Swoleburns 500 Pound Bench and Frontpose

Golgo13 said:
Screw Football, you look too impressive, go into acting. We need a new muscle star.
Yeah that would be nice, But I think I have more of a shot at football then I do at being a Hollywood star. But I tell you what if I get an offer I would do it in a second. :)
Swoleburn said:
Arena Football, I am going to play DE and TE. I can Also play Center or Fullback on offense.

versatile athlete. thats what is good about the arena league, you get to both ways. you still incorperate any explossive lifts into your rountine?
As far as explosive movements go. I still do Power Cleans and Power Shrugs, Squat Jumps and Plyos. Other than that my routine is like a powerlifting regimine.
they are right at 19.5 inches cold about 20 in the pic I would guess.
Damn Swole, I remember your pics along time ago and I have to say that you have been busting your ass cuz you look huge and lean. Good transformation and your strength is insane. Goodluck.
Mudge said:
Damn, thats a narrow grip too.

You think so, I always use that grip unless I just wanna change shit up. I feel the strongest with this grip. I am pretty strong on close grip bench tho. I can do 405 for 3 with my grip about 8 inches apart.
Hey swole how do you set up your split? Just curious because you have a great balanced physique to go along with the strength.
LiftTillIDie said:
Hey swole how do you set up your split? Just curious because you have a great balanced physique to go along with the strength.

thats bc its a rarity to see a tall guy thats huge, the best combo imo. btw looking thick man.
very impressive bench press. LOoking huge bro, and not fat at all, looking lean.

MY gym has the same exact bench press, I kinda hate those damn pegs though.

Are your plans to get any bigger? Or to run your previous cylcle and diet down in order to shred up?

Great job and looking jacked
Moday: Legs / Calves
Tuesday: Chest / Tris
Wednesday: Forearms / Abs
Thursday: Back / Bis
Friday: Shoulders / Traps
Saturday: off
Sunday: off

I also work speed training or cardio three times a week. Usually on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. I am not really trying to gain that much more weight. Maybe 10 pounds for the tryout but thats as heavy as I would like to be.
Well I have been training but I have yet to see what my final number will be. Here is how I have been training for my test tho
Weeks 1 and 2: 4 x 22reps with 225
Weeks 3 and 4: 3 x 26reps with 225
Weeks 5 and 6: 2 x 32reps with 225
Week 7 1 x 40 reps with 225
Week 8 1 x ? with 225

I think I could probably get close to 40 reps right now. Im hoping to get close to 50 by the tryout
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though it's been said, i gotta say as well. simply amazing. you look exactly how i wish to look someday, and damn, you're my age and i am miles behind you. would love to see your cycle history. believe i'll search for it now. you look f...ing great man, great work. definately jealous.