Stomach flu right after cycle


New member
Hey guys. So I came off cycle a couple weeks ago, been on PCT for about 2 weeks and am bridging with HGH,My weight had stabilized at around 185. thanks to really awesome timing and luck I caught some sort of stomach virus, I've had trouble eating for like 6 days in a row and have a bit of diahrrea.. I've been trying to about a similar amount of calories and protein and I've been doing an ok job but I still keep losing weight on the scales for some reason.. I'm down to 177 now which is actually one pound lighter than before my cycle.. Anyway I was wondering if I should still workout during this time (I guess technically I should only be losing water, not carbs or prots right) to avoid losing even more muscle? Thanks guys.
its a horrible time to lose that much weight..

yes, alot of it will be water but you tax muscle as well
its a horrible time to lose that much weight..

yes, alot of it will be water but you tax muscle as well

Technically I still manage to eat around the same amount of calories.. (maybe like 200 less per day and it's much more in liquid or semi liquid form) Do you think I should still workout? The doctor said it could last 10 days..
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I promise you did not lose 8lbs of muscle in a week. If you truly did, you have far worse things to worry about as that would mean you have developed a wasting disease, which often kills.

If I were a betting man, I'd wager it's just water, and you're REALLY dehydrated as diarrhea essentially fast-tracks water out of your system - into the toilet.

I'd focus on taking it easy, getting plenty of rest, and recovering. Drink lots of fluids and try to avoid too many stimulants/solids until you can keep them from exiting as quickly as they came.

The gym will still be there when you're well.

My .02c :)
Ya I agree with HW. You have a stomach flu, at probably the worst time possible. But thats the way it goes sometimes. You did not lose that much pure muscle tissue. You are losing water due to coming of the gear AND your losing even more water becuase you have diarrhea. Chill out. Rest. Recover. Drink lots of fluids. You might even ne surprised at the weight you suddenly put back on once you feeling better and can eat, drink, and train properly.

Ive been dealthy sick and lost all kind of weight then once im better 10lbs goes back on in a matter of a couple days. Is it muscle? No. But no need to worry man.
Thanks for encouraging me guys I appreciate it.. I didn't know you could lose such a huge amount of water weight.. and I was wondering does the water you lose also come from the muscle cells thus making your muscles looks smaller? cause I look ghastly at the moment..
Thanks for encouraging me guys I appreciate it.. I didn't know you could lose such a huge amount of water weight.. and I was wondering does the water you lose also come from the muscle cells thus making your muscles looks smaller? cause I look ghastly at the moment..

Yep. All AAS increase both intramuscular water retention and glycogen retention. So even if you didn't lose a single gram of muscle weight, they would still 'deflate' somewhat when you come off. And like the guys said above, your sickness isn't helping that either.
Ok thanks.. but shouldn't the HGH help me keep most of the muscle? I'm taking 6ui ED

You're not atrophying yet. HGH at even 100iu a day won't prevent you from losing a little though as you return to homeostasis. Testosterone is just irreplaceable, and it's what's lacking during PCT.

You'll be fine, just rest up. Once you start eating again, you'll feel like you just exploded, looking massive once again. Water has that kind of impact as it does give shape to muscles.
You're not atrophying yet. HGH at even 100iu a day won't prevent you from losing a little though as you return to homeostasis. Testosterone is just irreplaceable, and it's what's lacking during PCT.

You'll be fine, just rest up. Once you start eating again, you'll feel like you just exploded, looking massive once again. Water has that kind of impact as it does give shape to muscles.

Thanks, I hope youre right! Today was the first day I ate pretty normal, got in about 2800 calories.
Ok guys so I think this is much worse than I thought.. It's the 7th day and my stools are sticky and seems like there are some particules of food in them that haven't been digested. I've been eating and drinking relatively normally and my weight is still ging down CRAZY fast.. I read that one of the sides of HGH could be diarrhea, lack of apetite etc. but I've been taking it for like 6 months and have had none of that, although I did increase the dose a little bit in the last few days.. do you think that could be it? Second thing, I just came off AA's like a month ago but I feel like this is something serious and it's gonna take a while before it's settled and I really just cannot stand to just lose so much weight and so much shape so fast.. I mean I'm getting scary looking already.. Should I just start shooting some test for a couple weeks to avoid worsening too much until this is settled or would this just comepletely screw my natty test forever??? I really need help thanks guys..
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Ok guys so I think this is much worse than I thought.. It's the 7th day and my stools are sticky and seems like there are some particules of food in them that haven't been digested. I've been eating and drinking relatively normally and my weight is still ging down CRAZY fast.. I read that one of the sides of HGH could be diarrhea, lack of apetite etc. but I've been taking it for like 6 months and have had none of that, although I did increase the dose a little bit in the last few days.. do you think that could be it? Second thing, I just came off AA's like a month ago but I feel like this is something serious and it's gonna take a while before it's settled and I really just cannot stand to just lose so much weight and so much shape so fast.. I mean I'm getting scary looking already.. Should I just start shooting some test for a couple weeks to avoid worsening too much until this is settled or would this just comepletely screw my natty test forever??? I really need help thanks guys..

Really not a good idea to play yo-yo with your HPTA if you plan on recovering. Don't kick it while it's struggling to it's feet again lol.

Have you seen a doctor yet? Undigested foods appearing in your stool sounds like something you should really get checked out... I doubt it's the HGH.

You can always do future cycles and gain muscle back. I'd focus on getting healthy now. Or at least have it diagnosed so you know what you're battling..
Diarrhea for a solid week is definitely a reason to see a doctor. It's likely a bug, but you never know, and safe is FAR better than sorry.

Totally agree with Prince. Don't go messing up your HPTA because you've been peeing out your butt for a week. What if it's something serious, and you have to stay in the hospital for extended time? Going cold turkey after a shot doesn't sound like fun to me!
Go to the Dr.
Take some immodium if you have some.
I couldn't imagine having a stomach flu for a week and wanting to go to the gym.
So I've been doing all kinds of tests.. With no real answer it's like I'm litterally not digesting the food I eat.. Do you think it might be the gh that might have caused hyperthyroidism?