STD's and gear

Gym Rat

a Legend
Hey what's happening. I received a very unfortunate phone call from an ex girlfriend recently who tested positive for herpes. Now besides wanting to kill her of course I have schedueled an appointment at a local clinic to go get tested. I've never had any symptoms but still worried and wanted to know if there could be any problems as I am mid-cycle. Any info on this would be appreciated in the mean time. Wish me luck.

The Gym Rat
im sorry to hear it bro'.
it has 8 types of herpes, any type cause to other thing.
symptoms of herpes shows up at some cases:
in transition season, stress situations, when your immune system is weak or when you have a difference in your hormones.
IMO if you are tested positive so you will get herpes after your cycle when your immune system and your hormones are down...
Gym Rat said:
Hey what's happening. I received a very unfortunate phone call from an ex girlfriend recently who tested positive for herpes. Now besides wanting to kill her of course I have schedueled an appointment at a local clinic to go get tested. I've never had any symptoms but still worried and wanted to know if there could be any problems as I am mid-cycle. Any info on this would be appreciated in the mean time. Wish me luck.

The Gym Rat
We are talking about GENITAL herpes, right?
yea I've got my fingers crossed hoping I don't but u never know. Genital would be my only major concern I don't think there would be any way I could have gotten them anywhere else with her. Thanks for the feedback though guys just kinda wanna know what I can expect if worse comes to worse and if it is going to have any effect on my cycle or if there is specific gear I should stay away from.

The Gym Rat
ran_azrad said:
after your cycle when your immune system and your hormones are down...
A steroid cycle doesn't improve your immune system. In fact, the evidence actually suggests otherwise, but it isn't significant.
Gym Rat said:
yea I've got my fingers crossed hoping I don't but u never know. Genital would be my only major concern I don't think there would be any way I could have gotten them anywhere else with her. Thanks for the feedback though guys just kinda wanna know what I can expect if worse comes to worse and if it is going to have any effect on my cycle or if there is specific gear I should stay away from.

The Gym Rat

You might be ok, depending on when you last slept w/her. Being a virus, herpes can be very unpredictable but generally speaking if you were to contract it (or come into contact) you usually show symtoms w/in 2-4 weeks. Alot of it depends on your immune system. What I've noticed is that usually people who always get sick or are prone to flu's and colds, tend to get outbreaks. It sucks but it's really not the end of the world. Some peep's contract it and never really have an outbreak. If you do, you take Valtrex and it clears it up. I wouldn't get too pissed at her, not like she planned it and be thankful she had the guts to call you and say something. Did you know it's so common that 1 in 4 people has the herpes virus, so imagine how many had it and never told you anything! ..and I don't know of any specific gear that would make things worse, etc.
Very good points JayC I'll just keep my fingers crossed, and like u said it takes guts to call someone and tell them that. By the way nice line by tyler durdan, fight club rocks.

The Gym Rat
You might have given it to her. I have a friend that got some on the side. Well the girl had the clap. He then went home and got some at home. First girl had it and his girl friend at home came down with it and he didn't get it. One of the nice things about being a guy. Of course his home grown girl wouldn't have gotten it if he wasn't such a sleaze bag. A trip to the shower would have prevented if girl friend from gettin it from him. And his girl friend at home was just scratching her head wondering how she could have gotten it if her guy doesn't have it.
noted, but the girl knows where she got it plus i wasn't trying to debate the whole who gave who what situation..... point of the matter is I may have it so if u have any helpful info about the effects it can have on use of gear lemme know. Thanks again for all the feedback guys.

The Gym Rat
Man - that sucks. Was she slutting around secretly?

You should be fine staying on the cycle. Should be no problem.
For what it's worth, I had a friend that dated a guy with herpes for almost 2 yrs. He was very cautious and wouldn't touch her if he was stressed or during a break out. She still has test and broke up with him 1.5 yrs. ago and she is negative. Maybe your ok bro,but good luck.
No she wasn't messing around or anything had gotten it from a previous partner who was slutting around and didn't know. She's a good chick I feel bad hopefully I'm clean. As bad as it sounds better her than me shit.

The Gym Rat
Rat to answer your questions.....1) You should be fine on cycle, if you have it , It probably will not show up during cycle. On a cycle your immune system is much greater than when you are not cycle. Your immune system is worse right after cycle like right during start of post cycle therapy (pct). As stated above I think if you show any kind of breakout it will be after cycle during post cycle therapy (pct). I always get a cold or virus after a large or long cycle b/c immune system is down. Some one stated above that immune system is WORSE while on cycle.....this goes against everything that I have knowledge about this.
Again you may be fine, how long has it been since you have been with her? This may give you a higher percent of if you have it or not!
Great news just got tested and got my results back about two days ago and I am negative!!!! I tested positive for being a sexy SOB though but what can you do right...... Thanks again for all the feedback on this guys I know alot of u PM'd me with support and I appreciate it. Looks like my christmas present came a little late this year but was worth the wait. Thanks again.
Gym Rat said:
Great news just got tested and got my results back about two days ago and I am negative!!!! I tested positive for being a sexy SOB though but what can you do right...... Thanks again for all the feedback on this guys I know alot of u PM'd me with support and I appreciate it. Looks like my christmas present came a little late this year but was worth the wait. Thanks again.

No shit! Well congrat's bro.. great feeling. Wish I could say the same :insane2: :goof: