Steroidology Members Got Any Hobbies?!

K we are getting off subject haha
Sorry DipKing...all the test on this site lol

Anybody like to cook? Aside from the meals we have to cook
I don't really cook even though I can.

I'm that guy who just eats the same foods for like a month until bored and moves onto three of new foods for the next month - rinse repeat.
Spearfishing, hunting, hand loading, competitive pistol and 3-gun. You know, man sports.

Oh, and I do dig cooking when I have time.
Hobbies hmm lets lay it out for a sec

Wake up at 11:30am
Gym at 12:30pm
Kid gets of the bus at 2:15pm
Kids homework and cooking supper usually done by 5pm
Dishes, cleaning and about an hour of relaxation which is usually taking the dog for a run
Work at 8pm until 4am

Hobbies would be fun lolllll... But I do hunt, and try to get to the range on my days off. I draw and do graphic/web design as well.
K we are getting off subject haha
Sorry DipKing...all the test on this site lol

Anybody like to cook? Aside from the meals we have to cook

lol I'm ashamed to say I knew all those names. You should totally pick piano up. Most the time you can find a cheap keyboard online or at a local shop for under a $100 and really that's all you need for a while. Healthy body healthy mind!
I don't really cook even though I can.

I'm that guy who just eats the same foods for like a month until bored and moves onto three of new foods for the next month - rinse repeat.

Why did you delete all your other replies?
lol I'm ashamed to say I knew all those names. You should totally pick piano up. Most the time you can find a cheap keyboard online or at a local shop for under a $100 and really that's all you need for a while. Healthy body healthy mind!

Have to look into that...

On a side note I love poker, but can't find anyone local that likes to play...not a fan of the online shit, it's just not the same. That and chess...nobody here has the patience for my little enjoyments lol
My hobbies besides pushing heavy ass weights and eating include fucking bitches, going to clubs, riding my hayabusa around town,hunting, muy thai, boxing, and getting tats
My hobbies for the last 9 months have consisted of researching steroids, working out 5 times a week, eating as much as I can, watching lots of bodybuilding related video's on you tube and trying to stay out of trouble. My hobbies before the last 9 months :devil: ....... lol I plea the 5th
hobbies....damn i miss those days. between work, gym, gf, eating, food prep, not much time for that. its part of the reason i prefer long esters, just dont have time to fit in ed or eod shots. oh about once a month i might be able to sneak in a little Call of Duty if im lucky