starting again...


New member
i have not had time to work out in the past 2 months but i have been rock climbing so i am in decent shape...i am looking to throwing on some size this winter but i need a good diet to follow. I know that everyone on here is very knowledgable when it comes to training and nutrition so if someone could pm me about a nutritional program or training it would be appreciated. i am putting up these pics to show everyone the point i am at currently. My legs are completly awful so feel free to flame me for there complete lagging in comparison to everything else. PS...the red dots all over me is posion ivy...
Lookin good man. What are your stats? height/weight/age/years lifting? Have you run anything? Don't fret about the legs bro, they'll come with time.

As for a nutrition/training prog what have you used in the past? What did you find worked/didn't work? Theres a lot of different programs to try but you'll expedite the process of finding the right one if you know what has yielded some gains in the past.
wow bro upper bod is lookin tight, but the legs man, the legs??? what happen there? please tell me you train them on a regular basis...cause other wise you have the typical beach body and forgot to work the wheels...good work so far...your next step should be the training forum and the diet up in those 2..
Your Legs Look Pretty Good To Me They Are Cut And Defined Like A Coool 1.
thanks everyone for your imput...i actually do train my legs on a regualr basis they just wont grow. i only train them once a week but i squat deep and heavy. i am goin to train them three times a week i think with a heavy med and light day...i am only 5'6 or 5'7 and weigh in the 160's...i may look heavier but i am not because the wheels suck...PS i am aware that i look like beach body man but i am trying to chnage that...
I am 21 years old and i have been lifting for 4 years seriously...anything prior to that i dont count because i had no clue what i was doing.
hey peanut

thanks for posting the pics. you look good imo. look thick and strong. i would say work those legs from now and going forward. they will grow, but you gonna need to squat and do deads. that should help.

curious to know how strong you are. what do your numbers look like?

anyway why don't you start up a journal once you get the program fixed up?
Nice pics - I wouldn't go to 3 days / week.

2x / week with a Heavy and Light (rep) day would probably be where you need to start.
thanks tman, my numbers are deadlift is 495 for i squated 365 for 6 and my bench is not so good because my shoulder is messed up and my best bench as of late is 315 for 2 or 3 on occasion but i rarely go that heavy, i usually stick with 275 for my sets.

dirk...ill def start with squats 2 times a week...what is another good mass builder for legs...or what you would consider the second best?
Peanut you look like a natural rock climber. Long arms, short torso, kind of reminds me of an ape haha. Seriously though you look thick and lean, just keep up with the leg training and they will catch up, the advice these guys have given you so far is good.
i have been trying to incorporate a 20 rep set of squats when i do legs and a 20 rep deadlift as a finisher...even though that is high rep will it still build size...and i hate to be a pain in the ass but how high should my carb/protien intake be to putn on more size?
Keep your cals around 20x bodyweight and you will gain weight. Just make sure you're getting 30-60 grams of protein at leats 6x per day and carbs at every meal. No need to get too specific.
peanut said:
thanks tman, my numbers are deadlift is 495 for i squated 365 for 6 and my bench is not so good because my shoulder is messed up and my best bench as of late is 315 for 2 or 3 on occasion but i rarely go that heavy, i usually stick with 275 for my sets.

dirk...ill def start with squats 2 times a week...what is another good mass builder for legs...or what you would consider the second best?

i'd say you are very strong especially for your weight.

good luck
Definitely diggin' the back, man, very solid and defined...and your numbers are great for someone your size/ gonna do any kinda competing, either in PLing or BBing??
i have thought about powerlifting because i do not have the correct proportions for bodybuilding plus i prefer to be strong and would nto enjoy getting big and then having to lean out...i would rather be strong and fairly lean...i have considered trying a power comp although i would have to change how i work out...