Supps you MUST take on the juice

60 pills is insane. unless your health condition is aids, or one of the likes, then 60 is too much.
Vitamin E for the heart, and more importantly than anything else on here: a multivitamin AND multimineral!

Sounds like supplement overkill. Where has any study shown that supplements negate the negative effects of AAS? Just wondering.

Why go out and spend a ton on supplements. Maybe milk thistle.

The supplement industry is forever spinning near lies with its claims that such and such can help with such and such a condition. Perhaps some products work a bit, most do jack shit, and at the doses you'd need to really lower your cholesterol or something they are liver toxic etc, like niacin. I hate walking into health food stores and they sit there tellingme that brewer's yeast will make my hair shiny or some shit like that.
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