Swoleburns 500 Pound Bench and Frontpose


Gettin Swole
I took these today and thought I would share. Not sure on the BF %. What do you guys think?


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looking good man.

looks like you have shed a great deal of BF. how did it feel sitting under 500?
Swoleburn: You did push the weight back up, right? Cause I found out the only going down doesn't count.

Okay, I'm being stupid. Very impressive. You done a shirted bench yet?
Great work bro!
I remember seeing some photos of you some years ago (i think) looking great!
Never done a shirted bench... Not to offend any of the powerlifters out there but I think using a shirt is cheating but then again alot of people say using juice is cheating...oh well. Minx...I think I love You ;)!!!!!!!! I am actually training to play pro football and wanted to see where I was as far as strength. I am going to start training for the pro 225 bench test now so I wont be using this heavy of weight for a while. And thanks for the positive feedback guys I have been training my ass off as of late.
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Highest max in Squats was 710lbs in college. Right now I workout with about 600 for sets of 5. Dont really want to go much heavier for fear of injury. As far as dead lift I dont really do them heavy at all and I rarely do them. Maybe sets of 8 with 405. I have hurt my lower back a few times doing them so the benifit to me does not outweigh the negatives. I would rather power clean then deadlift anyways. I am not really into bodybuilding I would like to consider myself more of a power athlete.
Bimmer said:
damn impressive, as for bf i would guess 9 or 10%

Im probabaly more around 12-13% I think. I would really be suprised if I was under 10% cuz I am 270lbs right now.
Swoleburn said:
Never done a shirted bench... Not to offend any of the powerlifters out there but I think using a shirt is cheating but then again alot of people say using juice is cheating...oh well. Minx...I think I love You ;)!!!!!!!! I am actually training to play pro football and wanted to see where I was as far as strength. I am going to start training for the pro 225 bench test now so I wont be using this heavy of weight for a while. And thanks for the positive feedback guys I have been training my ass off as of late.

It s only cheating if you are the only one wearing it. :)

You look awesome bro, that is one of my goals is a 500 raw bench.
jcp2 said:
It s only cheating if you are the only one wearing it. :)

You look awesome bro, that is one of my goals is a 500 raw bench.

yeah lol
cheating is using 3 plys when only 2 are allowed