Strange results on new prescription..........what's going on?


New member
I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for low T, that was diagnosed back last spring. I'm 40 years old and started off weighing around 197 lbs. My first prescription for T was 200mg of cypionate and 50 mg of proprianate, blended together. After 10 weeks of this combination, my body responded fantastically! I now weigh around 220 lbs. When the 10 week prescription ended, my shoulders were buldging out, along with my chest, and I thought I was going to have to change all my shirts for larger ones cuz they were getting too tight! However, the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) clinic wanted to change my prescription when it was time for me to get a refill on my prescription of T. That's when I started experiencing something weird.

My new prescription was changed to 300 mg of all cypionate, and they wanted to cut out the proprianate, due to it having such a short ester. I knew I was having GREAT results with the previous prescription, but I finally relucted because I was told that I would be getting 'more testosterone' than my first prescription. Once I got the new vials of 300 mg of cypionate/ml, the results that I had gained up to that point, started to fade.

I started to gain all the belly fat and love handles again. I buttocks area regained all the flubber that surrounded my hips and butt before I went on TRT. My muscle mass, size, definition and strength also decreased. All the strength and 'tightness' of my muscles went away, and I felt 'weak.' I did not have the energy that I had on the 200mg cyp./50mg prop. blend, and within a few weeks, my muscles noticeably lost size, and looked, and felt 'soft.' I called the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) clinic to report this and they told me that they needed to increase my Anastrazole from 1mg to 1.2 mg, taken 24 hours after the injection, because they believed that my body was aromatizing too much of the cypionate. However, they are not sure what has happened to my body. I have lost size, fullness, and mass in my shoulders, traps, chest, biceps and triceps. I'm afraid that everything I worked for, in the first ten weeks, is now fading away, in terms of musculature.

Does anyone have any idea what has happened? This new prescription will not run out until sometime in Jan. or Feb., and it was expensive, so I can't purchase another 'new' batch. Besides the clinic won't sell me anything else until the 20 week prescription is done. What to do you think?
That is a little odd. That tired weak feeling u were describing could be low E. How often are you dosing that arimadex(anastrozole)?
Well here is something to point out. If I were on 500-600mg of test I take .5mg of arimidex EoD. This is common amongst many of us here. They have you on 1mg of a-dex for only 300mf of test. That seems odd to me. Also not using the EoD method seems like it may CRASH your estro and let it build up a little before the next dose then CRASH it again... a very unstable level....

Mind you they monitor your blood so I would not decide to do something on your own. Instead I would work this out with your doctor/ endo. I am not on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and there are better people who will chime in here ( great website) but still I have background in AI's from AAS use and I feel this is a smoking gun.
My anastrozole is to be taken 24 hours after the injection. I am only to inject once a week. After I complained to the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) clinic about my symptoms they said that they needed to increase my anastrozole to 1.2 mg, and then told me to take it 24 hours after the first injection, and then take another pill 3 days after the injection. They said that they suspect that my body was aromatizing too much of the cypionate. My shoulders, my chest, and my biceps are still showing significant decrease in size and mass, and when I sit down and lean forward, my stomach now touches the top of my thighs if I'm not contracting my abdominal muscles!

Do you think it is too much estrogen production, or the compounded cypionate is greatly under dosed?
It sounds like ur E. That dosing protocal sounds a little different than what people here would recomend you do. I doubt ur test would be underdosed if ur getting it from.a doc.
That is weird. Has your diet changed at all? I would get blood work done before changing the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose. Right now, you don't know if you need more or less arimidex. The only way to know for sure, is blood work.
Well, I haven't had any blood work yet, since the original blood work to get the prescription for the test. I have also thought it might be too much estrogen build up. I don't have any male tits or anything yet though.
I will also add in that the current vials for T, are 300 mg/ml. It could only be done that way from a compounding pharmacy, and it is a different pharmacy from the pharmacy that filled the original prescription. I have heard that some of the reliability/ consistency from compounding pharmacies is now under suspect, because some of the pharmacists don't know what they are doing.

