Starting to SARMs Cutting Cycle Need some help&advices


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Hello everyone, I posted this into the other section but it did not get much attention so I post it here as well :) So, I decided to start a triple SARMs cycle in about 10 days. I don't think I would go for cheap for my first cycle. So, I will probably give a try for my first cycle. I am a male 23 years old, 6', 230lbs in %19BF. Trying to drop body fat with cardio and diet. Also I will be using the cycle as I stated below. Any suggestions&advices appreciated!

So what I am planning to do is, going 8 or 12 weeks(Haven't decided about duration. Suggestions Appreciated for this!) of this cycle like;

S4 50mg/ed splitted doses 25mg-25mg, if vision side occurs drop the dosing to 5 days on 2 days off. Started to dose it low in first week. Maybe 30-40mg/ed?
GW 20mg/ed preworkout.
Osta(Mk-2866) 25mg/ed in the am.

and mini PCT for 4 weeks as;

Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg/ed

So, what do you'all think about this layout and would it mess up my test level/production? Should I add a natural test booster into my PCT? Will my test level go up to natural level/production after a while? What do you think about going 8 weeks or 12? How do I prevent getting any sides about S4 other than what I stated above?

The osta will at minimum supress you. You Def need pct but I'd add in low dose nova with clomid before wasting time with test booster.
The osta will at minimum supress you. You Def need pct but I'd add in low dose nova with clomid before wasting time with test booster.

Thank you so much for the advice. Nova refers to nolvadex is that right? How can I look that up?
Thank you so much for the advice. Nova refers to nolvadex is that right? How can I look that up?

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