tereskans new routine


New member
this is going to be day on day off. I am on cycle at present ( 800mg test e/1000mg eq/500mg tren e week and 60 mg var ED)

Day 1- legs

squats 2 x 5 reps

leg press 1 x 20
2 x 6

stiff leg deads 2 x 8 reps

hyper extensions 2 x 10 reps

calf raises 2 x 8 reps

abs 2 x 20

day 2- chest/triceps

bench press 2 x 6 reps

decline press 2 x 6 reps

incline dumbell 2 x 8 reps

tricep push down 2 x 10

dips 2 x 10

day 3- back

dead lifts 2 x 5 reps

wide crip chins 2 x 6 reps

cable rows 2 x 6 reps

narrow grip pull down 2 x 8 reps

hyper ex 2 x 10 reps

abs 2 x 20 reps

day 4-shoulders/biceps

shoulder press 2 x 6 reps

side raises 2 x 8 reps

front raises 2 x 8 reps

pull aparts 2 x 10 reps

bicep curl 2 x 10 reps

seated curl 2 x 10 reps
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that is very simliar to the routine posted by pullinbig. Enjoy ...best of luck to ya let us know how it goes.
i was doing the pullinbig one for about 12 weeks and got great gains of it, I have tried to bring alot of the basic principles of it to this rountine and hopefully it should work well.
Maybe you should put the biceps w. you back and some light shoulders w. legs? I don't think doing biceps the day after back is the greatest idea.

Good luck & post a journal :druggie:
this is going to be day on day off. I am on cycle at present ( 800mg test e/1000mg eq/500mg tren e week and 60 mg var ED)

Day 1- legs

squats 2 x 5 reps

leg press 1 x 20
2 x 6

stiff leg deads 2 x 8 reps

hyper extensions 2 x 10 reps

calf raises 2 x 8 reps

abs 2 x 20

day 2- chest/triceps

bench press 2 x 6 reps

decline press 2 x 6 reps

incline dumbell 2 x 8 reps

tricep push down 2 x 10

dips 2 x 10

day 3- back

dead lifts 2 x 5 reps

wide crip chins 2 x 6 reps

cable rows 2 x 6 reps

narrow grip pull down 2 x 8 reps

hyper ex 2 x 10 reps

abs 2 x 20 reps

day 4-shoulders/biceps

shoulder press 2 x 6 reps

side raises 2 x 8 reps

front raises 2 x 8 reps

pull aparts 2 x 10 reps

bicep curl 2 x 10 reps

seated curl 2 x 10 reps

looks solid. give it several weeks and see how it works out for ya.
Winter said:
Maybe you should put the biceps w. you back and some light shoulders w. legs? I don't think doing biceps the day after back is the greatest idea.

Good luck & post a journal :druggie:

thats what i was thinking. squeeze shoulders in on chest day maybe.