Test booster's

If that is really you I stand corrected..beggon ur pardon.
Thick and look strong...all natural to boot eh ?
Nicely done then.

yes all natural to boot ive had hgh bp since i was 25 so i was always skeptical about taking stuff....but from what ive read and heard from people im gonna stay away from compounds!!!and od what ive been doing for the past 7 years ...
I dont care what anyone says...otc test boosters are fake as fuk. Get the blood work done and then tell me that its working. Its not. Its all in your head. Just like a kid at the gym trying to claim he gained 20 lbs of the last test booster...fukin idiot. I tried to use that as a cover up when my doc ran my blood work and I had more test in me than 3 18 year olds. He asked me what I was taking and I said natty test booster from max muscle...he said bullshit!

Thats some funny shit...

No Rosie Test boosters are bullshit.
Show me some before and after bloodwork to backup this crap.
And the PP products you linked to are bullshit too.

Bottom line as stated a steak and hard workout will boost your Test more than all the miracle supplement claims.

lol. . .
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I dont care what anyone says...otc test boosters are fake as fuk. Get the blood work done and then tell me that its working. Its not. Its all in your head. Just like a kid at the gym trying to claim he gained 20 lbs of the last test booster...fukin idiot. I tried to use that as a cover up when my doc ran my blood work and I had more test in me than 3 18 year olds. He asked me what I was taking and I said natty test booster from max muscle...he said bullshit!

ROTFLMFAO ! I cant lie.... that much T is alot of fun though !!
yes all natural to boot ive had hgh bp since i was 25 so i was always skeptical about taking stuff....but from what ive read and heard from people im gonna stay away from compounds!!!and od what ive been doing for the past 7 years ...

I dont know how clean your diet is, or how much cardio you do, but those 2 things will play a large role in your bp even if it is a genetic condition. Nitric oxide will relax blood vessels also & have helped me alot. I was on a low dose of metoprolol[ 25mg] & was able to start takin half doses for a few wks, then he took me off it all. I was on lisinipril [sp?] before & it made me very sleepy. As far as creatine goes, try the creatine from Species nutrition. Water soluable creatine monohydrate in a gylcerol solution. No stomach distress & 100% absorbtion into the muscle. Low carbohydrate also, just a little. This shit truly works,,, No bullshit,
How about reading andm ingesting the above info bro..
Here s my favorite test booster.
EJACULATION as often as possible without creating a slip hazard at work..with or without an assist.
Empirical studies have shown after ejacutulation your test level s rise in the hour s following this wonderful little thing I like to call....sex.
Go jerk off, get laid, eat protien and or take a fkn shot.

true, but it also raises prolactin. :D