Still looking for 1-2 loggers ASAP

All loggers shipping and Sarm selection Info has been passed on and is all ready to go shouldn't be long and we should have some good logs happening
Thanks guys
You tell me? One of the things that stood out fromna couple reviews is the better sleep supposedly from mk.... But if thats all it offers not that interested whays the stromgest stuff you recommend i take? Im focusimg alot more on bodybuilding style while my hip is healing help me out i have no clue what to try

MK677 is some amazing stuff, but honestly, it's best to run at least 3 months...I will soon be running it for 12.

The strongest sarm we could provide you with, is LGD-4033. It is shown to have minimal side-effects, but, the suppression shown has been dose dependent. It is recommended to run at least a mini PCT after taking LGD-4033.It is the closest SARM that could be compared to the stregth of an anabolic steroid. On average, about a 10lb increase in lean muscle can be expected.

It sounds like LGD-4033 might be more to your liking bro! Let me know and I will have it sent out to you.

I'm definitely down to log my rats' experience and take advantage off the free stuff ha!

I'm somewhat familiar with SARMS. First time I ran some (Osta Only) , I didn't stay on track with the schedule and pretty much saw no physical gains. The second and most recent time I ran both MK677 & GW-50, stayed on track, but I'm pretty sure those SARMS were bunk.

I'm looking to run both LGD and S4 for a bulking cycle.

Bro, we choose our loggers partly based on the length they've been here, or the quality of their posts and/or activity. Do you have any solid refs? I explained how you could get 30% off ANY SarmsSearch products in a previous thread you started. Thanks for your interest bro!
Those are the only two I tried and based off of this experience I won't be trying any more. Still about 4 weeks to go but starting to seem like it was $200+ down the drain
Got some mk in the mail today nice surprise after work keen as a bean to give this stuff a try