starting again...

The only cycle history i have includes stacks of oral prohormones such as m1t when it was available...i have taken halodrol 50...i have stacked anotesten and nortesten...and i have stacked 4 ad and 1 ad...these are all prohormone stacks which are considered steroids but i have not yet done what i would like to call a real cycle...looking foward to it one day once i think i have reached my genetic potencial but not quite yet.
Congrats peanut, looking great. As others said, only need to add mass to your legs.
Your #s are very good too. You're strong.
thanks guys...i often say my numbers are not that good because i have been stuck at the same ones for awile...i feel as though i have pleatued as of late and gains have been hard to come by nowadays...i think another reasonf ro that is my lacking of a training partner.
any updates? i saw some in the if you are 5'7 or shorter thread. looks good could work on the traps and of course the legs but you looked bigger in those new pics in that thread.
The halodrol was good stuff but nothing compared to old stuff like m1t....seabiscut...I'm a lil bit bigger i think but i think i am leaner is the new pics...i dont train my traps anymore because the get 2 big and look silly cause i am short
peanut said:
i dont train my traps anymore because the get 2 big and look silly cause i am short

I have to disagree on that...Massive traps look good on everyone..If anything with you being short imo they would look great..Like abig, thick,brick Sh-t house...good luck
peanut said:
The halodrol was good stuff but nothing compared to old stuff like m1t....seabiscut...I'm a lil bit bigger i think but i think i am leaner is the new pics...i dont train my traps anymore because the get 2 big and look silly cause i am short

I agree on the traps, to large and it takes away the width of the shoulders.
here is a couple pics where my traps dont look as are from a couple weeks ago when i was not sick...lost like 10 but ill gain it back...
one of my friends squats like 315 for reps which is a pretty good weight but had chicken legs. He gets really dveleoped abs and obliques and a core from it. Maybe u gotta try different withs out . maybe u should also do some medium weight for higher reps and then do some have ones to switch it up and maks sure your requiting all the muscles. . they look very developed thou.
you sir are crazy, my friend, who's 5'0 flat is solid and very wide. sure he may look shorter but damn he's solid..packed if you will.