Stuck at 20-22% inside


New member
What would you say I'm at? 20-22%? seems like I can't get rid of it for anything. I don't gain weight or lose weight. I have cut down calories low as 1,400 and even tried 2,000..I have no idea what the deal is. Here are some pictures.

As you can tell the fat is really at the very low section of my stomach. Any advice ? How are my arms looking ? lats ? shoulders ?

I know I am NOT big AT ALL, but could use some advice.

Training: mon-chest/tri
Tues- Back/bi's
Wed- shoulders
Fri- cardio
have you tried eating more frequently & getting your calories up? i know it may seem counter productive, but i believe u are eating too little calories. bump up to like 3000 or even more & then start dropping calories & carbs slowly. get your testosterone checked too. you might have low t or even high estro. you should get in contact with the 3J on here. everyone that gets their diets from him gets awesome results
Could be a lot of variables man. You're not far off and I've experienced the same frustration, now I'm down to those obnoxious last 5 pounds that keep the abs at bay!
Eating habits make a huge difference. Eat something first thing in the morning, and 2 hours later and the lunch and then 2 hours.... You get the idea. The only way to get your metabolism going is to keep your body working from the time you wake up until an hour or two before bed. Calories should be around 2500 and watch your sugar intake. I cut sodas and sugar and that probably accounted for 15 pounds in 3 months.
Looks like you could use another cardio day too. You can build a little muscle and lose extra weight but not BOTH very effectively. Choose which one you want to focus on, eat and workout for that.
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i would say i have something similar in regards to the bit below your belly button. If you look @ pics of me as a kid before i had an ounce of fat on my body i had a little tiny bit of fat right there... weird. I happened to wear weight really well... i could fluctuate by 10lbs+ and you couldn't tell. I kind of can put it on all over my body... the only one spot that has a little more than other areas is below the belly button.

I will give you 2 pieces of advice... you're not eating enough bro. chicks starve themselves... not dudes. get with 3J! he helped me drop 20lbs of excess like a bag-o-shit in no time flat. its the best money you can spend in this regard. better than all the gear u can buy!
I'm sorry but I can't take you seriously, stuck at 20-22% is a joke. You should find losing weight loss at that stage easy providing you're well informed about efficient ways to lose bodyfat, single digits is when the challenge begins bro.

Something that springs to mind is not being patient. Weight loss is not something instant, eat 2000 kcals, keep the carbs low and the protein high and report back in a month. Good luck.