strange symptoms. am i gonna die?b


New member
blood pressure was 140.
im on 3700cals per day
350p 80f 400carbs
getting a bit of bloat and face fat. obv water and being on
250 test 400npp and 600deca
after a high carb meal im bloated but even bending to tie my shoelaces
im get out of breath and sweaty. altjo this may not happen if i didnt eat thr high carb meal before
im not sure if this is cause of the aas or the carbs. or that my clothes are getting tighter. lol
What is your cycle? Maybe look into bloodwork. Your estro could be higher than you think. Hopefully you're taking an ai?
That is a lot of carbs bro... Could be the reason you are bloating so much... are they all clean calories? To take in 400g of clean carbs is quite a chore...

Also, You are running high amounts of deca, are you using anything to control prolactin? Caber/bromo?

What is your reasoning for running deca and npp? I don't really think that is necessary, stick with one or the other...

I'd say go with the deca and increase your test dosage higher than the deca, use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex to control bloat and get some caber/bromo... run your test 2 weeks longer than your deca also.

Just my 2 cents
Man, easy on the protein, not many people need 350 grams. Get your liver checked frequently if you maintain this course, toco. Try backing off all the protein for a week and see how you feel.

Good luck.
250g of protein should be fine, and if your not using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) then that is mistake #1 mate. I made that mistake on my first cycle... never again will I not use an AI.

I think you should get blood test.
That is a lot of carbs bro... Could be the reason you are bloating so much... are they all clean calories? To take in 400g of clean carbs is quite a chore...

Also, You are running high amounts of deca, are you using anything to control prolactin? Caber/bromo?

What is your reasoning for running deca and npp? I don't really think that is necessary, stick with one or the other...

I'd say go with the deca and increase your test dosage higher than the deca, use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex to control bloat and get some caber/bromo... run your test 2 weeks longer than your deca also.

Just my 2 cents
Well put
What's your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) toco? I'm betting you're seeing elevated bp from a runaway E2. 140 systolic isn't anything to freak out about, although I'd certainly try to bring it down.
much better this morning, must be after eating a BIG carb meal. Ok im dropping protein down a bit, getting sick of chciekn anyway so im dropping 12oz of chicken. I just redid my BP its 130/90

nope not running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) only use it on 300mg of test over over. Normally I run 500mg of test. no caber as I cant get it and have prami but it fucks me up to bad.