Still low testosterone levels 5 1/2 months later.


Still Learning
I did a cycle of deca about 5 1/2 months ago. I gained 7 pound and added 50 pounds on my bench among other things. I tested my testosterone levels 2 weeks post cycle and it was at 300. It should be between 230-700, quite a big spread if I don't say so myself. Just got checked for my annual physical and it tested at 75. My question is, has anyone ever had this happen to them? I look better and am stronger than I have ever been and have a tess level of 75? What is up with that. Now do I want to rape chicks and jack off every But how can my lifts be up and test at 75? I can get an erection but I have to think about it and it does seem to be more work. In that past I jacked off almost every day. Now I just make love to my wife once a week. I have a doctors apt tomarrow and they will test it again. I just dont get it. Has anyone heard of this before? Did the deca jack me up? I am one depressed 44 year old man with a 300 pound bench.
Can doing a 13 week cycle of 600 a week deca just about stop production of my testosterone 5 1/2 months later. My balls are still small. I went back to the doctors and he is running more testosterone tests and checking out the pitoitary gland for over production of testosterone. Also did a semen sample.
Yikes sounds like you didn't do post cycle therapy (pct). Deca is really bad on HPTA and especially alone you are going to go limp. Deca can fuck you up for a while. Whoops,lol.
Thats alot of deca to do all by it self. I'm only doing 200mg of deca ew, just for the joint factor , along with ICN's at 500mg ew.
Deca is the Devil!!

I was messed up for over a year after only 200mg of deca and I did post cycle therapy (pct) too!

I will never you it again!!

Go to and talk to Dr. John.

He goes by Swale on the board, but he is the best at this stuff.
Did deca by itself at about 400 per week for a 12 week cycle and it shut me down. Could have sex, but I'd go soft, difficulting coming. I feel for you, man, as it's a tough lesson to learn, but never deca by itself and never without PCT.

Thanks for the reply. I really apreciate that. So what you are saying, is this is typical? Should I take some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? Should I just do another cycle? I really don't want to do another cycle, cause when I got off of the last cycle, I got very depressed and had panic attacks and the whole ball of wax. If I could go back I wouldn't have done it but that is a mute issue. That was my first and only cycle and the post cycle out weighed the gains. I like the way I look but with a low sex drive and low tes levels it really isn't worth it, for me. I did do clomid after the last shot for 1 month. I also did Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 10 days about 10 days after my last shot. It did seem to help with the emotional part. Hell it seemed to help allot. Any comments will help. Even if they are bad. I don't really care I need some help here. The doctors are clueless. They know less than most of the newbies here...............thanks.
I will NEVER use Deca. I hear alot of bro's using proper post cycle therapy (pct) along with test and they are still fucked up months down the road. EQ is better in my opinion. Some may say the gains aren't as great but for dicks sake I beleive this is best.
I agree with Lawnsaver that you should talk to a doctor about your problem. Many people get shut down hard with Deca. I think it gets worse the older you get. When I was in my 20's, I use to do Deca 400mg 8 week cycles by itself with no post cycle therapy (pct). I never had a problem with libido. Now that Im a lot older, I definitely need to add Test with it and I never go over 400 mg of Deca. I also keep my Deca cycles short (6-8 weeks). I know some believe that defeats the purpose of Deca, but I like it for my joints, and I bulk a little with the short cycle. The big thing is that my Test levels bounce back a lot quicker. Wish I could help more. Good luck.
You are being very vauge in telling us how you did your post cycle therapy (pct).

I would speak to a Doc that actually knows about steroids.

Email Swale and get the problem fixed.

If your balls are still small, and you want to try and recover, then try this.

Take 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ED for 20 days. Wait 5-6 days for the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to clear the system and hit 40mg of Nolvadex for 14 days, followed by another 14 days at 20mg.

Wait another 2-3 weeks and get your blood work done again.

