Tempted to use steroids..turning 21few days


New member
Okay so let me tell you my story. I was seriously weight lifting for 2 years I use pro hormones twice. Over 2 years I went from 125- 180. Then 3 months ago I sprained my wrist and couldn't lift then became a stoner. Lost 25 lbs. Then I started back up Iquit smoking and am back on the sober good life for a month. My strength is coming back pretty fast I was doing full body workout. But now I'm getting surgery to get a cyst removed from hand and won't be able to use my hand for 3 weeks so now I'm depressed.I'm 150 lbs again I feel smaller but I'm looking pretty lean. I'd say 10-12% bf. I plan on doing some cardio and whatever exercises I can do so I can stay active and not get fat.

Now for the real deal, I got a 10 week bulking cycle. Test cyp and dbol. I also got anastrozole for during cycle. And nolvadex for pct. Debating if I want to blast and cruise though. The company I bought them from gave instructions on how to take the cycle and such. I want to take them after I recover from my surgery cause Im ashamed of myself for losing so much weight and not lifting. I can't go to gym in the mornings cause people be like "wow what happened you use to be so big" or they look at me weird now...so I go either 11:30 pm or 5am.

One last thing, what should I do during my 3weeks off. Should I maintain weight, bulk, or just cut while doing cardio and other exercises during my recovery. I'm at 150 now and I haven't been shredded ever really.

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Steroids are not a quick fix drug, quit thinking of them like that.

After a surgery you will need time to properly recover and strength the muscles, tendons, etc.. before even thinking about upping the game with a PED.

Don't take instructions from a company who sold you something. More often then not the instructions would be in their best interest, not yours.

Injuries suck and the set backs mentally are often worse than physical. And I know that at 21 or 51 how people comment on our phsygues can be less than kind but you ll grow out of the amount it bothers you and turn that negativity to positive energy.

Forget about the 10 week cycle right now OK ? Train legs train calves and increase your aerobic capacities. Small amounts of weed are irrelevant unless they kill your motivation to train or to get out of your house and add to you feeling sorry for yourself. I ve lost 30 plus pounds 3 times in 12 years..it is a temporary setback do not let it be like a life changing f k n event....it s not. It s a set back. Get used to them son...life s hard ; get harder; inside and out.

NO AAS for you----yet.
Do you think this one is going to go any different that the last thread you asked about AAS? I'm sorry, but you have a lot of growing up to do. I mean that in every sense of the word.
Just lift in a hoody like me, nobody knows what my physique actually looks like and chicks dig the mysterious types lol
OP - I guarantee you that nobody is gonna notice.. Nobody at the gym is looking at you,, nobody !! they are either looking at themselves, some hot chick, or some big ass 250 lb body builder .. Not you. Changing the time of when your going to the gym just because you think people will notice you lost some weight is absurd.. Your never gonna make great gains unless you leave your ego at the door of the gym.. Get your mind right before ever thinking about AAS
Steroids are not a quick fix drug, quit thinking of them like that.

After a surgery you will need time to properly recover and strength the muscles, tendons, etc.. before even thinking about upping the game with a PED.

Don't take instructions from a company who sold you something. More often then not the instructions would be in their best interest, not yours.
Thanks and what PED?

Injuries suck and the set backs mentally are often worse than physical. And I know that at 21 or 51 how people comment on our phsygues can be less than kind but you ll grow out of the amount it bothers you and turn that negativity to positive energy.

Forget about the 10 week cycle right now OK ? Train legs train calves and increase your aerobic capacities. Small amounts of weed are irrelevant unless they kill your motivation to train or to get out of your house and add to you feeling sorry for yourself. I ve lost 30 plus pounds 3 times in 12 years..it is a temporary setback do not let it be like a life changing f k n event....it s not. It s a set back. Get used to them son...life s hard ; get harder; inside and out.

NO AAS for you----yet.
Thanks for the advice and support I appreciate it. And yeah they do suck, if I never got hurt I would of never smoked and I wouldnt be in this predicament lol. What do you think I should do? Summers coming*I'm 150 lbs now can see a couple abs bulk cut or maintain weight/ very lean bulk?
Do you think this one is going to go any different that the last thread you asked about AAS? I'm sorry, but you have a lot of growing up to do. I mean that in every sense of the word.

I haven't asked about steroids in about a year it feels. And yeah I know I'm not ready deep down I don't even wanna do them until I'm like 215 lbs but there is always the temptation when you already have them.
Listen to the above people. I don't think that there is a good reason to cycle at your age unless you seriously want to compete in the future. The part about people not paying attention to you at the gym is accurate. People are not analyzing you at the gym. If you do decide not to heed the advice of the people here just make sure to read all the stickies and do things right, but you should definitely hold off for a while.
Please quit obsessing as you have lots of summers son. There is no "look" gonna change the facts...ur hurt and u need time to heal. Period.

New Alias-no offense please but when I see someone wearing a hoodie inside anything but a boxing or MMA setting where cutting weight, raising core temperature is crucial to burn maybe 20 more cal s an hour I see an insecure individual who wants to be viewed as a badass in lieu of being one and only gangsta wannabee s and the skanky young wanna be petre dish slut s w tat s think it s cool. Really...if wearing a hoodie is mysterious and badass that s as gay as a man wearing glasses who does not need them but wants to be seen as smart.

Ya ll both need to chill and be as good as MEN as you can be and quit frontinand produce more than an immenent front that crumbles when someone either confronts you or say s " U losing weight man ?"
'Yes sir...hurt my hand so it s leg s for 3 weeks...."

Respect is EARNED, then given and when deserved you can demand it. Every time I see a hoodie inside I want use it as a rope to HANG OR STRANGLE the wearer.

