Steroidology Members Got Any Hobbies?!

Frank I dont jump out of perfectly good airplanes as I dont live on the edge that much...but more power to you I hear its a rush.. they have sky diving at my airport, we call them human torpedoes or juts plain CRAZY!..
Must be nice!

I LOVE skydiving! Only been once though...I want to get my certification to do it solo one day but too expensive for me at the moment
Frank I dont jump out of perfectly good airplanes as I dont live on the edge that much...but more power to you I hear its a rush.. they have sky diving at my airport, we call them human torpedoes or juts plain CRAZY!..

Haha guess I'm crazy :)
I would love to learn to fly as well...something I hope to do one day.

And skydiving isn't as scary as some people make it seem.
I wasn't nearly as scared sitting at the edge of the plane opening waiting to jump out as I thought I'd be.
But you are on an adrenaline high for like 30mins after the jump haha
Wish I could post my skydiving video on was FUCKING AWESOME
I'm a house bitch that cooks, mends the kids clothes, holds down a full time job while making time to work out. I TRY to help the kids with homework, but their out of my league already plus they teach everything different now!! I have a Harley, love football, collect bad ass guns even though you cant find ammo...and i love to fuck also, especially lately and don't know why?? Lol.... Yes, that is a hobby! Seems to never be enough time in the day...
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Like to camp, fish, go shooting, workout with the wife, prep meals together, go out on date nights, through in some dip from time to time, read threads on ology, always doing research on gear and finding new sources.
I play classical guitar.. I try to practice 5 hours a week; I go to school, I snowboard a lot during the winter.. like every single night; getting drunk and go fishing; Racing games with my G27 wheel (shits amazing) .. kayak also........ I also lift weight :O