SuperDrol vs test which one prevails

Lol OK let me tell you what you want to herar...... ya bro buy some generics 1 kit cost about the price of 3 bottles of test. Take 2 iu ed so for the price of a moderate cycle you can use hgh for 6 months and get shredded. All the new muscle fibers will mean you can stop using everything and keep all the awsome gains.
Even if I do use 6 ius I guarantee the carpel tunnel would be too painful and any generics that are that cheap are fake. Your being very ignorant right now because I'm not saying I'm gonna use hgh then just expect to keep everything I gained. I'm gonna train hard and eat right and hopefully keep what I earned. I don't wanna stay on roids forever and get to the point where I'm using a gram of fuckin test because I've got to where I am now on a fraction of that dose.
Even if I do use 6 ius I guarantee the carpel tunnel would be too painful and any generics that are that cheap are fake. Your being very ignorant right now because I'm not saying I'm gonna use hgh then just expect to keep everything I gained. I'm gonna train hard and eat right and hopefully keep what I earned. I don't wanna stay on roids forever and get to the point where I'm using a gram of fuckin test because I've got to where I am now on a fraction of that dose.

Your ignorant but it's not your fault I'm giving you some reality I've used the best generics you can get and I've used half the dose of real pharmaceutical hgh. Have you ever seen someone that looks amazing on generics? I've seen what real hgh does there is a big difference. Think what you want we all come into this with the same mindset of wanting to gain and not having to rely on roids. The truth is you need to always be on test to keep gains permanent.
You keep trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat. I think you should just accept the fact that if you cycle up your gunna cycle down. Depending on how much and for how long you use the synthetic testosterone will determine how much and how long you don't return to normal size because like you said your pretty much at what your natural body weight and body fat is now with out the steroids.
Your ignorant but it's not your fault I'm giving you some reality I've used the best generics you can get and I've used half the dose of real pharmaceutical hgh. Have you ever seen someone that looks amazing on generics? I've seen what real hgh does there is a big difference. Think what you want we all come into this with the same mindset of wanting to gain and not having to rely on roids. The truth is you need to always be on test to keep gains permanent.

you beat me by a split second lol
I understand what you guys mean no gains are "permenant" but I'm asking if hgh will allow me to go past my natural limits in terms of the amount of muscles I have instead of steriods which only increases the size of the muscles I ready have.
I understand what you guys mean no gains are "permenant" but I'm asking if hgh will allow me to go past my natural limits in terms of the amount of muscles I have instead of steriods which only increases the size of the muscles I ready have.

Hgh "real hgh" I've seen amazing gains on test only and 6+ius but you need test and hgh is like test you need to stay on
Sir if there was a hormone out there that had the ability to gain lean muscle mass in one cycle and keep most of it forever regardless of your natural physique, Then every single person would be using it every time hands down no debate. It wouldn't be the missing link it would be common knowledge and wouldn't be like finding a needle in a hay stack like your trying to do not to be rude.
Lol I remember I thought to myself I'll do 1 cycle get a nice jump start get big then stop using and look good forever
Your completley missing my point. Hgh grows new muscle fibers so say your on it for a year and grow 10 pounds of new muscle not pre existing muscle. Are you telling me those new muscle fibers are gonna disappear once I stop hgh because it seems to me like you use test to mature those new fibers and if you stop working out they would just shrink back down like any other muscle fiber. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Your completley missing my point. Hgh grows new muscle fibers so say your on it for a year and grow 10 pounds of new muscle not pre existing muscle. Are you telling me those new muscle fibers are gonna disappear once I stop hgh because it seems to me like you use test to mature those new fibers and if you stop working out they would just shrink back down like any other muscle fiber. Correct me if I'm wrong.

It does grow new fibers, but do you realize how small fibers are? You could add 1/4 more fibers to your body from years of extreme dosing of hgh and if you quit working out you probably wouldn't even be able to tell that you've added fibers once you shrank down. You're thinking hgh will add a permanent 20lbs of muscle to your frame that's not going to happen and is unrealistic. Even jay cutler most likely only added a few lbs of new fiber, he kept that muscle big by using aas.

