Test and prop cut/strength log

Must have something to do with the tren. I've never read about it but i'll look into it. Interesting that we both get the sensation but that it doesn't actually happen.
Yeah dude its weird, sometimes I'll get it for no apparent reason too. I woke up in the middle of the night last night feeling that way and it lingered for quite a while... fucken annoying.

Squatted 575x2... the 2nd rep was the ugliest I've done in a long time, but I got it, so that's all that counts!

I've been doing some crazy cardio these last few days... yesterday I think I actually went into a negative overall caloric balance for the day lol.

I've noticed that all the body parts I've exposed to high volume this cycle 'round have blown up on volume. I'm a lot more broad (almost too broad I feel) and almost feel stupidly top heavy. My back has widened up way more than I was hoping it would... I was honestly satisfied with the way it was before, so I will tone it down from now on and do low volume backward that primarily emphasizes my traps anyway. Still, I imagine I'll look better after the water drops and so does the shapeless bulk.

Next cycle I'd like to focus on adding some quality size in the following areas: abs, traps/neck, tris, calves, and legs to an extent. I'd like more of that teardrop look and whatnot. So, knowing what I know now, I will train these with very high volume, and my other lifts with very low volume.
I had it all workout long this am. It sucks man, all I ate beforehand was oatmeal so there is no rhyme or reason to it. At least it's not actually acid reflux because that shit would blow.

Nice squat man, you definitely have 585 in your sights. The bloat is falling off a little bit everyday for me and I am loving it. With your caloric deficit and the compounds you used (var and tren) I imagine that you will be shredded 2-3 weeks into pct.

I wish my legs would add more size, even though I lift heavy my genetic limitations are prohibiting the size I want to balance everything out. My chest, shoulders and bi's are much bigger but it seems my legs aren't growing with the same consistency. Not sure how to remedy that but i'll always be comforted at night knowing I am performing at a high level so i'm ok with it. Looks are cool, performance is what drives me above all else. Afterall, what good is a person that looks like he can perform but actually can't? I know many of those in my gym. Keep curling those 20's fellas and not doing any leg work! Good luck with that.
I've loved reading you and bulldog's threads. Progress is off the charts bro, nice work! I'm hoping I can do half that good with this first cycle I'm on. Interesting that you bring up the High volume differences. I definitely have an idea of what I want to focus on the most, but I have to wonder if theres a limit to what you can prioritize in one cycle? Or do you just go hard as hell on every muscle group and let your body do its thing? I've started to notice a quicker recovery time, so in theory one could for instance prioritize chest twice a week like on Monday and Friday.

Lol I'm trying to read back but it's too much to read on my phone! What did your cycle end up actually looking like week by week? Love to see your recap so far and thoughts on the mid cycle additions/increased doses. Was it worth it? Any ugly sides to speak of?
I wish my legs would add more size, even though I lift heavy my genetic limitations are prohibiting the size I want to balance everything out. My chest, shoulders and bi's are much bigger but it seems my legs aren't growing with the same consistency. Not sure how to remedy that but i'll always be comforted at night knowing I am performing at a high level so i'm ok with it. Looks are cool, performance is what drives me above all else. Afterall, what good is a person that looks like he can perform but actually can't? I know many of those in my gym. Keep curling those 20's fellas and not doing any leg work! Good luck with that.
That being said, and while I agree, there is a definite virtue to being more lower body heavy. I think lowering your center of gravity (i.e. adding more mass in your lower body as opposed to upper) will allow for a more stable base when doing certain lifts that require you to stand... which ultimately improves performance.

I've loved reading you and bulldog's threads. Progress is off the charts bro, nice work! I'm hoping I can do half that good with this first cycle I'm on. Interesting that you bring up the High volume differences. I definitely have an idea of what I want to focus on the most, but I have to wonder if theres a limit to what you can prioritize in one cycle? Or do you just go hard as hell on every muscle group and let your body do its thing? I've started to notice a quicker recovery time, so in theory one could for instance prioritize chest twice a week like on Monday and Friday.

Lol I'm trying to read back but it's too much to read on my phone! What did your cycle end up actually looking like week by week? Love to see your recap so far and thoughts on the mid cycle additions/increased doses. Was it worth it? Any ugly sides to speak of?

Thanks dude!! I'm glad you stuck through the whole log despite my tendency to ramble :) My favorite thing about mine and Bulldog's logs are the comparisons we draw. We started at similar compositions with similar strength levels, ran similar compounds, and had similar results... it's fascinating to me.