Size, strength respect honor all take time and DEEDS...not words and fronts.

I say this to assist you not offend...you wll realize the truth and wisdom of these words in time---how long is up to you.
your not finished development till about age 25 and it could stop/mess up your development, I would advise you to wait untill this time and keep researching the next few years and use natty supps.
Please quit obsessing as you have lots of summers son. There is no "look" gonna change the facts...ur hurt and u need time to heal. Period.

New Alias-no offense please but when I see someone wearing a hoodie inside anything but a boxing or MMA setting where cutting weight, raising core temperature is crucial to burn maybe 20 more cal s an hour I see an insecure individual who wants to be viewed as a badass in lieu of being one and only gangsta wannabee s and the skanky young wanna be petre dish slut s w tat s think it s cool. Really...if wearing a hoodie is mysterious and badass that s as gay as a man wearing glasses who does not need them but wants to be seen as smart.

Ya ll both need to chill and be as good as MEN as you can be and quit frontinand produce more than an immenent front that crumbles when someone either confronts you or say s " U losing weight man ?"
'Yes sir...hurt my hand so it s leg s for 3 weeks...."

Respect is EARNED, then given and when deserved you can demand it. Every time I see a hoodie inside I want use it as a rope to HANG OR STRANGLE the wearer.

Size, strength respect honor all take time and DEEDS...not words and fronts.

I say this to assist you not offend...you wll realize the truth and wisdom of these words in time---how long is up to you.

I never said wearing a hoody is "badass" thats you. As if I have something to prove to anybody? Lifting in a hoody is for gangsta wannabees? And it only appeals to petri dish sluts? Just lol, it's kind of not fair u said "no offense please" because this sounds pretty offensive to me. Also your telling me to quit frontin, as if I wear a hoody strictly for trying to look like a badass?

Ur like a 60 year old on a cocktail of opiates, benzos, prolly anti-depressents, kratom, steroids I think YOUR the one frontin... And your trying to call me insecure, unstable... Why dont u go ahead and try to "HANG OR STRANGLE" the next person u see wearing a hoody at the gym, I hope it's me, I'll sock u once and u'll prolly go into a coma old man, ur just a has been.
So u think defending myself when I'm being attacked makes me a punk? How many times a day do u suck Teutonics dick?

An internet tough guy who throws around names and accusations. In my life experience the only people who do that are posers. The people who don't need to talk themselves up are the ones to keep an eye on.

However you take that, fine. I am not here to "suck anyones dick" I am just calling a spade a spade.

I think the fact is the mods here, and seasoned members really know their shit.

Your words, not mine. Be gone fly.
An internet tough guy who throws around names and accusations. In my life experience the only people who do that are posers. The people who don't need to talk themselves up are the ones to keep an eye on.

However you take that, fine. I am not here to "suck anyones dick" I am just calling a spade a spade.

Your words, not mine. Be gone fly.

I dont throw around names and accusations, unless I am defending myself. You and Teutonic are throwing the accusations around that I think I am some kind of badass, because I like to lift in a god damn jacket. This whole thing is just ludicrous, show me where I talked myself up, all I have done is defended myself and stated facts.

The fact is, ur acting like Teutonics little bitch fighting his battle for him, for no reason, I didnt do anything to U for u to come at me like this.

So I can answer my own question, u suck his dick as many times as he tells u to cause ur his little bitch.
I ll not ban you . Your only reason to take issue with my post must be because it was a direct hit. " wear a hoodie and be all mysterious..chicks dig it".

No one else but you took issue. I did not directly attack you...I stereotyped thoughts I have and as you to issue with the expression describing what I think of hoody wearing guys.....you walked right into it all by yourself.

I apologize to YOU if you waer a hoody and are a well mannered, hard working young man who stands on his own feet, pay s his way etc. Really I do...few guys...actually none I know in my lil world dress like that who are what I described.

Try to grow up and take the good and not cop a plea and attitude right off. Again...my opinion only.
Keep using that accusatory tone and language and you will be a memory but I d rather leave it alone.
TYPE THAT LAST SENTENCE ONE MORE TIME---after I have, I believe exonerated myself and apologized to you and all hard working, bill paying, pussy getting, not livin w mama----hoody wearer's.

I personally think it s silly and definitely forbid my son or my girls to hang with them boy s that do f y i.
this argument is literally about wearing a hoody....lolz

I wear a hoody during my warm up sets until I get a pump. Is it because I'm insecure? Maybe a little. Is is because I care about my image? Yep and so be it.
I ll not ban you . Your only reason to take issue with my post must be because it was a direct hit. " wear a hoodie and be all mysterious..chicks dig it".

No one else but you took issue. I did not directly attack you...I stereotyped thoughts I have and as you to issue with the expression describing what I think of hoody wearing guys.....you walked right into it all by yourself.

I apologize to YOU if you waer a hoody and are a well mannered, hard working young man who stands on his own feet, pay s his way etc. Really I do...few guys...actually none I know in my lil world dress like that who are what I described.

Try to grow up and take the good and not cop a plea and attitude right off. Again...my opinion only.
Keep using that accusatory tone and language and you will be a memory but I d rather leave it alone.

It was a direct hit for me, in the sense that I think the guys in the sleevelesses walking around flexing are the ones who think they are the badasses. I keep to myself, get in and get out, its easier for me to avoid conversation with a hoody on.

I see myself as the complete opposite, I am very proud of my progress, but I am very humble.. Hence why I wear a hoody, I dont think I am a badass, I dont think I have a "sick" physique like all these other young guys showing off in their singlets and shit.

I am sorry I got very personal, but I felt like you completely slandered me.