You're being told the correct advice. You're not going to be the world's first Mr. Olympia that doesn't use aas, it's because they don't exist. Eithe be satisfied with your body naturally or jump on the band waggon and learn from the people here.

We're just trying to be honest and help ya buddy.
Gaining 5lbs of muscle in a year on gear and whatever else is a very difficult task. You think your going to gain 20lbs of muscle on hgh? Lololol! Your very misinformed bud! Anybody can gain 20lbs. How much of that is actually muscle? Not as much as your thinking... You need a lot more research...
that's the answer I needed to here. I understand now so thank you but I by no means want to be a mass monster. I just wanted to be able to sit at 220 lbm comfortably without having to be on cycle all year but now I see that's not possible thanks again everyone for the advice. I don't mean to be rude I guess there was just some misinterpretation throughout this thread but I realize now what you guys mean. I did see a thread though where a guy said he added 10 pounds of lbm to his off cycle natural weight with gh.
HGH will certainly give you new muscle fibers - and you will certainly keep those muscle fibers forever. However, that does not mean you will keep big muscles forever. Let me explain using an all natural example:

A guy is a laborer for a living - he loads and unloads baggage for an airline 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for three decades. The guy is jacked - huge monster arms, great chest, strong legs, etc. He has the body of a weightlifter because he IS a weightlifter...doing 30 to 50 pounds at a pop for hours straight. The guy gets laid off due to his airline being absorbed by another and now he is working at Home Depot. He is 50, not young, but not yet old. After 6 months at Home Depot, his arms are noticeably smaller, as are all the other major muscle groups. What happened to his muscle fibers? Did they go away? Of course not, they are 100% natural via genetics. They simply shrunk from lack of use.

Same thing will happen to the fibers gifted to you via HGH if you stop working them.

As an aside, this is not just a hypothetical example, it is my dad. He worked for TWA, which slowly started dying after the bombing of one of their planes (orchestrated by Libya) over Scotland. Somewhere I have a picture of him making a muscle when I was 10...and his arm was larger than my head.
HGH will certainly give you new muscle fibers - and you will certainly keep those muscle fibers forever. However, that does not mean you will keep big muscles forever. Let me explain using an all natural example:

A guy is a laborer for a living - he loads and unloads baggage for an airline 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for three decades. The guy is jacked - huge monster arms, great chest, strong legs, etc. He has the body of a weightlifter because he IS a weightlifter...doing 30 to 50 pounds at a pop for hours straight. The guy gets laid off due to his airline being absorbed by another and now he is working at Home Depot. He is 50, not young, but not yet old. After 6 months at Home Depot, his arms are noticeably smaller, as are all the other major muscle groups. What happened to his muscle fibers? Did they go away? Of course not, they are 100% natural via genetics. They simply shrunk from lack of use.

Same thing will happen to the fibers gifted to you via HGH if you stop working them.

As an aside, this is not just a hypothetical example, it is my dad. He worked for TWA, which slowly started dying after the bombing of one of their planes (orchestrated by Libya) over Scotland. Somewhere I have a picture of him making a muscle when I was 10...and his arm was larger than my head.

I know what my new profession will be now. Luggage handler plus the gym with 96lbs of new muscle fiber from hgh i'ma be beast!!!
that's the answer I needed to here. I understand now so thank you but I by no means want to be a mass monster. I just wanted to be able to sit at 220 lbm comfortably without having to be on cycle all year but now I see that's not possible thanks again everyone for the advice. I don't mean to be rude I guess there was just some misinterpretation throughout this thread but I realize now what you guys mean. I did see a thread though where a guy said he added 10 pounds of lbm to his off cycle natural weight with gh.

When I spoke of learning the different ways to use hgh I was speaking about its different uses. Most amatures run 4-6iu year round to maintain and stay lean. Some body builder use 10-20 every day to maintain and some use extreme doses of 40iu a day on mass cycles. If the guy didn't post pics I'd be very skeptical to his allegations of 10lbs. If you can inbox me a link to the thread I want to see how many iu he was running.
i basically said the same thing in an earlier post. i understand that the new fibers that are grown will shrink just like the ones i already have if i quit lifting.