SuperDrol vs test which one prevails

he didn't go into depth he was just responding to someone elses post. this is what he said "to see all the real muscle gains, you would have to wait a year or so after your GH cycle. thats how it worked for me anyway. about a year afterwards, i gained 10lbs on my natural off cycle weight. my guess, is this would be due to hyperplasia. after gaining those new muscle cells, you need the time to grow them".
I would think to maintain 220 lbs of lbm a weightlifter would need test levels @ 1500 mg/dl(hypothetically speaking) some people more, some people less. You see it as we age. Less test, less muscle mass. I really don't think it matters if it's hgh muscle fibers or aas enhanced muscle. That's why pros cruise at 1-2grams of test and we get away with 250-500 mg.
Makes sense, But I'm 6'3 and I can maintain 200 lbs of lean body mass naturally without steriods so in theory 20 more pounds doesn't sound too far fetched but like these guys have already said its just not likely that hgh will grow 20 more pounds of new muscle sadly..
for one I don't wanna touch tren because I don't wanna deal with the sides but test/mast sounds pretty good. which do you think would produce more hard lbm gains test p with mast or test p with superdrol?
yeah I have to admit it was stupid to think I could run superdrol by itself. now im wondering which would be better, test p with mast or test p with superdrol.
how to know if insulin has gone bad

I injected 15 ius of humulin r an hour ago and haven't eaten anything but I feel fine. do you guys think my insulin has gone bad?
i know its slow acting but i thought i would've felt it by now. I got it Friday and im also using metiformin with it. its been 2 hours since I injected which is close to the peak time with humulin r and im feeling kindve cold and im starting to shake. are these usual signs of hypo? im consuming carbs btw just in case.
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insulin cycle with metiformin

alright so ive been using insulin and metiformin for the past week now with great results but im wondering is running the metiformin on the same days as insulin a bad idea? because ive been using the 10 grams of carbs method and not only have I gained no fat at all but I feel like ive leaned out a little bit and I was wondering is this due to the metiformin?
Nope, just means you're probably not eating enough. Metformin makes you more insulin sensitive, which isn't going to make you lose weight.

My question is, are you actually taking advantage of the insulin by being on an AAS cycle, or just like tap dancing with hypoglycemia?
is it just me or is this another one of those troll posters? maybe i'm confused but I seem to remember arny here starting some suspect threads...
ASwole: I have merged your two latest new threads back into your old one again. I think it helps guys giving you advice to see the HUGE range of things you have been considering.

It seems like you are trying to throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. You appear to be acting wrecklessly. Is everything OK at home and in you life?
for one I don't wanna touch tren because I don't wanna deal with the sides but test/mast sounds pretty good. which do you think would produce more hard lbm gains test p with mast or test p with superdrol?

doesn't want tren because of risks... decides on insulin... profit?

Arny, has anyone asked you for a spoon pic yet? It's a pic of you holding a spoon with your butt and no hands, you can figure out how to do that on your own and don't be afraid to explore, get creative and have fun with it!
everythings fine! just because I say im considering something doesn't mean im trying to do it all at once im just educating myself on these things before I try them in the future. right now im just using insulin to keep gains.
im using it off cycle right now to keep gains but Im gaining weight just I guess im not gaining much fat because I tend to gain fat around my midsection before anywhere else and every morning I wake up im just as lean as the day before. I think I was expecting to get fat when I started using insulin especially using the 10 gram per iu method but I just haven't. I guess its my ectomorph genetics. im still eating in a caloric surplus btw which is 4000 cals a day.
everythings fine! just because I say im considering something doesn't mean im trying to do it all at once im just educating myself on these things before I try them in the future. right now im just using insulin to keep gains.

That's not how insulin works. At all.

The good news is that you're not taking enough to hurt yourself. The bad news is that you're completely clueless and playing with hormones that can KILL you.

You want to keep mass? Eat at your NEW maintenance calories and continue to train hard. Insulin in a less optimal environment will simply make you fat. And that's the best case scenario.