Steroid / Heart Growth

I have nothing to say with regards to the heart and aas because I don't know, but I just wanted to comment on the last statement you made here.. The majority of women don't like mass monsters, that's a myth propelled by other men, just like the the myth that most men want skinny size zero runway models, instead of a shapely fitness/bikini/healthy kind of look! By in large women do like a strong man, but not on the proportions that most of you are possibly aiming for. Just thought that nugget of wisdom would ring true for someone.

The problem is with the left ventrical due to the abundance of androgen receptors there.

The amount of cardio you do is completely insignificant compared to the amount of test you run. (Or other highly androgenic products.)

Increased prostate size is another problem, although less deadly.

All of this information is easily available on the internet, just google it.

That is why I disagree with every other person on this board about running high test all the time. I don't disagree that more test will make you bigger, I'm sure that more is better in terms of size. But in terms of not dying, more test is not better. Whenever a test-free cycle or low-test cycle is mentioned, everyone says, "Wait, your body NEEDS testosterone, it just ain't SAFE not to run any." Ha... not safe. I guess that's why they need 700 mg of test per week, to be safe. The people who have dropped dead because of roid-induced cardic hypertrophy had been using roids quite a while - 10 years or more if I recall correctly - but a lot of guys here have been using roids that long haven't they?

Sometimes folks will say you gotta take more test than Deca, otherwise you'll be limp. I say reduce the test and take some Dostinex for the Deca Dick.

If you're a competitive bodybuilder, you have no choice, you have to take grams per week, including lots of androgens. But if you're just trying to bulk up for football or look good at the beach, you have to decide if the risk is worth it. I don't know why more people don't know this and reduce their androgens and compensate by putting the anabolic side through the roof.

The following study says that the enlarged heart will return to normal size after you give up the juice. But unfortunately that's after "several years". I don't know about you, but I don't want to go "several years" completely roid-free.

Are the cardiac effects of anabolic steroid abuse in strength athletes reversible?

In the end, people who wanna run high test all the time are gonna do just that and will probably be much bigger than me and get better lookin women, so there ya go.
I have nothing to say with regards to the heart and aas because I don't know, but I just wanted to comment on the last statement you made here.. The majority of women don't like mass monsters, that's a myth propelled by other men, just like the the myth that most men want skinny size zero runway models, instead of a shapely fitness/bikini/healthy kind of look! By in large women do like a strong man, but not on the proportions that most of you are possibly aiming for. Just thought that nugget of wisdom would ring true for someone.

Lol not my girlfriend. And that's all that matters really. But I do it for myself, if some women don't like it I really don't care. I personally don't get it why so many women are attracted to skinny little 10'' arm emo guys that couldn't hurt a fly if they wanted to.
I have nothing to say with regards to the heart and aas because I don't know, but I just wanted to comment on the last statement you made here.. The majority of women don't like mass monsters, that's a myth propelled by other men, just like the the myth that most men want skinny size zero runway models, instead of a shapely fitness/bikini/healthy kind of look! By in large women do like a strong man, but not on the proportions that most of you are possibly aiming for. Just thought that nugget of wisdom would ring true for someone.
From personal experience I could not get laid in a whore house with a fist full of 50s when I weighed 130+ lbs. When I was 185-190 and I have small boned frame to boot women dropped panties none stop and I by no means am a good looking guy. Now I am lucky I have found a girl that didnt care about my looks and more of what was inside and she is drop dead gorgeous but for the most part what I met in my life where women that wanted a big strong guy who made tgem feel safe. To say also I dont think most guys here are looking to walk around cut at 265. I think that if we took a survey the average weight on this forum would be around 220lbs if not less. So the myth ur talking about might be the one you see in your eyes but as far as am concerned moat women like the big strong guys with the ability to take care of themsleves or their partner and alittle more if needed.

Now did I work out to get girls, no I liked the attention but what I did for the military I needed to be strong mobile and agile so 190 was the best size to be able to take care of buissiness and still run a 13 min 2 mile.
^did you juice while you were in the military?

I am in ROTC and am wondering how roids my influence my potential future military career...I figure if I stay in the military and keep using anabolics then I will eventually end up blasting and cruising to prevent the post cycle crash and extra rest needed during PCT
I never do any kind of cardio while cycling unless its just walking 2 miles ill do my cardio before and after cycles !
What you are talking about is called starling's law. This refers to the theory that the heart is the only muscle that works less efficient the bigger it gets.

Keep in mind the heart is nothing more than muscle. Steroids do increase muscle mass with the proper diet and vigorous training.

In short too much juice can make the juice pump not pump the juice anymore. :)

Keep in mind this is something that not everyone happens to get. With the proper rest time and post cycle therapy (pct) the effects are limited. If I'm not mistake. This is what killed Andre the giant. His was derived from a pituitary disease that cause his body to secrete too much hgh and too much LH.

I could be wrong though. Feel free to fact check me. I like a good convo.

OK, Starlings law is simply a physical property of stretch, which says the heart contracts more avidly when filled with more blood (stretched). You probably meant to refer to Laplace's law which states that wall tension is related to wall thickness and internal pressure.

There are no concrete medical studies, other than a few case reports, of AAS being linked to cardiac hypertrophy per se. the few case reports can easily be discredited as the general incidence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the population at large is 1:500, and hypertrophy maybe as prevalent as 1:50. SO, those case reports are easily explained by the higher overall incidence in the general population. The heart is a muscle, but its growth is controlled very differently from skeletal muscle. Concentric exercising (such as weight lifting) is probably more a risk factor for developing mild cardiac hypertrophy than AAS use. There are medical studies that have documented athletic heart compensations with mild hypertrophy, but none of those appear to be deleterious.

All good bro.

I would not worry about it.
Just a tip for you if you go in the military.

The normal normal random tests don't include steroids by default.


If they suspect you are on roids.. they can customize a test for you and you CAN get busted.

I saw this happen to a friend of mine. He lost 4 ranks.

^did you juice while you were in the military?

I am in ROTC and am wondering how roids my influence my potential future military career...I figure if I stay in the military and keep using anabolics then I will eventually end up blasting and cruising to prevent the post cycle crash and extra rest needed during PCT