In terms of protocol, what is it that is different? I don't have any experience with this except when I was put on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) therapy.
Usually most guys will run arimadex every other day. I do a half mg eod. It seemsto me like u aren't dosing often enough which is going to lead to elivated levels of E beacause they will rebound after ur dose if u don't follow up with another dose in a reasonable ammount of time. Once or twice a week will not cut it.
I will also add in that the current vials for T, are 300 mg/ml. It could only be done that way from a compounding pharmacy, and it is a different pharmacy from the pharmacy that filled the original prescription. I have heard that some of the reliability/ consistency from compounding pharmacies is now under suspect, because some of the pharmacists don't know what they are doing.

In terms of protocol, what is it that is different? I don't have any experience with this except when I was put on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) therapy.

You may be right about those pharmacists. Although, some are really good at making medicine. When I first started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), I went to a compounding pharmacy to get testosterone cream. The guy told me he made it twice as potent as that testim crap. If you get a hormone panel done you will have your answer. If its the testosterone, you can just take it back and get another one.
Hey Thorough....I am also on hrt/trt. How often were you injecting the 200mg test cyp and 50mg prop combo?

Did you take anything else like Oxandrolone (anavar) as many clinics will prescribe as starter?

If I were you, I would go back to the clinic today and tell them exactly what happened. Either they prescribe what was working for you again or you find another clinic. There are many who'd love you business and they know it. It's unacceptable to be on the right track for 10 weeks...and then off track for 20. Yes, it will cost you a few hundred bucks, but wouldn't it be worth it to get those results back?
Youngblood43--- is eod stand for? Wouldn't 1.2 mg of anastrazole, every other day be too much? And besides, this stuff cost me a fortune. I'll include the price of my 20 week supply at the end of this post.

TheChosenOne-- Since I go through a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) clinic, which is in Florida, and I live in VA, and the pharmacy that filled the prescription is in TN, it be kinda hard to 'take it back.' It's already paid for, so I doubt they're going to take it back.

transcend2007-- With the original prescription, it injected 200mg cyp/50mg prop. once a week. After that, I would take a 1mg anastrazole pill, 24 hours after the injection.

Here is what my 20 week supply consists of: two vials of 300mg/ml of Test, Cyp., two vials of HCG, 11,000 iu, one injection, two days before the T injection (one injection, on both the two days), and then 20, 1.2mg anastrazole pills, one to be taken 24 hours after the injection. That whole package cost me $1,120.00. Therefore, I am financially bled dry, and cannot afford another batch of T from another clinic. Besides, the new clinic will want all new blood tests done again, which I also cannot afford right now.
only bloodwork work show the problem . either test levels are low or estrogen is high .
Eod=every other day. And yes 1.2 eod is a little High. Lke I said, a common dose is
.5mg eod. But like dadawg said, either test is low or E is high
Get some blood work done. Or try to dose ur adex differently and see how that works.
Here is what my 20 week supply consists of: two vials of 300mg/ml of Test, Cyp., two vials of HCG, 11,000 iu, one injection, two days before the T injection (one injection, on both the two days), and then 20, 1.2mg anastrazole pills, one to be taken 24 hours after the injection. That whole package cost me $1,120.00. Therefore, I am financially bled dry, and cannot afford another batch of T from another clinic. Besides, the new clinic will want all new blood tests done again, which I also cannot afford right now.

I realize you can't afford to switch clinics right now. However, you should be looking for a new place because that is outrageous. Especially since you might have bunk test. There are a lot of clinics popping up now days. You should be able to find something closer to home. I would get a few quotes from some clinics before your script runs out. Regardless what you decide, blood work is definitely needed. You can get it done for as little as $50 at privatemdlabs. Send me a pm if you need some more help with that.
I would def get your own blood test done as mentioned above.
1.2mg of anastrozole (AI) with that amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and test not be enough. I know that when i take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) it elevates my estro a lot. IMO taking 2x150mg injections a week might help instead of one big injection. Also splitting up your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will help. But you need to take bloods on day of test injection ( before you inject) to see what your levels are when they are at thier lowest.
TheChosenOne-- what other clinics/ places are you aware of that sell it much cheaper? from what I understand the whole TRT/ anti-aging industry is really big business cuz they don't take insurance.