I don't see physical burnout as much of a concern, but you do have to make sure you don't burn out mentally. It takes a lot of mental fortitude to go balls to the wall every time you lift and not take any time off, and you want to make sure you don't fall into a demotivated state as a result. I worry about that more than physical 'overtraining', personally... juice will help take care of that. Just try to gauge what you can handle.

My last pin is on the 16th... if you can wait until then, I will post a comprehensive summary of my compound and dosing history, as well as a summary of the strength progressions I've made on cycle, and what I've learned from it all. I probably won't post any progress pics till I shed some water... in the meantime, I have a few pics in the thread in posts 62 and 80.

As far as sides. The 350 mg tren/wk caused me no sides whatsoever. The 100 mg Anavar (var) ED I attribute with muscle tightness, cramps, and spasming. I'm talking debilitating foot cramps while I lifted, charliehorses during sex, back spasms when stretching, and I really do attribute my pec strain with the Anavar (var) , however that mechanism came about. As far as Test... I was content running it at 500/wk, but increasing it to 700 made my body extremely sensitive to bloat and I WILL NEVER RUN IT THIS HIGH EVER AGAIN. I will refrain from saying exactly what the peak of my bloat was until my cycle is finished, but it was unacceptable.

Other than that, no sides. No acne, no hair loss, no aggression, libido and personality, all the same.
On another note, I was just looking back through my log real quick (to see where the pics were posted), and I saw that exactly a month ago I was only squatting 515x4. TREN!!!

I also started dosing GHRP2 instead of Ipam last night, for the record. I should see stronger effects.
Sounds good bro, I'll tell you your log has made me really tempted to throw tren in for the last 6 weeks! I've got sOme Anavar (var) too, but I def won't be running it at 100mg lol. Tren ace right? Was that EOD? Idk if with home and work/travel I can do that schedule.

I hear you on the Burnout... It's easy to shutdown on the weekends and veg out! I've noticed a marked recovery time already and I'm sure it will get better. Way I see it, if gains keep coming and I keep growing, balls to the wall every time is the only way to go! But I also believe in proper rest days (aka completely off, or go for a jog to switch it up).

And no rush on that recap, I can wait! Looking forward to it dude.
60 pound improvement in one month on a lift that was already damn near maximized? Gotta Love Tren! In regards to test dosage, 400 was pretty good and i would only venture higher if I was using Letro the entire cycle to cut off any and all bloat. I would simply cut that conversion out of the equation and go from there. Test didn't seem to bring about many strength gains for me, so although estro is supposed to support that it just didn't manifest itself to justify the conversion being acceptable.

I think I will take your advice and incorporate more standing lifts so that my legs are more involved and forced to stabilize the lifts. It makes sense, you kill two birds with one stone as you hit the legs, core and the isolated muscle movement. Done deal, that's what i'll be doing and at the very least it will assist in balance and functionality. I'll quietly hope for a bit more size. My legs look good but I wouldn't say they match what's on top so hopefully this will help. Perhaps some igf-1 spot injections would be in order post-workout to concentrate on the calves and quads, couldn't hurt anyway.
Thank ya :D

Yeah OCdude the ace was EOD, at 100mg. I've heard that some pretty magical shit happens at 100 ED (700/wk), and while it may be something to consider in my future, I'm loving the results I got on 350.

Bulldog I really don't believe all this garbage about estrogen being conducive to gains.*The only concrete link I have seen is that higher estro levels are correlated with higher IGF levels, but it is so minute that it doesn't matter. If I could go back I woulda tried letro instead, but my test dose will be so low next cycle it won't even matter.

Other things: will prob revert my training back to e3d once I stop tren and ride on Susp the last week. May also try feeling out my BP again... tomorrow marks two weeks since the strain. Bump is still there and is pretty hard, but the inflammation is way down. We'll see.
I've also decided to start blasting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 500iu/day. I've been running it at 250 every couple of days since a few weeks in, and my nuts are good, but I will blast anyway. I started yesterday (Wed) and will probably run it until next weekend or so.
I've also decided to start blasting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 500iu/day. I've been running it at 250 every couple of days since a few weeks in, and my nuts are good, but I will blast anyway. I started yesterday (Wed) and will probably run it until next weekend or so.

Just make sure to drop the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a few weeks before pct.
Everything I read says estro helps with strength gain but it wasn't my personal experience. I didn't feel I gained much if any strength on the test and NPP stack so I can't imagine that the estro did anything productive. That's why I say, if I am to do test at a high dose it will be countered with letro everyday so as to prevent any conversion. It just didn't seem worth it in any way in my experience. As far as i'm concerned, estrogen can fuck itself and i'll never let it bloat me again like this past cycle.

