Prolactin is not a problem if you used dostinex with your deca cycle. Maybe, in the future you will use dostinex for avoiding deca-induced impotence and slow recovery. One wouldn't use Testos without an anti-e.
Do this recovery cycle:
weeks one thru three: 1,000U of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), IM, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 20mg Nolvadex daily, and 50mg Clomid daily.
Weeks four thru six: 20mg Nolvadex daily; 50mg clomid daily.
Retest your Testos levels during week seven or eight. If you took baseline blood test levels, now you have something to compare to. If you didn't, then you will have no idea whether the post cycle therapy (pct) worked or you just have natural low levels.