Suggestions on peptides/aas for bad elbow


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I am new here but lurked for quite some time. Best forum I have found.

I have read until my eyes are threatening to go on strike. I trained for a little better than a year at home and then started going to the gym about a year ago. I've developed an elbow problem that is to say the least bothersome. To give you an idea, when I do side laterals for shoulders I have to let my wrists bend or it hurts to bad to lift. It doesn't hurt when I let them bend but I can't use heavier weight. That to me says it's a connective tissue problem. I've thought about sermorelin, mod grf 129, tb500, boldenone, nandrolone, ghrp's, and on and on.

To the best of y'all's knowledge, what is the best remedy here? Staying out of the gym NOT being an answer.

Sounds like tendonitis. Best thing you can do is rest it and ice it. There is probably something wrong with your form that you need to correct so that it doesn't become reinjured after healing.

Rest it now and miss a little time or you risk tearing it and missing a lot of time.

Cortisone shots can help, but they mask the pain. As soon as it wears off you will be right back where you are now if you don't rehab and address the cause.
Thanks for the quick response. I was born, according to my mother, God rest her soul, almost 3 months premature and as a result my left elbow over extends. I'm thinking I was using to much weight trying to push my shoulders and went too far. So, you think laying out is the answer? Not compounds that heal connective tissue?
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Thanks for the quick response. I was born, according to my mother, God rest her soul, almost 3 months premature and as a result my left elbow over extends. I'm thinking I was using to much weight trying to push my shoulders and went too far. So, you think laying out is the answer? Not compounds that heal connective tissue?

TB500? Maybe. Doesn't fix it overnight though if it works.

Deca would take a long time and you would have to run Test with it.

HGH - would take a long time and is very expensive.

These could help given enough time. You don't see results overnight though. If you want fast and you refuse to rest, you probably need a cortisone shot. Like I said though, odds are that you will be back in the same place in 3-6 months if you don't fix the underlying problem.
I am new here but lurked for quite some time. Best forum I have found.

I have read until my eyes are threatening to go on strike. I trained for a little better than a year at home and then started going to the gym about a year ago. I've developed an elbow problem that is to say the least bothersome. To give you an idea, when I do side laterals for shoulders I have to let my wrists bend or it hurts to bad to lift. It doesn't hurt when I let them bend but I can't use heavier weight. That to me says it's a connective tissue problem. I've thought about sermorelin, mod grf 129, tb500, boldenone, nandrolone, ghrp's, and on and on.

To the best of y'all's knowledge, what is the best remedy here? Staying out of the gym NOT being an answer.

Have you tried anything natural for this yet? This does not always work for everyone but it does work for many. Many of the natural things like Emu oil, MSM, and so on have to be used for a wile before you know they will work or not for you.
I've been using cissus quadrangularis (Super Cissus), fish oil, collagen, lots of water and taking it easy on the movements that would aggravate that particular area. Kinda hard to work shoulders properly without side laterals. I guess I really know you're right and I just just don't like the idea of having to lay off. You work hard, eat right, make sacrifices left and right and then this. Yet, as is said, "an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure".
We'll, it seems that there is another culprit involved here. Don't know why it never occurred to me. I was using an AI and it was the first time I had used this one. I know everyone has different levels of need/tolerance and have to listen to their own bodies responses to things individually. We'll, mine has apparently told me to lower the dose or back off completely. I finally figured out it's not just a connective tissue problem. I believe my joints are drying out because of the AI. I will continue taking supplements for joint health, particularly fish oil, and stop the AI use gradually to ward off rebound. I'll let you know what happens.
A few people are doing TB4 (aka TB500) logs, if you want to hold off on peptides while you get your E2 levels back in order, we should have some results in those logs. I am hopeful, but guardedly.
Thanks cybrsage. I read your log and am sorry for your pain. I hope you get the results you want. I will be following.