Tren is the shit, i can't imagine what would happen with tren at 700mg's though. That would be a scary thought. I got results off of 160 initially so wow, that would be some epic shit.
In the log I linked you to a while back, the guy started at 350/wk, worked his way up to 500, then concluded with 700. He seemed fine.

If my next cycle is truly my last, then it's something I might have to try :) Well, maybe.. it would definitely involve a process of ramping though. Hair loss would be my biggest concern at that dose.

MP 245 x 3 super clean strict amazing reps :D
BB inc 275x6
BP 365x4

Tried to test out my pec today, and am pretty happy. I won't do the crazy volume I was doing before, but I think I am g2g in terms of heavy weight again. 365 for 2 handful of reps was my goal going into this cycle, and I think I will come at least pretty close to satisfying that goal by the end of next week. We'll see how much I can eek out of my inclines and flat these last few days.

Ironically, the bump is still there and hard, so I dunno what the hell is going on with that. I will get an ultrasound one of these days, but no rush, seeing as how I'm good to go IMO.

I also think the GHRP2 has been more effective than the Ipam. I say this mostly because since I began dosing it I've noticed some of my aches and misc pains disappearing. Will probably stop dosing at such a high frequency any day now... well, at least until PCT.
I hear you, i'm thinking my next cycle of tren will be dosed at 450-500 and i'll adjust from that starting point. Glad to hear you are pain free and able to hit that muscle group again.
Thanks, I am gonna try to make up for lost time in this next 10 days or whatever is left.

Although this was a fun run, I'm looking forward to the end. I'm sick of this diet, and just want to be able to eat normally again. The constant pinning (esp w/r/t to the peps, which I'm doing 6x daily) is getting annoying too. The bloat was a massive source of discontent. I have some aches that I didn't have before from all the frequent training.

Plus, I'm just ready to start training differently. Become proficient with the weights I've worked up to, as opposed to trying to gun for new weights every workout. I haven't had a scheduled rest day in years, and the way my new routine worked itself out, it just so happens that I'll have one every week. Which will be good, because the foreseeable future should be very busy for me anyway... this is the main reason I'm glad to be finishing up, because I don't think I'd be able to maintain these two lives concurrently haha.

Feels good to have accomplished the goals I originally set out to do though :)
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Damn, that is way too much pinning. I would be annoyed all day long if i had to do that every other hour or whatever that translates to. I know it's sub'q but that still is quite a hassle.

Interesting about the aches, I believe estrogen is supposed to aid in that. From our experiences it doesn't look like estrogen provides any benefit whatsoever. I will definitely be blocking that conversion completely when using aromatizing compounds, as we both didn't see anything positive from it. Also, I believe your aches are coming from Anavar (var) as I have zero to speak of with the tren and test stack. It's good to know as i have a bottle laying around that I may not use now. My friend loves the stuff so i'm sure he'll buy it.

Have you noticed a loss of range of motion? I have significantly at least as far as my upper body is concerned. That will be something I address in post cycle therapy (pct), maybe with yoga or some other lame shit. Also, my neck cracks literally all day long now and that wasn't something that happened pre-cycle.
The peps are real annoying, yeah, but its only cause I've chosen to dose em like this for the injury. It'll be a part of post cycle therapy (pct) too... almost makes me wanna look into growth for the convenience issues, but there are a few things I'm not a fan of when it comes to HGH.

Loss of range of motion in what way? Like, muscular tightness? Or because of extra size in general? Because yes, I've noticed it on all the above accounts. I mostly attribute it to increase size, combination of new muscle as well as bloat.

Nothing gay about yoga IMO, personally not my thing but I have a lotta friends into it. Just personally not my thing, but I definitely would love to work on flexibility as well. It's always been a personal weakness of mine and I'll probably start doing it along with the other different types of training I wanted to start. I have a few goals/things I'd love to be able to do, and a full split is one of em. Also would love to be able to do handstands and flips... I can already do human flags though :)
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Human Flag? That's some serious core strength there. Now i'm gonna have to go practice, where's the nearest pole, haha.

I believe the loss of ROM is attributed solely to the new size. I believe most of the bloat is off now but i'm still limited in my upper body mobility, much moreso then pre-cycle.

I hate slow paced things like yoga and pilates, there's too much time to think about what you're doing and I have never liked those types of activities. When it's fast-paced my mind is constantly consumed and focused and even though the tasks are harder they are in fact much easier for me to perform. I suppose it would be good to overcome that weakness though, so i'll take it as a mental hurdle I have to defeat and hopefully it will increase my flexibility in the process.