were crystallizing under the skin. I took a shower and when i got out I noticed red blotches and streaks all around the injection area.
I cant really lift my leg up or sit on my ass. Its not hot to the touch and I dont feel sick or anything. I guess i`ll give it another day or so then maybe get it checked out.

Ok, so as far as gains, I am definitely stronger. I was training my arms yesterday when I noticed. I was doing incline alternate DB curls using pretty strict form. I usually do them with 35 lbs. I noticed right from the first few rep that it seemed easier then usual. I got to a total of 12 reps each arm and realized I could keep going. I grabbed the 40lbs and did my sets with those. It was a bit harder, but I felt I had more in me. I said fuck it, grab the 45lbs and I was able to get 8 reps out and still keeping it pretty strict. I have never been able to preform that exercise with the weight before. I packed more weight on most of the other exercises that i had to do.

I also have not weighed my self in a bit and today although it was at the end of the day, my weight has jumped up 8lbs. Im currently 208lbs I look and feel bigger and thats not my head being big cause of my strength gains. People have been telling me all week, and I just never noticed it.
Seeing this was my first cycle a part of me figured with my luck I bought some bush test or something and it wouldn't work.

Tomorrow i'm training Delts/Traps. I will be checking in here tomorrow night and post any strength gains.
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yup, it only gets better.

No biggie on the Mcdonalds either, as long as you dont do it often, you will burn it right off.
Hell yea!! Makes me look forward to my soon starting first cycle.

Are you still taking the aromasin ed at 12.5mg? I was planning on the same thing after all my reading.
No, I have only been running the test.

I was not able to train shoulders yesterday cause I can't sit on my ass. The hard knot in my glue is gone, but that whole side of my ass is really sore. I'm having problems driving and even sitting on the shitter. I don't know what to do...
It's not red, it's not hot and I feel fine other wise. What could this be?
Sorry to hear about your injection site pain man. When I did my second pin last week in my left glute I think I went a little high and to the outside. It hurt going in (the first on in my right glute didnt at all) and right after my left a$$ cheek kinda hurt. And there was a slight disscomfort down to about my knee. The "disscomfort" in my cheek lasted pretty much up untill today. I did my 3rd pin (right glute) and once again no pain at all? So maybe you did something similar? Mine didnt hurt as bad as you described though. It does sound like its getting better now. Best of luck bro. Your a few weeks ahead of me so Im going to keep an eye on your tread. Did that injection feel any different going in, or did the pain start later.
HA! You're bitchin' bout some mc donalds man?

You would be so pissed if you saw what my cheat days look like..

I cheat once every 10 days, and on that 10th day, I eat like SHIT. I mean I load up..

Breakfast, hit the buffet. eat SOOOO much it makes people look at me all crazy.

Snack 2 pb and banana

Lunch 1 Large cheese pizza

Snack, Protein shake with milk

Dinner, Steak and huge ass sweet potato

snack, cottage cheese and flax.

I eat so bad on my cheat days, but I get back on track the next.

Trust me, that mc donalds is NOT going to kill you. Besides, you're bulking, not cutting.

Eat, eat, eat!
drop the aromasin! Only if you feel your nips getting sensitive... I could have swore'n i was prone to gyno and im on the end of my 5th week of test and nothing!!! Just my .2 cents

I disagree completely. Low dose AI's help with a variety of underlying estrogenic sides. Gynecomastia is just one symptom.

Your dosage levels where on point. Read up on the following and you will see that low level dosing of AI's actually help your retain and use more of the exogenous test you are injecting. Why waste test if you don't have too?

AI's By: Humdiddly
I disagree completely. Low dose AI's help with a variety of underlying estrogenic sides. Gynecomastia is just one symptom.

Your dosage levels where on point. Read up on the following and you will see that low level dosing of AI's actually help your retain and use more of the exogenous test you are injecting. Why waste test if you don't have too?

AI's By: Humdiddly

Great information!!!!
Just finished my eighth injection about 20 mins ago. I pinned my left glute and it felt fine, but I guess I'll see what happens over the next few days. I hope im not in the same boat I am with my fucking right one.

This weekend has been such a downer cause of my seventh injection. I thought it would have cleared up by now, but its just as sore as yesterday. I am still waiting to train my delts, but I can barley sit, let alone sit with a shit load of weight in my hands. I don't do shoulder presses standing up so shoulders are out of the question right now.

I tried training chest today but I can sit back on a bench with dumbbells in my hands. I guess I could have done all barbell movements and some cable movements, but I respond better when throwing dumbbells in the work out. I trained arms on Fri and back and legs are out of the questions.

I am hoping tomorrow is a bit better. If so I will just endure the pain and push through.

Besides a few unknowns and some pain I am very happy with this cycle so far.

For anyone who is reading this and getting discouraged about doing a cycle of Test, don't be. The results that I have seen so far and the way I am feeling is well worth it. It will get even better from here on out too!!!

I'll let you guys know what happens tomorrow.
Hey mrksll,

Have you tried pinning your quads? I find the pain is hardly noticeable, and don't find it to interfere with my leg workouts at all. I can imagine how that would feel though not being able to sit down.
Hey mrksll,

Have you tried pinning your quads? I find the pain is hardly noticeable, and don't find it to interfere with my leg workouts at all. I can imagine how that would feel though not being able to sit down.

I dont really have a choice. I cant do my left glute again on Thursday and I sure as hell am not gonna try my right one again for awhile lol.
I can imagine it would be a lot easier to pin the quad. I wouldn't have to twist and turn like a damn contortionist.

Have you trained legs the day after you pinned in the quads?
All virgin muscle will probably act the same. Being your eighth injection, though, you would think your gluteus would be used to it by now. I was g2g on my legs by the 4th injection, hardly noticing the pain.

The first week was the worse! You might not be able to train your legs during that initial week, but I didn't have a problem by the second week.

To make it easier, I pinned the site prior to working out my legs, and the DOMS outweighed the pain of the pin so much that I didn't even know I pinned.

Of course, even though I had pain during the second week after pinning, I told myself to man up and just work out. Surprisingly, while I was working out, the pain from the pin didn't interfere with the leg exercises.

Maybe the pin pain is confined to that tiny area?? Maybe it's all a mental thing. I can't stand missing a leg workout so I just said fuck it. ha.

Oh, hey, can I ask you, do you DART the pin in or do you slowly inject it? I see people saying they slowly push it in for some reason, however practice in the hospital (and what I learned in nursing school) is to dart it in???? Darting it makes things easier too, at least, in my opinion.
Oh, hey, can I ask you, do you DART the pin in or do you slowly inject it? I see people saying they slowly push it in for some reason, however practice in the hospital (and what I learned in nursing school) is to dart it in???? Darting it makes things easier too, at least, in my opinion.

It all depends which side I do. When I do the right side I dart it in. I am right handed so it is easier for me. I go slow with the left.
I did that to i think i was high and hit the bone or something because it hurt real bad i went lower on the next shot and didnt hurt at all!!!