sustanon 250?


New member
I'm new to the site, and i have a couple of questions, first i'm 6'2" and weigh 252lbs. i've been lifitng for about 2yrs straight off and on for 10 yrs. i have done a few cycles of test. cyp. and gained some size and strength. now i have sustanon 250 and i haven't started it yet, will start in a couple of weeks. my question is what kind if gains can i expect to see taking 500mg-750mg a week, what kind of side affects? i have never taken this stuff before. My bench is at 350, squat 405, deadlift 500. i'm doing alot of cardio so my strength has went down a little. my diet is pretty good and i'm taking in about 300grams of protein a week alot of chicken and tuna! any help would be appreciated thanks.
Sounds like you have to do a little more reading up to do.

Do you have post cycle therapy (pct) planned and the proper ancilaries?