superdrol is awesome!

all i can say is sdrol is awesome, had a bit of libido problems... was able to get it up but not 100% some times and boner was lost quickly unless paid attention to! but i will definitely be picking up sdrol in the future again!
damn it dude u shouldda brought this up your first week!!! I just stocked up on orals... if I buy any more im going to have enough for the next two years lol
nice dennis, side frees the way to be! i can only take s drol well any drol for that matter and dbol at small doses or my bp goes nuts and have frequent head aches :worried: but i love me some Anavar (var) and test
I can't wait to try my superdrol. I got 3 test e vials and 100 superdrol caps in the closet lol
i finished it already :p gained a solid like 23 pounds from superdrol @ 20/20/20/30 and test e @750mg, on week like 6 of test... gaining weight still :p so ideally i should be up about 30 pounds this cycle....

Nice! Up thirty pounds. So how much do you weigh now?
Nice! Up thirty pounds. So how much do you weigh now?

after i tried to restart my system i plummed down from like 180 to 167..... huge disaster, then i just plasted again rather then cruising and now im at crusing in the high 190s-low 200s :D, you'll notice results very quickly after first week everyone was telling me i looked bigger, :hahano: never tried dmz, heard good stuff about it
Hey bro, how long till you start to feel the Sdrol? Im almost out of Anavar (var), end of week 4 of my tren hex cycle, im thinking of doing 4 weeks of Sdrol next...You make it sound so good.
Hey bro, how long till you start to feel the Sdrol? Im almost out of Anavar (var), end of week 4 of my tren hex cycle, im thinking of doing 4 weeks of Sdrol next...You make it sound so good.

first week near the end i was getting noticed for putting on size, went up like 5 pounds first week, strength gains were fantastic, by end of week 3 i was up a solid 13+ pounds but i also didn't keep my carbs up that high i was doing like 200g of carb, everyone says superdrol is carb hungry, so idk about that maybe could of gotten more? try it and bring your results back here :D