You can take 1000-1500mg of MACA ED to help with Libido, along with 1000mg of Avena Sativa too.
If nothing else, my friend, just know that other people, such as myself (and it happened to me at 32 earlier this year on my first cycle as well with deca alone with a little d-bol to kick it off) have been in your shoes and have come out okay. :D

Me? I was trying whatever I could to get it going again. Tribulus, NO2, and the rest. To be honest, I'd still say I'm not back to where I was, but I'll get there, and so will you.
you guys are the bomb

I feel allot better after reading you guys posts. Ok here is the post cycle recovery. I took 100 of clomid 4 days after my last shot, for 2 weeks, then 50 for another 2 weeks. 10 days after my last shot I took 1000 iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every other day for 10 days. Thats 5 shots. Sorry for being vague. Wouldn't you think that after 5 1/2 months my stuff would be back to normal regardless of pcr?
I did email that doctor that you sugested with all the specs and I am in the waiting mode right now. Hopfully he will get back.
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Re: you guys are the bomb

winger said:
I feel allot better after reading you guys posts. Ok here is the post cycle recovery. I took 100 of clomid 4 days after my last shot, for 2 weeks, then 50 for another 2 weeks. 10 days after my last shot I took 1000 iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every other day for 10 days. Thats 5 shots. Sorry for being vague. Wouldn't you think that after 5 1/2 months my stuff would be back to normal regardless of pcr?
I did email that doctor that you sugested with all the specs and I am in the waiting mode right now. Hopfully he will get back.

Not after Deca!!

Your post cycle therapy (pct) was completely wrong!!

Clomid only goes to work on the HPTA once the gear and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) have cleared your system.

Deca stays in your system for 4 weeks. You needed to wait 4 weeks to start your clomid therapy. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should be taken in smaller doses and 10000ius is needed. 500ius ED for 20 days will revert most cases of atrophy. I recomend taking small doses of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the cycle to prevent the atrophy from ever accuring.

Do it over again and do it right this time. After the therapy get your blood work done again!
I'm going through a similar thing, and I am of the belief that it is elevated prolactin levels that are a big problem... for some reason the hpta gets out of whack and the problem can linger for years... if you are doing blood testing, prolactin should be checked... if not, I saw improvements in 3 days with 2.5 mg bromocriptine taken before sleep per day.
zziggzzigg said:
I'm going through a similar thing, and I am of the belief that it is elevated prolactin levels that are a big problem... for some reason the hpta gets out of whack and the problem can linger for years... if you are doing blood testing, prolactin should be checked... if not, I saw improvements in 3 days with 2.5 mg bromocriptine taken before sleep per day.

Yep, prolactine is always to be checked after any cicle.
On the dick side when you're ok with prolactine you've done most of the job.
Thanks for the feed back guys. I really appreciate that. I am a wreck. I am an emotional wreck and my wife is kinda getting pissed at the neediness on my part. I just want to get back to my old self.
I have the same problem too. 13 weeks Deca @ 600 week.
5 months later and the nuts actually got smaller later on.
I am on day 6 with the HCG @ 1000 day
Started day 4 with clomid @ 50 a day.
nuts do feel better but do you think I should stick at 1000 for 10 days or stretch it out as I have another bottle of HCG?
I was going to use the clomid for 14 days. Do you recomend longer or just keep checking the nuts out to see if they are getting bigger?
You got it. 12 days of 500iu of hcg and am feeling better. Libido is almost back completely. Balls are getting thicker but not 100% yet. Before I took the hcg I was loosing my appetite, now I cant stop eating. The strength is up but it has been up. I am going to take the hcg for 8 more days. I started nolva 8 days ago at 20 mg. Feel pretty good though. I think I will get retested in about 2 or 3 weeks.
3 weeks ago tes levels were at 75.
2 weeks ago tes levels were at 82.
semin sample was at 50 s/b 60.
I am at 11 days post cycle therapy (pct) and the nuts still are not back to size, better but not back to original size. I think i will continue the clomid and keep taking the HCG. The HCG works good but I think I need to continue the thearapy. Damn, wanted to do another cycle soon. Guess I will have to wait. BUMMER!!!!:(