Starting my own TRT, opinions please!


New member
So I live in Canada (everything is so complicated here) and I have an appointment with an endocrinologist coming up (in a little while).. I want to try to get her to prescribe me injectables for TRT.. I already have pills prescribed so I think this might be a little easier to just switch.. She's gotten my blood tests which I took 13-14 days after my last Test shot (sustanon and masteron) but I don't know what the numbers show yet. First I was wondering what are the injectables usually prescribed for TRT?? Test Cypionate?? And also, I don't really feel like waiting cause I feel my levels of tests are low right now and I'm just not confortable so I'd like to start my own PCT for the next few weeks before my appointment.. I was planning on pinning Test cypionate 200mg or so once a week with some arimidex at hand just in case to manage gyno. Any opinions? Does that sound like a good plan? Thanks guys!
U gotta come in low like 300 or less. Mine was 110 after Katrina on 220-1100 scale, Pharmchem labs. I tanked my level s, complained of libido issues, low energy and a loss of "zeal" for life..I d never used the word but it was on the pamphlet I saw at a trt ad from ananti aging Clinic in Florida, the Mecca for trt, gh etc.
Got Andro gel-worthless shit but claimed to use it. Threw it out the window at some homeless dudes.
Came in low again.
Protocol dictates rx doc use injections or pellets next . But a paper trail has to be there my man.

My doc and I went to Ole Miss together so I was put on 200 mg test c e o week. After 3 month s I came in at 750 ish ? Now I bring him my lab s and he knows I change the test number using a printer scotch tape and copier but he rapes my bc/bs and I m good with it.

I just needed a bottle w my name on it. Eventually I was allowed to pin myself after showing an amazingly quick ability to bury a 1.5 inch 20 gauge pin in my glute in front of his Practitioner. She s a dumb ass douche bag dike..not that there s anything wrong w that.

For travel, court etc. I m good to go.

U will be too. Patience sux.
But pay s well.
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U gotta come in low like 300 or less. Mine was 110 after Katrina on 220-1100 scale, Pharmchem labs. I tanked my level s, complained of libido issues, low energy and a loss of "zeal" for life..I d never used the word but it was on the pamphlet I saw at a trt ad from ananti aging Clinic in Florida, the Mecca for trt, gh etc.
Got Andro gel-worthless shit but claimed to use it. Threw it out the window at some homeless dudes.
Came in low again.
Protocol dictates rx doc use injections or pellets next . But a paper trail has to be there my man.

My doc and I went to Ole Miss together so I was put on 200 mg test c e o week. After 3 month s I came in at 750 ish ? Now I bring him my lab s and he knows I change the test number using a printer scotch tape and copier but he rapes my bc/bs and I m good with it.

I just needed a bottle w my name on it. Eventually I was allowed to pin myself after showing an amazingly quick ability to bury a 1.5 inch 20 gauge pin in my glute in front of his Practitioner. She s a dumb ass douche bag dike..not that there s anything wrong w that.

For travel, court etc. I m good to go.

U will be too. Patience sux.
But pay s well.

Yeah I know I need the papers but I already had one from a few years ago which got me the pills undecanoate and did bloodtests right after my last cycle in novemeber and that's what we are going to look at this coming appointment.. I think I'm gonna tell her the pills work ok but they make me nauseous when I take them or something like that.
Year s ago....lot s change in years. I have to submit bloods so bc/bs will pay for rx bi annually....jus saying....